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Your search for "*" yielded 534262 hits

Investigating long-term human ecodynamics in the European Arctic : Towards an integrated multi-scalar analysis of early and mid Holocene cultural, environmental and palaeodemographic sequences in Finnmark County, Northern Norway

Most parts of the Circumpolar Arctic have only discontinuous evidence for long-term human settlement. In contrast, Northern Norway has an unbroken archaeological record that extends back to the early Holocene. Numerous high-resolution archaeological and palaeoenvironmental records have been generated by commercial excavations and surveys, offering archaeologists unique opportunities to investigate

Fruits, fish and the introduction of pottery in the Eastern European plain : Lipid residue analysis of ceramic vessels from Zamostje 2

The Neolithization of Northern Eurasia is marked by the emergence of pottery among hunter-gatherer societies. The driving forces behind the adoption of ceramic cooking vessels among non-agricultural societies remain unclear, although previous research, mainly in North East Asia (e.g. Japan, Korea and the Russian Far East), suggests that it was adopted as a specialist technology for processing aqua

Hot topics in agricultural and environmental economics – a large-scale bibliometric analysis

Land use is at the core of today’s complex sustainability challenges. Agricultural and environmental economics share a focus land and resource use but evolved in their own domains. Their specialized competencies can be complementary and thus strengthen policy analysis. We use structural topic modelling on more than 24,000 articles in the top agricultural economics and environmental economics journ

Flexible ptychography platform to expand the potential of imaging at free electron lasers

Ptychography, a scanning coherent diffraction imaging method, can produce a high-resolution reconstruction of a sample and, at the same time, of the illuminating beam. The emergence of vacuum ultraviolet and X-ray free electron lasers (FELs) has brought sources with unprecedented characteristics that enable X-ray ptychography with highly intense and ultra-fast short-wavelength pulses. However, the

The Attack on Natanz and the JCPOA

In the morning hours of April 11, the Natanz nuclear facility in Iran was attacked, allegedly by Israel. The strike came at a sensitive time, as Iran and world powers are discussing Washington’s return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and the removal of sanctions. According to Israeli estimates, as the Islamic Republic does not wish to jeopardize a US return to the JCPOA, its resp

How much is good enough? : Insights from myocardial infarction incidence during COVID-19 pandemic

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed the way we live and had an enormous impact on the global healthcare system [ [1]]. Among many restrictions imposed on the societies, the national lockdowns have particularly disrupted the natural social networks and forced citizens to involuntary isolation. As a result, many patients have felt discouraged to visit their doctors, while emergency d

Clustering-based particle detection method for digital holography to detect the three-dimensional location and in-plane size of particles

Digital holography (DH) has been extensively applied in particle field measurements due to its promising ability to simultaneously provide the three-dimensional location and in-plane size of particles. Particle detection methods are crucial in hologram data processing to determine particle size and particle in-focus depth, which directly affect the measurement accuracy and robustness of DH. In thi

A comprehensive study on cutting mechanisms and surface integrity of AISI 304 when turning a curved surface

Most of the studies on cutting mechanisms and surface integrity in turning are investigated with a straight tool path (longitudinal/end face turning) while few contributions have been done in curved surface turning. This work explores the evolutions of cutting force, chip morphology and surface integrity when turning a curved surface, using fillet surface machining of AISI 304 stainless steel. The

Associations of breastfeeding with childhood autoimmunity, allergies, and overweight : The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study

BACKGROUND: Breastfeeding has beneficial effects on numerous health outcomes.OBJECTIVES: We investigated whether breastfeeding duration is associated with the development of early childhood autoimmunity, allergies, or obesity in a multinational prospective birth cohort.METHODS: Infants with genetic susceptibility for type 1 diabetes (n = 8676) were followed for the development of autoantibodies to

Successful tyrosine kinase inhibitor discontinuation outside clinical trials — data from the population-based Swedish chronic myeloid leukaemia registry

Clinical trials show that tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) treatment can be discontinued in selected patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML). Although updated CML guidelines support such procedure in clinical routine, data on TKI stopping outside clinical trials are limited. In this retrospective study utilising the Swedish CML registry, we examined TKI discontinuation in a population-based s

Reviewing the potential of the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) for capturing second language exposure and use

Frequent language exposure and use are among the most important conditions for successful language learning whether in classrooms, during study abroad, or in other informal contexts. Research probing exposure and usage often relies on one-off self-report questionnaires in which participants estimate their typical level of language exposure over extended periods of time, often long after it occurre

En landskapsanalys av runstenarna Sm 36 och Sm 37 i Bolmaryd

This analysis comprises part of a larger project on the placement of rune-stones in the local area of Tiohärad. It considers two rune-stones, Sm 36 and Sm 37, in Bolmaryd. The older stone, Sm 36, is placed in the grounds of what would have been a large farmhouse or village and could only have been seen by its householders and visitors. The text is short and simply refers to a family relationship. This analysis comprises part of a larger project on the placement of rune-stones in the local area of Tiohärad. It considers two rune-stones, Sm 36 and Sm 37, in Bolmaryd. The older stone, Sm 36, is placed in the grounds of what would have been a large farmhouse or village and could only have been seen by its householders and visitors. The text is short and simply refers to a family relationship.

Troubling partnerships: Perspectives from the receiving end of capacity development

The purpose of this paper is to complement the overwhelming focus on external partners in existing studies of capacity development for disaster risk reduction (DRR) or climate change adaptation (CCA), by exploring the perspectives of internal partners on challenges and possible solutions. 27 qualitative semi-structured interviews with experts, program officers and managers in five countries in the

Stochastic modelling of 3D fiber structures imaged with X-ray microtomography

Many products incorporate into their design fibrous material with particular levels of permeability as a way to control the retention and flow of liquid. The production and experimental testing of these materials can be expensive and time consuming, particularly if it needs to be optimised to a desired level of absorbency. We consider a parametric virtual fiber model as a replacement for the real