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Development and initial validation of a yes/no vocabulary test for North Sámi : Drawing on item response theory and signal detection theory

This paper accounts for the development and initial validation of a yes/no vocabulary test of North Sámi called North Sámi Vocabulary Test (NSVT). North Sámi (NS) is an Indigenous language spoken in northern Scandinavia. Being an endangered language, NS is in need of revitalisation efforts. One contribution is the provision of proficiency assessment tools. We administered a 75-item NSVT version (5

The Intermediality of Performance

This chapter looks at how different kinds of bodies and objects interact in a performance and at how the presence and emergence of an event interact with mediation and transmediation. Our intermedial approach allows us to explore the entanglement of presence and representation, of performance and media products, of performativity and intermediality. Through a combination of the perspectives of per

Spökskrivares rätt till namngivning - I upphovsrättens och avtalsrättens gränsland

När ett avtal mellan en spökskrivare (upphovsman) och en uppdragsgivare (förvärvare) ingås angående överlåtelse av namngivningsrätt, aktualiseras en av de mer intrikata juridiska frågeställningarna som berör gränslandet mellan upphovsrätt och avtalsrätt. Vid en första anblick, med utgångspunkt i vad upphovsrättslagen stadgar, verkar det inte vara möjligt för en upphovsman att totalt överlåta sin rWhen an agreement is entered into between a ghostwriter (author) and a commissioner (acquirer) regarding the transfer of the right of attribution, one of the more intricate legal questions concerning the borderland between copyright and contract law is raised. At first glance, based on what the Swedish Copyright Act stipulates, it does not seem possible for an author to completely transfer their r

En provocerande brottsbekämpning? – En rättslig analys av insatsen Trojan Shield och konsekvenserna för det internationella straffrättsliga samarbetet

Brottsbekämpande myndigheter står inför allvarliga prövningar till följd av den gränsöverskridande organiserade brottsligheten. Detta har resulterat i en ambition om effektivisering av brottsbekämpningen, inte minst genom okonventionella utredningsmetoder som provokativa åtgärder. Betydelsen av det internationella straffrättsliga samarbetet har dessutom ökat. Brottsbekämpningen och samarbetet centLaw enforcement authorities are facing serious challenges as a result of cross-border organized crime. This has resulted in an ambition to make law enforcement more effective, not least through unconventional investigative methods such as provocative measures. The importance of international criminal justice cooperation has also increased. Law enforcement and cooperation often focus on encrypted c

BITing Back - A Study of the Conditions for Respondent State Counterclaims in Investor-State Investment Arbitration under Bilateral Investment Treaties

In this thesis, I present a study of the conditions for a respondent state to introduce counterclaims in the same arbitration as an investor’s initial claim in a dispute arising from a Bilateral Investment Agreement (BIT). The study shows that although the most widely used procedural frameworks for arbitration explicitly allow for counterclaims, tribunals have adopted a restrictive approach to cou

Fluorescence Microscopy of Nanochannel-Confined DNA

Stretching of DNA in nanoscale confinement allows for several important studies. The genetic contents of the DNA can be visualized on the single DNA molecule level, and the polymer physics of confined DNA and also DNA/protein and other DNA/DNA-binding molecule interactions can be explored. This chapter describes the basic steps to fabricate the nanostructures, perform the experiments, and analyze

Stochastic Geometry Analysis of a New GSCM with Dual Visibility Regions

The geometry-based stochastic channel models (GSCM), which can describe realistic channel impulse responses, often rely on the existence of both local and far scatterers. However, their visibility from both the base station (BS) and mobile station (MS) depends on their relative heights and positions. For example, the condition of visibility of a scatterer from the perspective of a BS is different

Improving rates of successful extubation : Medications

This chapter focuses on the pharmacological management of newborn infants in the peri-extubation period to reduce the risk of re-intubation and prolonged mechanical ventilation. Drugs used to promote respiratory drive, reduce the risk of apnoea, reduce lung inflammation and avoid bronchospasm are critically assessed. When available, Cochrane reviews and randomised trials are used as the primary so

