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In Search of a Stressful Free Life: An Examination of Chinese Lifestyle Migration to Denmark

This thesis explores the Chinese lifestyle migration practice in Jutland of Denmark as a contribution to expanding the categories of Chinese new migrants. The study analyzed ten in-depth interviews on the lifestyle migration practice with Chinese migrants in Denmark. The purpose of this study was to deepen the understanding of the motivations and experiences of Chinese migrants in seek of a better

Skinn på näsan - En studie i normförskjutning

Status, det socialt konstruerade relativa och relationella värdet på självet, ges och fås i social interaktion. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är att individens sociala interaktioner utgörs av en kontinuerlig kamp för att vinna, eller mot att förlora status och att individer som deltar i mediaintervjuer och berättar om sitt liv gör detta för att upprätthålla eller höja sin sociala status. Det fe

Mapping of Bacteria with Flow Cytometry – before, during and after treatment of drinking water

In order to produce drinking water of high quality, surface water works apply extensive treatment processes. In this study, flow cytometry and heterotrophic plate counting was utilized to study water quality before, during and after treatment in Görvälnverket in Stockholm, Sweden. Samples were collected and analysed throughout the treatment process, mapping the reduction of total and intact cell c

Refinement of Fate Specification in Induced Erythroid Progenitors

Production of Red Blood Cells from Skin Cells Red Blood Cells (RBCs) are most important when it comes to delivering oxygen to different tissues and organs. This is why their production has to be continuously maintained. It is estimated that in humans over two million RBCs are produced every second to replenish the pool. On average their life span is around 120 days before they die and get replace

Lyda den som lydas bör - en jämförande normativ analys av hur opolitiska tjänstemän bör navigera vid motstridiga direktiv

This bachelor thesis explores the potentially conflictual relationship between fundamental state values and political directives in a Swedish context. The analysis takes its starting point in a public letter to the Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Office of Administrative Affairs, in which 261 public officials question what to prioritize – instructions from the government or principles declared

Convergence, Polarization and the Rise of Radical Right Parties - The effect of convergence on one dimension on the polarization on another in Western European party systems

This paper aims to test the impact of a changing dimensional structure on the party system polarization for several countries in Western Europe. It will focus on research on why new parties, and in particular radical right parties, have been able to find ground in Europe. In particular, it will quantitatively test how this might correspond with an increase in the polarization of the new dimension

For the many, not the few - An idea analysis on populism in speeches by leaders of the Labour Party at party conferences 1998-2018

Through an idea analysis that utilizes an ideal type of populism, this study seeks to find out how the use of populist ideas has changed over time in conference speeches by four consecutive Labour Party leaders between the years 1998 and 2018. The method for this idea analysis is based on Göran Bergström’s and Per-Anders Svärd’s theories on an ideal type-based idea analysis. The theoretical framew

Med vision om att leda framtida innovation - En idéanalys av Nationella Agendan för Internet of Things

The purpose of this essay is to show how the Vinnova financed pilot project Internet of Things (IoT) can be regarded as an expression of the marketing of places as a management of control measure. The so-called Place marketing is a theory referring to the development of brands and identities in geographic regions as an instrument for political orientation as well as a transitional process. The stu

Blir det en flicka eller en pojke? - En diskursanalytisk undersökning av biopolitik och "normaliserande" medicinska ingrepp på barn med intersexvariationer

Every year children are born with variations of sex characteristics that do not fit in the typical definitions for female or male bodies. Because of sex assignment procedures, intersex children are investigated, diagnosed and in many cases “treated” with surgical and hormonal interventions, sometimes irreversible and given without the individual’s consent. These procedures pinpoints the ambivalent

Visionen om Öresundsregionen - Projektifiering, aktörer och visioner

The southernmost Swedish region of Scania, the Danish capital region and the Danish region of Zealand are combined into the metropolitan region of Greater Copenhagen, sometimes referred to as the Öresund region. The regional integration is following the global trend of projectification, which means that the integration is increasingly done in project form. By studying the EU cohesion programme in

Intresseorganisationer och deras politiska strategier – en teoriprövande fallstudie

This study will aim to test two different theories on the subject of interest groups and their political work, against a case of a large Swedish interest group. The aim is to see if these two theories are applicable on this case, and if so, they can help to better understand the subject of interest groups and political influence. The first theory of the study is a bit more evolved and gives room f

"I Cannot Answer [...] Apart from Art" - Litterära strategier och konsensus under Oscar Wildes första rättegång

Oscar Wildes rättegångar har behandlats åtskilligt, särskilt vad de innebär i sin litterära och samhälleliga kontext. Att Wildes agerande är exceptionellt litterärt tas för givet. Agerandet analyseras för sitt innehåll och hur detta innehåll korresponderar med kontexten. Men hur agerar Wilde egentligen? Vilka litterära strategier använder han och varför väljer han dessa strategier?

Fair and Equitable Treatment and The Right to Regulate in International Investment Law

When a state adopts a new law or enforces an existing law, it risks breaching its obligations under an International Investment Agreement (IIA). According to the regulatory chill theory, a state will refrain from regulating due to the risk of being sued by an investor under the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) system. The purpose of the thesis is to examine the issue of the “regulatory chi

Does size matter?

Since the middle of the nineties, the amount of Regional Trade Agreements has risen sharply. This have created more opportunities for countries to join world trading and be more connected to the rest of the world. However, each trade agreement is unique and it is therefore interesting to evaluate if there are factors that are more important than others. This paper will be looking at combined GDP a

Analysis of Inductive Coupling Wireless Power Transfer Systems

Inductive coupling wireless power transfer (WPT) technology is gaining increasing popularity in recent years, especially in the field of wireless charging of portable devices. Although the principles behind WPT systems can be explained using well known results from electromagnetic theory, many questions remain regarding the behavior of such systems. This thesis focuses on identifying and analyzing

Internal Migration and High Skilled Female Labour Supply: A Case Study of Mexico

A recent body of empirical studies has given us a reason to expect that an influx of low-skilled workers can increase high skilled female market labour supply. Most of these studies, however, have focused on developed countries and on investigating the impact as it pertains to immigration. Believing that this same effect might hold in the case of internal migration, in this study, I employ a shift-s

Perception of Destructive Leadership and Well-Being Among Guest Workers in Sweden

This paper investigates differences in perception of leadership and well-being between guest workers and native workers in Sweden. Guest workers are individuals who take up temporary employment in a foreign country. While previous research has found cultural differences in well-being, there is limited research investigating the well-being of guest workers in a host country. Similarly, previous res

Asymmetric effects of monetary policy

This thesis analyses if macroeconomic policy has asymmetric effects on output and unemployment, comparing the effectiveness of monetary policy when the output gap is positive to when it is negative. Asymmetric effects may be present due to uncertainty and loss aversion, the downward-stickiness of prices, or financial market imperfections. The empirical analysis is conducted through a panel data re

Scheduling Strategies for the Calvin IoT Environment

The connection of devices to the internet is referred to as Internet of Things (IoT). By using IoT distributed network of devices will be able to communicate with each other. The management and forming of distributed applications is, however, very complex since IoT uses devices that have different capabilities and that do not have the same communication protocols. Calvin is an open source applicat

Exterior Water Flow Simulation

The Water Tightness group at Volvo Cars is responsible for creating and maintaining requirements and thresholds regarding water flows on a car. This is performed by doing extensive physical testing while making sure that databases and previous requirements are kept up to date. Previously the big focus for the Water Tightness department has been physical testing as there were no other options. Dur