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Regionövergripande samverkan : - utvärdering av "Samarbete för bättre vård" (SFBV) i Södra sjukvårdsregionen
Samverkan har sedan lång tid tillbaka varit viktigt inom både regionala ochkommunala verksamheter och det finns mycket som talar för attsamverkansbehoven kommer att öka än mer. Inom hälso- och sjukvården finns en kontinuerlig utveckling mot ny och mera specialiserad kunskap som även fårorganisatoriska konsekvenser. Teamarbete i vården har blivit allt viktigare, liksom nivåstrukturering och koncentCooperation has long been important within both regional andmunicipal activities and there is much to suggest thatcollaboration needs will increase even more. Within health care there is onecontinuous development towards new and more specialized knowledge that also gains organizational consequences. Teamwork in healthcare has become increasingly important, as well level structuring and concentrati
Non-Bayesian Statistical Discrimination
Models of statistical discrimination typically assume that employers make rational inference from (education) signals. However, there is a large amount of evidence showing that most people do not update their beliefs rationally. We use a model and two experiments to show that employers who are conservative, in the sense of signal neglect, discriminate more against disadvantaged groups than Bayesia
Vittnesmål - En kritisk granskning av den svenska vittnesplikten och dess möjliggörande genom tvångsmedel, särskilt med beaktande av vittnens rättigheter
Den svenska vittnesplikten innebär en skyldighet för vittnen, att inför domstol berätta sitt vittnesmål sanningsenligt. Vittnesplikten kan som utgångspunkt åläggas den som har information av värde för domstolens dömande verksamhet och är minst 15 år. Utifrån den betydelse vittnesmålet har för det allmännas intresse av brottsbekämpning, möjliggörs att vidta åtgärder för att förmå ett vittne att fulThe Swedish duty to testify entails an obligation for the witness to tell their testimony truthfully before the court. A person can be required to testify from the age of 15 if they have information of value for the court’s administration of justice. Based on the importance of the testimony for the public interest in law enforcement, it is possible to take measures to compel a witness to fulfill t
Modelling of a Heat Conduction Calorimeter Used in Cement Plant Automation
A model is used to describe a system physically or mathematically and to give information about changes in the system variables. Physical knowledge about the system and its quantities can be useful to build a physical model obeying the laws of nature. However, if the system is to be regarded as a black box with only input and output signals, system identification can be used to fit a mathematical
Gerd Schönfelder and the Opera Gustaf Wasa
Editorial : Methods and applications in inflammation pharmacology
Physical activity, sedentary time and breast cancer risk : a Mendelian randomisation study
Objectives Physical inactivity and sedentary behaviour are associated with higher breast cancer risk in observational studies, but ascribing causality is difficult. Mendelian randomisation (MR) assesses causality by simulating randomised trial groups using genotype. We assessed whether lifelong physical activity or sedentary time, assessed using genotype, may be causally associated with breast can
A celebration of Irving Kirsch
This special issue of the AJCH celebrates the life and work of Professor Irving Kirsch (Figure 1; my gratitude to the contributors, to Journal Editor-in-Chief, Stephen R. Lankton, and to Irving Kirsch, who provided me with information and photographs). I decided to organize this tribute not only because Professor Kirsch has been a towering figure in hypnosis and related areas, but because he has b
Implicating genes, pleiotropy, and sexual dimorphism at blood lipid loci through multi-ancestry meta-analysis
Background: Genetic variants within nearly 1000 loci are known to contribute to modulation of blood lipid levels. However, the biological pathways underlying these associations are frequently unknown, limiting understanding of these findings and hindering downstream translational efforts such as drug target discovery. Results: To expand our understanding of the underlying biological pathways and m
An extended FGM model with transported PDF for LES of spray combustion
An enhanced flamelet generated manifold (FGM) model for large eddy simulation (LES) of turbulent spray combustion is presented. In the enhanced FGM model, a transported probability density function (TPDF) description of the FGM variables is employed. The TPDF is represented using the Eulerian stochastic fields (ESF) approach, and the method is applied to LES of spray combustion under conditions re
May Measurement Month : results of 12 national blood pressure screening programmes between 2017 and 2019
The frst May Measurement Month (MMM) campaign, a global blood pressure (BP) screening programme, began in 2017 as an initiative of the International Society of Hypertension.1 Two subsequent annual campaigns have also been completed in consecutive years2,3 and having had to defer activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 the fourth campaign was run in 2021, the results of which are currently
Att delta i forskning som patient inom psykiatrisk tvångsvård - En undersökning av etikprövningslagens regler om samtycke vid forskning om psykiatrisk tvångsvård
Uppsatsen ämnar klargöra när patienter inom psykiatrisk tvångsvård lagligen kan delta i medicinsk forskning om psykiatrisk tvångsvård. En patient inom psykiatrisk tvångsvård kan nämligen vara förhindrad att lämna giltigt samtycke till deltagande i forskning mot bakgrund av sitt psykiska tillstånd och att den kan känna sig tvingad att delta då den befinner sig inom tvångsvården. I lagen (2003:460) This essay aims at clarifying when patients in compulsory psychiatric care can be included in medical research projects concerning compulsory psychiatric care. A patient in compulsory psychiatric care could be unable to provide valid consent to participate in research due to their mental state and the fact that they can feel obliged to consent since they are in compulsory care. The Ethical Review
Perspektivrik japansk guidning
Estimation of immune infiltration in tumours using proteomics data
Framtidens digitalisering av tumöranalyser för bättre behandling och prognos Läkarkonsten är på väg att få fler redskap för att individanpassa cancerbehandlingar och få en bättre patientöverlevnad. Intressant nog kan vi i framtiden komma till att förutsäga tumörers svar på behandling utifrån en matematisk algoritm som med hjälp av uppmätta gen- och proteinnivåer skattar halten av olika immuncelleIntroduction: There is a shortcoming in current breast cancer treatment, where some patients get overtreated leading to unnecessary side effects and others will not respond to the indicated treatment. Immune infiltration appears to have potential to become an important parameter when predicting how the tumour will respond to certain treatments, prognosing the survival rates in different subgroups
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A method to separate primary and secondary train delays in past and future timetables using macroscopic simulation
Punctuality is a key factor in railway operations and is affected by both primary and secondary delays to differing degrees. Being able to separate these two types of delays is very important when simulating operations, and when conducting punctuality improvement efforts. However, it is not easy to estimate the relative proportions of primary versus secondary delays using historical data. In this
Miljöpartiet i samhälle och politik: En kvalitativ studie om Miljöpartiet och miljöfrågans resonans i svensk politik och samhälle
I Sverige är befolkningen mån om att köpa second hand, återvinna, sortera sopor, äta vegetariskt och så vidare. När det däremot gäller den politiska sfären finns det ett Miljöparti som kämpar för att hålla sig ovan riksdagens 4% spärr. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka varför Miljöpartiet har svårt att driva miljöfrågan i den politiska sfären trots goda förutsättningar. Med utgångspunkt i Nikl
"Syftet var inte att skada henne"- En innehållsanalys om hur män dömda för misshandel rättfärdigar (sitt) våld
Balansgång i socialtjänsten – Nyutexaminerade socionomers reflektioner kring sitt yrkesutövande
Newly qualified social workers (NQSW) in Sweden are often thrust into statutory social work. In the context of statutory social work, social workers need to navigate a professional rationale, on which the social work profession rests, with an organizational rationale, on which the welfare organization – the social services – rests. This is due to the fact that social workers often are reliant on w