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Your search for "*" yielded 533524 hits

Ion fragmentation study of [EMMIM][TFSI], [EMIM][OTf] and [EMIM][DCA] by vacuum ultraviolet light

The ionic liquids (ILs) 1-Ethyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [EMMIM][TFSI], 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate [EMIM][OTf] and 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium dicyanamide [EMIM][DCA] were evaporated by effusion and a time-of-flight (TOF) instrument was employed as the mass analyzer while vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) light in the energy range 9–20 eV was used

Nonclassical Hydrophobic Effect in Micellization : Molecular Arrangement of Non-Amphiphilic Structures

Micellization brought about by nonclassical hydrophobic effect invokes enthalpy as the driving force. Thus, the underlying molecular phenomena differ from the entropically dominated hydrophobic effect. In quest for a molecular-scale understanding, we report on the molecular arrangement of nonamphiphilic structures of an anionic boron cluster compound, COSAN. We synergistically combine experimental

Ion binding to biomolecules

We investigated specific anion binding to basic amino acid residues as well as to a range of patchy protein models. This microscopic information was subsequently used to probe protein–protein interactions for aqueous lysozyme solutions. Using computer simulations to study both atomistic and coarse grained protein molecules, it is shown that the ion–protein interaction mechanism as well as magnitud

Composition and Seasonality of Membrane Transporters in Marine Picoplankton

In this study, we examined transporter genes in metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data from a time-series survey in the temperate marine environment of the Baltic Sea. We analyzed the abundance and taxonomic distribution of transporters in the 3μm–0.2μm size fraction comprising prokaryotes and some picoeukaryotes. The presence of specific transporter traits was shown to be guiding the succession

Bone-Specific Metastasis Pattern of Advanced-Stage Lung Adenocarcinoma According to the Localization of the Primary Tumor

Background: Patients with advanced-stage lung adenocarcinoma (LADC) often develop distant metastases in the skeletal system. Yet, the bone-specific metastasis pattern is still controversial. We, therefore, aimed to examine how the primary tumor location affects bone specificity and survival in LADC patients diagnosed with skeletal metastases. Methods: In total, 209 bone-metastatic Caucasian LADC p

Low level exposure to cadmium and early kidney damage : the OSCAR study

OBJECTIVES: To study the dose-response relation between cadmium dose and renal tubular damage in a population of workers and people environmentally or occupationally exposed to low concentrations of cadmium.METHODS: Early kidney damage in 1021 people, occupationally or environmentally exposed to cadmium, was assessed from cadmium in urine to estimate dose, and protein HC (alpha(1)-microglobulin) i

Biologiska museet listar nya arter för Sverige 2020

Botaniker donerar varje år tusentals pressade växter till Lunds universitets biologiska museum. Ibland handlar det om nyheter i Sveriges vilda flora. Nya för år 2020 är exempelvis prärielök, brittsommaraster och rosenfibbla.The first Swedish records of 19 taxa that first attracted attention in 2020 in the Lund Botanical Museum (LD) are reported and briefly discussed., viz. Allium ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum, Allium cernuum, Arisaema amurense, Aster amellus, Crepis rubra, Cyclamen coum subsp. coum, Digitaria sanguinalis subsp. pectiniformis, Eleocharis cf. montevidensis, Fraxinus angustifolia, Helichrysum italicum,

Hygric properties of porous building materials (VI) : A round robin campaign

Hygric properties of porous building materials are important for hygrothermal analysis. Their experimental determination is however not always reliable, shown by the discrepant results from different laboratories on the same materials. In this study, a recent round robin campaign initiated by KU Leuven (Belgium) and participated in by eight institutes from different countries is reported. Ceramic

What makes businesses commit to nature conservation?

To halt the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, various actors including companies need to engage, but it is not yet clear what drives voluntary business commitments. We explore leverage points that might increase corporate action for conservation. We apply a structural equation model based on the theory of planned behaviour to analyse data from 618 German companies, collected through an

Management of Diastasis of the Rectus Abdominis Muscles : Recommendations for Swedish National Guidelines

Background: Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle is a common condition. There are no generally accepted criteria for diagnosis or treatment of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle, which causes uncertainty for the patient and healthcare providers alike. Methods: The consensus document was created by a group of Swedish surgeons and based on a structured literature review and practical exper

Real-time tracking of protein unfolding with time-resolved x-ray solution scattering

The correct folding of proteins is of paramount importance for their function, and protein misfolding is believed to be the primary cause of a wide range of diseases. Protein folding has been investigated with time-averaged methods and time-resolved spectroscopy, but observing the structural dynamics of the unfolding process in real-time is challenging. Here, we demonstrate an approach to directly

Mortality in first- and second-generation immigrants to Sweden diagnosed with type 2 diabetes : a 10 year nationwide cohort study

Aims/hypothesis: Non-Western immigrants to Europe are at high risk for type 2 diabetes. In this nationwide study including incident cases of type 2 diabetes, the aim was to compare all-cause mortality (ACM) and cause-specific mortality (CSM) rates in first- and second-generation immigrants with native Swedes. Methods: People living in Sweden diagnosed with new-onset pharmacologically treated type

Gambling During the COVID-19 Crisis - A Cause for Concern

: The COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to worsen mental health problems in the general population, including increasing engagement in addictive behaviors. Here, we describe observations suggesting that the current crisis and its sequelae may worsen problem gambling. The current pandemic may impact financial and psychological well-being due to social isolation during spatial distancing, and thes

Testing and Improving the IntCal20 Calibration Curve with Independent Records

Connecting calendar ages to radiocarbon (C) ages, i.e. constructing a calibration curve, requires C samples that represent, or are closely connected to, atmospheric C values and that can also be independently dated. In addition to these data, there is information that can serve as independent tests of the calibration curve. For example, information from ice core radionuclide data cannot be directl

Influence of local anesthesia on the outcomes of non-surgical periodontal treatment

BACKGROUND: There is limited evidence of the effects of local anesthesia (LA) on outcomes of non-surgical periodontal treatment (NSPT), in particular among the Chinese. This retrospective cohort study aimed to evaluate the effects of LA on short-term treatment outcomes of NSPT and to determine under what circumstances LA should be prescribed to improve these outcomes. METHODS: Data from periodonta

Stability of albumin, protein HC, immunoglobulin G, kappa- and lambda-chain immunoreactivity, orosomucoid and alpha 1-antitrypsin in urine stored at various conditions

Urine samples from 10 randomly selected patients with advanced renal disease were each divided into six aliquots and a preservative solution containing benzamidinium chloride, EDTA, tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane and azide was then added to three of the aliquots. Aliquots with and without additive were then stored at room temperature for up to 7 days, at 4 degrees C for up to 30 days and at -20