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Hidradenitis Suppurativa in Sweden : A Registry-Based Cross-Sectional Study of 13,538 Patients

Background: Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition with nodules and fistula formation and scarring. It is a debilitating disease with a severe negative impact on quality of life. There is a need for increased knowledge about the social and lifestyle characteristics of patients with HS in general, and pregnant women in particular. Objectives: The aims of this study

Predictive Force-Centric Emergency Collision Avoidance

A controller for critical vehicle maneuvering is proposed that avoids obstacles and keeps the vehicle on the road while achieving heavy braking. It operates at the limit of friction and is structured in two main steps: a motion-planning step based on receding-horizon planning to obtain acceleration-vector references, and a low-level controller for following these acceleration references and transf

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Recension av Richard Ford: "Kald mig Frank"

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Recension av Anne-Caroline Pandolfo and Terkel Risbjerg: "Skarabæernes konge"

CKD Progression and Mortality Among Men and Women : A Nationwide Study in Sweden

Rationale & Objective: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global health problem with increasing prevalence. Several sex-specific differences have been reported for disease progression and mortality. Selection and survival bias might have influenced the results of previous cohort studies. The objective of this study was to investigate sex-specific differences of CKD progression and mortality amo

Biologically active terpenoids from Bolivian medicinal plants

Pseudo-guaianolides represent a large group of sesquiterpene lactones exhibiting significant cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory activities. Their biological activities are due to a 훼-methylene-훾-lactone unit in their chemical structure, which reacts with free sulfhydryl groups of free cysteine via a Michael-addition. Damsin is a major pseudo guaianolide found in Ambrosia arborescens Mill., a plant di

Investigation of complex flow and heat transfer mechanism in multi-tube heat exchanger with different arrangement corrugated tube

In this paper, the enhanced heat transfer performance and mechanism of a multi-tube heat exchanger (MTHX) with outward helically corrugated tubes (HCTs) are investigated by a numerical approach. Three types of tube arrangement (circle, square and triangle, indicated as CTA, STA and TSA, respectively) and four different tube spacings (1.25, 1.375, 1.5 and 1.625) are compared for Reynolds (Re) numbe

Reported disability in relation to observed activity limitation, grip strength and physical function in women and men with rheumatoid arthritis

Background: The self-reported Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) is specifically designed to assess disability in arthritic patients. In many studies women report higher functional disability than men. The reasons for this difference are suggested to be multifactorial. We therefore evaluated functional disability assessed by HAQ in women and men with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in relation to obs

Monasticism in the Oriental Orthodox Churches

The Christian monastic tradition has its origins in the Middle East. It has been and remains a constitutive institution in the Oriental Orthodox Churches, which are the Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopian, and Syrian Orthodox Churches. In Armenia, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Syriac-speaking Christian traditions, the monasteries have been the most important educational institutions in which language and liter

Skelett i trädgården – en grav från bronsåldern i Kiaby. : Skåne, Kristianstad kommun, Kiaby socken, fastighet Kiaby 21:8, fornlämning L2020:8015. Arkeologisk efterundersökning 2020.

Arkeologerna, Statens historiska museer i Lund har den 7–8 september 2020, på uppdrag av Länsstyrelsen Skåne, utfört en arkeologisk efterundersökning av en skelettgrav inom fastigheten Kiaby 21:8 och inom fornlämning L1990:564/Kiaby 81:1, Kiaby socken, nordöstra Skåne.Efterundersökningen föranleddes av att det i samband med trädgårdsarbete 2017 påträffats skelettdelar av människa i en planteringsg

In vivo Cross-Linking MS of the Complement System MAC Assembled on Live Gram-Positive Bacteria

Protein-protein interactions are central in many biological processes, but they are challenging to characterize, especially in complex samples. Protein cross-linking combined with mass spectrometry (MS) and computational modeling is gaining increased recognition as a viable tool in protein interaction studies. Here, we provide insights into the structure of the multicomponent human complement syst

Structural determination of Streptococcus pyogenes M1 protein interactions with human immunoglobulin G using integrative structural biology

Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A streptococcus; GAS) is an important human pathogen responsible for mild to severe, life-threatening infections. GAS expresses a wide range of virulence factors, including the M family proteins. The M proteins allow the bacteria to evade parts of the human immune defenses by triggering the formation of a dense coat of plasma proteins surrounding the bacteria, includi

Covid-19 och hållbara evenemang : Påverkan, anpassning och framtid för evenemang inom idrott och friluftsliv

Evenemangsbranschen kopplad till Sveriges idrotts- och friluftsliv har påverkats kraftigt av pandemin. I det korta perspektivet har tusentals människors jobb och fritid påverkats då aktiviteter uteblivit och evenemang ställts in. De långsiktiga konsekvenserna kan leda till en förändrad syn på hur man i framtiden kommer att resa, delta i evenemang och använda arenor. Detta får i sin tur konsekvense

The Swedish Labour Market, c. 1870-1914: A Labour Market Regime without Repression?

In the literature on Swedish labour market history, it is commonly accepted (Westerståhl 1945, Nycander 2008) that the Swedish state in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was unique in its abstention from anti-union, anti-strike policy. While in other European countries the conflict between employers and workers led to state repression of unions and strikes, the Swedish state was ne

Luftkvalitet i överbyggda stationer

När många pendlar eller reser längre sträckor med tåg och tunnelbana, blir det mindre klimatpåverkan, trafikstockningar och behov av stora parkeringsplatser. Men även om tågen drivs med el och inte släpper ut avgaser, så skapas luftburna partiklar av underhållsarbeten och friktion mellan spår, hjul och bromsar. Dessa partiklar består till stor del av metaller, vilket påverkar deras toxicitet. Traf

Firearm-related violence in Sweden – A systematic review

Recent reports state that firearm-related violence is increasing in Sweden. In order to understand the trend of firearm-related violence in Sweden with regard to rate, modus operandi (MO) and homicide typology, and for which injuries and causes of death firearm-related violence is responsible, a systematic literature review was conducted. After a thorough search in different databases, a total of

Shocked quartz in distal ejecta from the Ries impact event (Germany) found at ~ 180 km distance, near Bernhardzell, eastern Switzerland

Impact ejecta formation and emplacement is of great importance when it comes to understanding the process of impact cratering and consequences of impact events in general. Here we present a multidisciplinary investigation of a distal impact ejecta layer, the Blockhorizont, that occurs near Bernhardzell in eastern Switzerland. We provide unambiguous evidence that this layer is impact-related by con

Interaction between the STAT4 rs11889341(T) risk allele and smoking confers increased risk of myocardial infarction and nephritis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

Objective: To investigate how genetics influence the risk of smoking-related systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) manifestations. Methods: Patients with SLE (ndiscovery cohort=776, nreplication cohort=836) were genotyped using the 200K Immunochip single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) Array (Illumina) and a custom array. Sixty SNPs with SLE association (p

Addition of cystatin C predicts cardiovascular death better than creatinine in intensive care

Objective: Decreased kidney function increases cardiovascular risk and predicts poor survival. Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) by creatinine may theoretically be less accurate in the critically ill. This observational study compares long-term cardiovascular mortality risk by the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) creatinine equation; Caucasian, Asian, paediatri