Study of the p–p–K + and p–p–K - dynamics using the femtoscopy technique

The interactions of kaons (K) and antikaons (K ¯) with few nucleons (N) were studied so far using kaonic atom data and measurements of kaon production and interaction yields in nuclei. Some details of the three-body KNN and K ¯ NN dynamics are still not well understood, mainly due to the overlap with multi-nucleon interactions in nuclei. An alternative method to probe the dynamics of three-body sy

Governing the automated welfare state: Translations between AI ethics and anti-discrimination regulation

There is an increased demand for utilizing technological possibilities in the Nordic public sector. Automated decision-making (ADM) has been deployed in some areas towards that end. While it is linked to several benefits, research shows that the use of ADM, with elements of AI, also implicates risks of discrimination and unfair treatment, which has stimulated a flurry of normative guidelines. This

Maktlekar i digital dräkt : en studie om maktlekars återfödelse på TikTok

Uppsatsen “Maktlekar i Digital Dräkt” utför en fallstudie i form av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att utforska hur maktlekar har omformulerats och anpassats till det digitala medielandskapet genom TikTok-utmaningar (challenges). Genom att analysera diskussioner från forum som Flashback och Reddit samt riskfyllda TikTok-utmaningar som Skull-breaker challenge och Blackout challenge, undersöker a

”Man kan springa och gömma sig men ett alkisbarns barndom hinner alltid ikapp” En kvalitativ litteraturstudie kring barns upplevelse och konsekvenser av en uppväxt med en alkoholiserad mamma

The primary aim of this study has been to deepen the understanding of the experiences associated with growing up under the influence of an alcoholic mother, the consequences it can have on individuals as grownups, and identify potential factors that can affect the process of moving on in life. The study's empirical material consists of five biographies written by individuals who have experienc

ADHD-diagnos: handlingsutrymme, attityder och en social konstruktion - En djupgående kvalitativ studie om skolpersonals syn på ADHD-diagnosen och kopplade stödinsatser.

This study aims to analyze how school staff perceive children diagnosed with ADHD, along with the associated support measures and autonomy. Utilizing a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews presented in vignette form, five individuals from three different schools in the Malmö and Lund areas were interviewed. The study reveals that school staff's perspectives on ADHD vary based o

Bakom lås och skärm: En studie av hur domstolar värderar chattmeddelanden som bevisning i mål som berör sexualbrott och brottslighet inom kriminella nätverk

I februari 2023 meddelade Högsta domstolen två avgörande domar angående bevisvärdering av indiciebevisning. Dessa domar har utlöst en debatt om bevisvärdering av indicier, inklusive chattmeddelanden och vittnesutsagor. I ljuset av en ökad debatt om rättvisa och rättssäkerhet, samt inflytandet av teknologin i rättssystemet, ägnas denna uppsats åt att undersöka hur domstolar bedömer chattmeddelandenIn February 2023, the Supreme Court announced two landmark judgments concerning the evaluation of circumstantial evidence. These rulings triggered a debate on the assessment of circumstantial evidence, including chat messages and witness testimonies. Considering an escalating discourse on justice, legal security, and the influence of technology in the legal system, this essay delves into examining

Arbetsmarknadens parter blir lagstiftare - En analys av processen bakom nya LAS

År 2022 genomfördes den största reformen av lagen (1982:80) om anställningsskydd (anställningsskyddslagen) någonsin. Processen var historisk eftersom ändringarna grundades i en överenskommelse mellan arbetsmarknadens parter, Huvudavtal om trygghet, omställning och anställningsskydd. Förhandlingarna bakom huvudavtalet pågick under flera år. Parterna bakom huvudavtalet hade en tydlig vision för hur In 2022, the largest ever reform of the Employment Protection Act was implemented. The historic process was based on an agreement between the labour market parties, the Main Agreement on Security, Adjustment and Employment Protection. The negotiations of the main agreement lasted for several years. The parties of the main agreement had a clear vision for how the employment protection would be modi

Linearly convergent nonoverlapping domain decomposition methods for quasilinear parabolic equations

We prove linear convergence for a new family of modified Dirichlet–Neumann methods applied to quasilinear parabolic equations, as well as the convergence of the Robin–Robin method. Such nonoverlapping domain decomposition methods are commonly employed for the parallelization of partial differential equation solvers. Convergence has been extensively studied for elliptic equations, but in the case o