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Attentaten mot Hitler

I det nazistiska Tyskland framställdes Adolf Hitler som en frälsargestalt. Trots den intensiva propagandan fanns det tyskar, varav flera var högt uppsatta militärer och diplomater, som betraktade Hitler och det nationalsocialistiska partiet som en fara för den tyska nationens fortlevnad. De hade avlagt en ed och svurit lojalitet mot Führern men de såg sig nödgade att begå högförräderi för att räd

Theory of Mind and Decision Making in Public Managers Work with Turnover and Retention: a Qualitative Study

The research on theory of mind is increasingly focused on adults in various professional contexts. One such context in which the role of theory of mind remains rather scarce is within public management, and decisions regarding turnover and retention. This study aimed to contribute to the knowledge on theory of mind in working adults in this specific context. 11 semi-structured interviews were cond

Is the impact of passive destructive leadership behaviors on burnout and turnover intention mediated by the frustration of basic psychological needs? – A Self-Determination Theory perspective

The present study (n = 121) was investigating the mediating effects of frustrated basic psychological needs on the relationship between passive destructive leading behaviors, burnout symptoms and the willingness to leave. The concept of the three basic psychological needs (need for autonomy, competence, and relatedness) is embedded in the Self-Determination Theory. As independent variables the con

The Making and Unmaking of the Ukrainian Working Class : Everyday Politics and Moral Economy in a Post-Soviet City

Industrial workers in Ukraine have a complex political lifeworld because their political action aimed at bringing radical social change coexists with a demobilizing stance that condemns all political participation as corrupt. This contradictory attitude to politics defines the character of populist mass mobilizations that shook Ukraine in 2004 and 2014, as well as the electoral overhaul of 2019 an

Expressions of Trust : How University STEM Teachers Describe the Role of Trust in their Teaching

Positive teacher-student and student-student relationships are among the most significant factors contributing to learning, motivation, wellbeing, and graduation rates in higher education. Trust is commonly understood as a key element for the development and sustenance of positive educational relationships, yet relatively little empirical research investigates trust in higher education classrooms.

När ny psalm blir till: Hur psalmförfattarens liv och omvärld påverkar psalmskrivandet

Syftet med denna masteruppsats i praktisk teologi, inriktad mot hymnologi, är att undersöka hur psalmförfattarens liv och omvärld påverkar psalmskrivandet av nutida psalmtexter inom Svenska kyrkan, genom kvalitativa intervjuer med några etablerade psalmförfattare. Urvalskriterier för studien var att psalmförfattaren är representerad i Den svenska psalmboken 1986 eller Psalmer i 2000-talet, kan välThe purpose of this master's thesis in practical theology, with a focus on hymnology, is to investigate how the life and environment of hymn writers influence the composition of contemporary hymn texts within the Church of Sweden. This is achieved through qualitative interviews with established hymn writers. The selection criteria for the study included the hymn writer’s representation in the

Eden på Scen: Delimiteringskritik av Gen 2:18-3:21

This bachelor thesis is a delimitation criticism of part of the Eden Narrative, specifically Gen 2:18–3:21. The question explored is whether or not it is accurate to call Gen 2:23 and 3:14–19 poetic insertions in an otherwise prose text. It is argued that no, they cannot reasonably be argued as poetic exceptions – the text is poetic throughout. A recurring stylistic pattern tying large narrative u

”Landet är mitt och ni är främlingar och gäster hos mig” - Jubelåret i antika Mellanöstern, Leviticus och gamla Israel

Denna uppsats syftar till att utforska jubelåret sådant det beskrivs i Lev 25:8–23. Detta görs genom att se på utombibliska traditioner som kan ha influerat lagstiftningen, samhälleliga faktorer som förutsätts av författarna samt lagens funktion i samband med Leviticus slutredigering i tidig persisk tid. Frågan ställs även huruvida jubelåret kan ha praktiserats i verkligheten. Uppsatsen använder s

Germain Grisez' metaetik: En komparativ studie mot bakgrund av Aristoteles och Kant

The aim of this thesis is to explain the widely different opinions about the Catholic Professor of Christian Ethics Germain Grisez's (1929-2018) ethics. While some commentators see his ethics as legalistic and deontologic, others think that it’s anti-legalistic and eudaimonic. The Aristotelian and Kantian positions are drawn upon as frames of reference. The focus of the thesis is Grisez's

The Hidden Presupposition of Christian Faith. A Study on Divine Revelation as Understood in View of its Manifestation within the Flux of History.

My intention in this thesis is to analyze the Second Vatican Council’s understanding of divine revelation christologically. Within the frame of this analysis, I further wish to examine the hypothesis that the post-conciliar concept of revelation holds a constructive potential applicable within Swedish theological discourse. As a result of this, the following main question, enabling a christologica

Reformationen och kyrkorummet – destruktion, dekonstruktion och invention: Nybyggnation, rivning och förändring av skånska sockenkyrkor och kyrkorum 1520-1630

Reformationen var en period av förändring, av vilka några hade stora konsekvenser. De förändringar som reformationen bidrog till var av många slag: politiska, teologiska, liturgiska och estetiska. Även kyrkorummet förändrades. Det finns några allmänna uppfattningar om vad detta innebar, men också en del förvirring. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att förklara och genom mina begrepp "destruThe Reformation was a time of change, some of which had great consequences. The changes that the Reformation cause are of many kinds: political, theological, liturgical and aesthetic. Even the church room changed. There are some general perceptions of what this meant but also a lot of confusion. The purpose of this essay is, therefore, to explain and, through my concepts of "destruction"

Alla är ni ett i Kristus Jesus: Galaterbrevet 3:28 - Vem får vara med?

This essay focuses on the verse 3:28 from Paul´s letter to the Galatians, in which Paul writes that “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” I have chosen to focus, primarily, on the concepts of “male nor female” in a combined exegetical study and hermeneutical search for an inclusive, Pauline language

De baptismo: En undersökning av det bibliska vattnets betydelse hos Tertullianus

Humans need water - a fact we have been taught since an early age. The body requires water to function and we through it. We can explicitly say that water is a vital source and element that all living things need. But at the same time, water can be a source of chaos. Stories in the Bible tell of how storms, tempests and floods cause both suffering and death. This paradoxical view of water makes it

Att besöka Imam Mahdi En studie av Ziyara, en vördnadshälsning och två shiitiska böner i Mafatih al-Jinan

In this study, I aim to investigate the representation of Imam Mahdi in two Shiite prayers and one salutation, ziyarat. I aim to do this from a hermeneutic interpretation, a power perspective, and in application of the theoretical concept of objectification. The purpose of this study is to analyse who Imam Mahdi is according to these texts, what the texts say about his personality and daily life,

Paulus i fångenskap

Paul the Apostle was a very diligent man in many things. Both before his conversion and afterwards he did not cease to work towards his goals; before the conversion eagerly tracking the people believing in Jesus and after his conversion travelling as a missionary, founding churches, writing letters, pursuing his primary target spreading the Gospel. At the same time, he also upheld a regular job. H