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Demonstration and pantomime in the evolution of teaching and communication

The article begins with a presentation of the role of demonstration and pantomime in the evolution of teaching building on Gärdenfors and Högberg (2017). In comparison to different forms of animal communication, demonstration is voluntary, intentional, honest, and directed to one or a few individuals. Then the differences between demonstration and pantomime is analyzed. An important factor is that

Cellular Effects of Cystatins

The exact cellular functions of cystatins are still unknown, and the molecular mechanism leading to their internalization into cells is not yet fully understood. Commonly the cystatins are known to inhibit human lysosomal cysteine proteases (cysteine cathepsins) and it is supposed that this is their primary physiological role. The cystatins are traditionally believed to mediate regulation of cyste

Svensk artrosbehandling är i framkant men underutnyttjad

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a highly prevalent group of disorders and among the most common causes of chronic pain and disability globally. First-line evidence-based treatments for hip and knee OA, two of the most common variants, are available in Sweden with the potential for wide national reach through face-to-face and digital platforms. Research results suggest important reductions in symptoms in pa

Simulation based prediction of compliance induced shape deviations in internal traverse grinding

Internal traverse grinding (ITG) using electroplated cBN tools in high-speed grinding conditions is a highly efficient manufacturing process for bore machining in a single axial stroke. However, process control is difficult. Due to the axial direction of feed, changes in process normal force and thus radial deflection of the tool and workpiece spindle system, lead to deviations in the workpiece co

System-Level Access to On-Chip Instruments

Modern integrated circuits (ICs) contain thousands of instruments to enable testing, tuning, monitoring, and so on. These on-chip instruments must be accessed through the ICs’ life- time. However, when ICs are mounted on Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), access from system-level is challenged due to complex system hierarchies with a multitude of interfaces. In this paper we enable access from system-

The Fitting Room : Communities of practice and the ambiguity of touch

This presentation aims to discuss aspects of the fitting room situation from two theoretical perspectives; communities of practice and the ambiguity of touch (touching, being touched). The theoretical frame is intertwined with reflections form my own practice as designer/maker/educator/researcher and from discussions/interviews with colleagues and students from different disciplines at The Danish

RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, 6-nonenenitrile, (Z)- (9CI), CAS Registry Number 80639-54-9

The existing information supports the use of this material as described in this safety assessment. 6-Nonenenitrile, (Z)- (9CI) was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity/photoallergenicity, skin sensitization, and environmental safety. Data from read-across analog 3-(cis-3-hexenyloxy)propanenitrile (CAS # 142653-61-0) sh

Detailed Long-Term Follow-Up of Patients Who Relapsed after the Nordic Mantle Cell Lymphoma Trials : MCL2 and MCL3

Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an incurable disease with a highly variable clinical course. The prognosis after relapse is generally poor, and no standard of care exists. We investigated the postrelapse outcomes of 149 patients who were initially treated in the Nordic Lymphoma Group trials, MCL2 or MCL3, both representing intensive cytarabine-containing frontline regimens including autologous stem

Svenska skalbaggar 1. En blev två - några artsplittar bland svenska skalbaggar

Recent studies of beetle specimens deposited in collections have revealed five species new to the Swedish fauna to be hiding amongst their closely related species. In some cases, the species known to the Swedish fauna are widespread and considered common, making it easy to overlook the slight differences that separate them from the similar and less common species. Some of these species are restric

Machine learning techniques meet binaries

We briefly review the various machine learning methods and discuss how they can be used in efficient identification and analysis of spectroscopic binary stars. They can be treated as complementary to conventional methods, and we argue that some amount of human oversight is always needed and in fact highly beneficial when employing machine learning. We propose that a general dimensionality reductio

AppArmor Profile Generator as a Cloud Service

Along with the rapid development of containerization technology, remarkable benefits have been created for developers and operation teams, and overall software infrastructure. Although lots of effort has been devoted to enhancing containerization security, containerized environments still have a huge attack surface. This paper proposes a secure cloud service for generating a Linux security module,

Hadronic Interactions at High and Low Energies

In the past, development of the PYTHIA event generator has mainly concentrated on the physics of proton–proton collisions at high energies, as this is the most important case to modern high energy physics experiments. However, there are situations where more generic beam configurations are relevant. This thesis presents implementations and applications of such processes in PYTHIA. The two applicat

Combustion sensitivity to the nozzle hole size in an active pre-chamber ultra-lean heavy-duty natural gas engine

Active pre-chamber configurations are considered a valuable solution for improving the operation of the internal combustion engine, in the view to overcome the many challenges it has been made to face. Combining this technology with the use of natural gas, a fuel that has increasing availability and interest in the market share, it is possible to burn ultra-lean mixtures (with air-to-fuel ratios,

Changes in rehabilitation actors´mental health literacy and support to employers: An evaluation of the SEAM intervention

BACKGROUND:Lack of mental health literacy among rehabilitation professionals and employers in the return-to-work of persons with mental health problems resulted in the development of a three-day group training program, the Support to Employers from rehabilitation Actors about Mental health (SEAM) intervention.OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the impact of SEAM on rehabilitation professionals’ knowledge and b

New Perspectives on Green Energy Defaults

This paper is an attempt to provide new perspectives on green energy defaults (GED) that promote the purchase of renewable energy electricity (REe) among consumers. We aim to complement existing studies and improve the understanding of GED, particularly when they are less, or unexpectedly, effective. To that end, we run a randomized controlled experiment and take the UK as a case study. We replica

Post-Covid-19 Tachycardia Syndrome : A distinct phenotype of Post-acute Covid-19 Syndrome

In this paper we highlight the presence of tachycardia in Post-acute Covid-19 Syndrome by introducing a new label for this phenomenon: Post-covid-19 tachycardia syndrome and argue that this constitutes a phenotype or sub-syndrome in PACS. We also discuss epidemiology, putative mechanisms, treatment options and future research directions in this novel clinical syndrome.

A mechanism for ageing in a deeply supercooled molecular glass

Measurements of the decay of electric fields, formed spontaneously within vapour-deposited films ofcis-methyl formate, provide the first direct assessment of the energy barrier to secondary relaxation in a molecular glass. At temperatures far below the glass transition temperature, the mechanism of relaxation is shown to be through hindered molecular rotation. Magnetically-polarised neutron scatte