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Revealing change dynamics in hospital construction projects

Purpose: Hospital construction projects often suffer from relatively late changes in the project lifecycle, which disrupt the project execution and impact project productivity. The purpose of this paper is to explore the root causes of changes in hospital construction projects. The paper aims to propose ways to prepare for the changes. Design/methodology/approach: The study focuses on changes duri

Effect of window glazing type on daylight quality : Scale model study of a living room under natural sky

This article presents the results of a study where the effect of five window glazing types on daylight quality was investigated using a scale model (1:6) of a room with a single, south east-oriented window exposed to the natural sky. The space studied simulated a typical, fully furnished living room. A total of 30 research subjects took part in the experiment, observed the room and filled question

Tattoos and Ankle Bracelets: Recalling Fieldwork in Romania,

This article recapitulates the effect of my early fieldwork in socialist Romania, in which people's coping with bureaucracy through informal mechanisms of improvization, corruption, rumor creation, etc. come to mark by subsequent research interest, like a tatoo, and like the electronic ankle bracelet on the home prisoner, tend to pull me back into the same kind of theme, for better or for worse. C

Constructing radical right populist resistance : Metaphors of heterosexist masculinities and the family question in Sweden

The construction of radical right populist resistance around metaphors ofmasculinity at the beginning of the 21st century is a little researched area. Thisarticle accounts for the discursive redefinitions of Swedishness enabled byconceptual metaphors in order to accommodate centrally located heterosexistmasculinities at the intersection of gender, class, and ‘race’, as heralded by the main Swedish

Kommentar från fyra doktorander vid Lunds universitet : Comments from four doctoral students at Lund University

In an earlier article, Inger Enkvist argues that the working conditions for the doctoral students in Sweden are too good since they are employed. We question her arguments and her conclusion. We show that there have not been a decline in the number of doctoral students since the universities started to employ doctoral students. Moreover, we argue that the new policy has improved the doctoral stude

Representations of the Chernobyl catastrophe in Soviet and post-Soviet cinema : the narratives of apocalypse

The aim of this article is to explore how the Chernobyl catastrophe in 1986 has been represented in seven feature films from the three countries mostly affected by the nuclear disaster: Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. The narratological analysis indicates that the films from all of these three countries represent Chernobyl as an apocalyptic event making personal rebirth possible. Although the context

Ear Acupuncture – a practical guide

Ear Acupuncture provides an up-to-date practical guide to the principles and practice of Chinese and Western ear acupuncture. Written clearly with a practical and sensible approach, this book is aimed at both the student and also the practitioner. Excellent two-colour illustrations are used throughout to illustrate the text. Additionally, it integrates the Chinese and Western opinions and also inc

The Morality of Transparency; Clarity versus Emptiness

With transparency being either a state of clarity or the exposure emptiness, this paper focuses on the practices of transparency, termed ‘transparenting’. Focus on transparenting practices can provide a better tool for understanding the ‘rise of transparency’, and its moral, practical and political aspects. Three types of transparenting are defined: the voluntary transparenting conducted by organi

Pitfalls of automated perimetry in glaucoma diagnosis

Perimetry is a cornerstone in glaucoma management. The detection of glaucomatous visual field loss is of crucial importance for diagnosing the disease. Automated threshold perimetry makes thorough testing of the central visual field very possible and high-quality data are often achieved. Certain factors, however, may hamper the visual field examination or visual field interpretation. Many diseases

Chemical relationships of ambers using attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

Amber is known for its remarkably well-preserved fossils, but the chemical complexity of amber and its history are less well known. Amber is highly variable in both its physical and chemical properties, which are dependent on factors such as the source tree and the diagenetic history. Amber from a given locality therefore has a unique chemical composition. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectro

Increased molecular mobility in humid silk fibers under tensile stress

Silk fibers are semicrystalline nanocomposite protein fibers with an extraordinary mechanical toughness that changes with humidity. Diffusive or overdamped motion on a molecular level is absent in dry silkworm silk, but present in humid silk at ambient temperature. This microscopic diffusion distinctly depends on the externally applied macroscopic tensile force. Quasielastic and inelastic neutron-


Publicly available datasets constitute the ground to evaluate and compare the performance of proposed approaches for monitoring older patients at home. In this chapter, we shed light on the importance of using datasets as a benchmarking tool for comparing various monitoring techniques for detecting the health threats, which we discussed in the previous chapters. The methods, which are tested by us

Unsupervised learning of action primitives

Action representation is a key issue in imitation learning for humanoids. With the recent finding of mirror neurons there has been a growing interest in expressing actions as a combination meaningful subparts called primitives. Primitives could be thought of as an alphabet for the human actions. In this paper we observe that human actions and objects can be seen as being intertwined: we can interp

Systematic evaluation of levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel patient-responder characteristics

Levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel (LCIG, carbidopa-levodopa enteral suspension in the United States) is a treatment option for advanced Parkinson's disease (PD) patients with motor fluctuations. The objective of this investigation was to identify the baseline characteristics predictive of treatment response, measured by improvement in motor symptom severity, in advanced PD patients treated with LC

Atmospheric CO2 sensing using Scheimpflug-lidar based on a 1.57-µm fiber source

A molecular laser-radar system, based on the Scheimpflug principle, has been constructed and demonstrated for remote sensing of atmospheric CO2 concentrations using Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) in the (30012←00001) absorption band. The laser source is a Continues Wave (CW) Distributed-FeedBack (DFB) diode laser seeding an Erbium-doped fiber amplifier, emitting narrowband (3 MHz) tunable ra