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Konsten att inspirera - En studie om olika kulturarbetares syn på inspirationen och dess betydelse för deras kreativa arbete

This paper investigates the experience of inspiration by cultural workers in the art field. It takes a closer look at the research within the field so far and compares the everyday view of inspiration with theories researched about it as a concept. Identifying that there is a gap between how the term is used in everyday language and how science within psychology and other academic fields choose to

Photogrammetric 3d-mapping using low-cost unmanned aerial vehicle - Analysis of accuracy

The UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) is a part of the digital transformation in the construction industry. With increased options of low-cost UAVs, more companies will want to integrate UAVs into their business. By capturing a large amount of data in a short time, it could be very useful for several applications within the construction industry. The question is: can the low-cost UAV be an option cons

A Comparative Study of Attitudes of Young Swedes and North Americans towards Gender and Predicates Denoting Intelligence

The purpose of this study was to investigate attitudes towards gender and predicates denoting intelligence among Swedish and U.S. citizens between 20 and 35 years (N = 72). Research suggests that stereotypes on gender and cognitive ability begin to affect children around six years of age. These stereotypes may affect children over time and influence what career paths they will one day pursue. Furt

Characterization of geographical variation in antioxidative active Eucalyptus camaldulensis extracts : for future use as biopesticides in Burkina Faso

En kraftig befolkningstillväxt och torrare klimat är två av de största utmaningar som väntar Burkina Faso i framtiden. Det är ett kustlöst land, till ytan ungefär två tredjedelar av Sverige, som idag har en befolkning på närmare 20 miljoner - en siffra som kan ha fördubblats redan år 2045. Som för många andra utvecklingsländer är jordbruket helt avgörande för Burkina Faso. Det är en sektor som idaThe current use of pesticides in Burkina Faso has been described as problematic. An alternative to synthetically produced pesticides is products based on naturally occurring substances, e.g. from plants, so-called biopesticides. In this study aqueous and ethanol extracts from Eucalyptus camaldulensis collected at three different geographical locations in Burkina Faso are investigated with regard t

Derivation and stability determination of black hole metrics

The Schwarzschild metric and the Kerr metric describe the gravitational fields around static and rotating black holes, respectively. Here, we derive the Kerr metric in a simpler way than how it was derived originally and determine the stability of the Schwarzschild metric. The Kerr metric was derived by using the Einstein-Hilbert action as well as directly from the Einstein field equations. In ord

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Problemformulering: Influencer marketing är ett växande fenomen som fortsätter att utvecklas och har blivit populärt inom dagens marknadsföring. Utifrån en granskning av tidigare forskning inom influencer marketing har vi sett en avsaknad på forskning om hur företag förhåller sig till influencers och väljer samarbetspartners. Det är därmed av vikt att företag vet hur de ska arbeta med influencer m

Jag gillade att skada människor, det var min grej - En kvalitativ studie om hur man inleder, upprätthåller och avslutar en kriminell karriär

Vad är det som gör att en människa är benägen att utsätta sig för de risker som finns i att vara kriminell, vad är mentaliteten under tiden och hur kommer man ur det. Uppsatsen berör processen för individer som valt att inleda, upprätthålla och avsluta en kriminell karriär. Detta undersöks genom intervjuer med fyra stycken före detta kriminella personer. Genom denna kvalitativa uppsats söktes pers

Inflated Multinomial Matching for Anchor-Free Object Detection

Algoritmer för att automatiskt förstå innehållet i bilder och videor har sett en enorm utveckling under de senaste åren. Trots framsteg i hur väl algoritmerna kan läras till att förstå bildinnehållet på egen hand så krävs fortfarande en viss grad av handhållning och vägledning från områdesexperter som utvecklar och tränar algoritmerna. När positionen och dimensionerna på ett objekt av intresse skaThis thesis presents a novel matching strategy, Inflated Multinomial Matching, which enables training of anchor-free object detection models based on convolutional neural networks. An important aspect of detection models is the integral usage of anchor boxes, where an anchor box is a bounding box with a preset and constant location, size and shape in the image. The matching strategy presented remo

Client Portal Application GGzE

Abstract This master thesis investigates how more value can be created by digitally visualize the saved data of GGzE (Mental Health care Eindhoven). GGzE collects a lot of data about their clients and they believe that more value can be created from it. The Dutch government, as well as the European commission, is striving for more e-health. By 2019 the Dutch government wants 80% of the ch

Populariserad yta och vetenskapligt djup. Översättning av dubbelbottnade uttryck i en bok om evolutionsbiologi

Den här uppsatsen tar sin utgångspunkt i en översättning av andra kapitlet ur den populärvetenskapliga boken Dinner with Darwin av Jonathan Silvertown. Uppsatsen inleds med en källtextanalys och en redogörelse för den globala strategi som har använts vid översättningen. Därefter följer en översättningsanalys som behandlar översättningen av ett för källtexten typiskt pedagogiskt grepp som här benäm

Digitaliseringen inom svensk primärvård - En empiriskt studie över vårdutnyttjandet av digitala vårdbesök.

This bachelor thesis tries to give some clarification about the health care utilization of digital health in Sweden. Since the establishment of the two major actors on the market of digital health, Kry and Min Doktor, has there been a need to understand this new type of health care. Based on available data the aim is to obtain a deeper understanding about the utilization of digital technique in he

Från individ till ingenjör: en fallstudie om ingenjörsstudenters socialisation in i yrket och dess genusordning

This essay will explore the socialization process of students to a working profession. We have discovered a gap in previous studies when it comes to the effect of gender and class of the process of socialization and the creation of the students working identities. The study if carried out by interviewing students that have completed at least half of their bachelor’s degree in engineering, with the

Access-rate guaranteed memory controller

On-chip memory plays an important role in system-on-chip (SoCs) being in most cases the dominant part in both area and power. Additionally, it determines the overall system's speed. As a result, new memory architectures and technologies have been developed over the years in order to improve the overall system performance. This project introduces the design and implementation of a memory cont

Recovery Networks - governance of non-governmental organizations in post-earthquake Nepal

This thesis sets out to further expand on the knowledge on governance of NGOs in disaster recovery and reconstruction by looking at the coordination between and governance of national and international NGOs after the 2015 earthquakes in Nepal. The study is based on interviews and field-observations from Kathmandu and Rasuwa district and applies governance networks and governability theory to expla

Skin barrier: Extraction and characterization of Stratum Corneum lipids

The structure and dynamics of isolated Stratum Corneum lipids in different temperatures and hydration conditions was investigated using natural abundance 13 C NMR and X-ray scattering. In order to isolate the lipids a new extraction method was tested. The novel aspect of this method was its ability to extract more lipids from SC. This new method (referred to as Method II in-text) was further modif

Power and Resistance: exploring strategies of self-empowerment among Syrian asylum seekers in Sweden

This thesis explores the experiences of Syrian asylum seekers in Sweden, who are waiting for their decision or have recently received it. The empirical data have been collected through semi-structured interviews with ten women and men during a month-long fieldwork conducted in the autumn of 2016 in an asylum centre located in the south of Sweden. The research queries the regimes of power that shap