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Dendrokronologisk analys av Perstorps hembygdsgård, Skåne
En "ny fjäril"
Epigenetics, Parenthood and Responsibility for Children
This chapter analyses the implications of findings in epigenetics for the ascription of moral responsibility for children. It contrasts shared understandings of procreative responsibility and discusses its extension to include all (individual or collective) actors who influence a child’s gene expression. It also problematizes the focus on biology in this process, using the example of epigenetics a
Kvinnors upplevelse av klimakteriets påverkan på delaktighet i aktivitet
Bakgrund: Menopaus är en naturlig del av kvinnors åldrande och infaller runt 40–60 års ålder. Upplevelsen av symtomens påverkan i kroppen under denna period är högst individuell. Kvantitativa studier visar att klimakteriet har påverkan på delaktighet i aktivitet men studierna visar inte hur kvinnor upplever klimakteriets påverkan. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka kvinnors upplevelse av delaIntroduction: Menopause is a natural part of women's aging and occurs in the age between 40–60. Symptoms experienced during this period, is highly individual. Quantitative studies show that menopause has an impact on participation in activity, but studies do not highlight how women experience that impact. Aim: The purpose of the study is to investigate women's experience of participation i
Understanding Self-Determined Motivation to contribute to wildlife health surveillance
To preserve biodiversity and to maintain healthy wildlife populations, the Swedish National Veterinary Institute (SVA) supervises wildlife health in a disease surveillance program. The program is a form of citizen science, dependent on the public reporting and submitting carcasses and samples from the field for analysis. It is a fact that people voluntarily, collect, store (often in a private free
När är data en nödvändig nyttighet? - En analys av skyldigheten att dela data i det digitala ekosystemet
Den tekniska utvecklingen har påverkat hur vi interagerar och bidragit till betydande framsteg. Samtidigt har den medfört utmaningar i form av bristande differentiering på den inre marknaden till följd av varierande datainnehav bland aktörer. Företag och organisationer strävar efter att dra nytta av data för att skaffa konkurrensfördelar och främja innovation. I detta sammanhang står EU inför utmaThe technological development has influenced how we interact and has contributed to significant progresses. Simultaneously, it has brought challenges, particularly in the form of a lack of differentiation within the internal market due to varying control of data among actors. Companies and organizations strive to leverage data to gain competitive advantages and promote innovation. In this context,
Arbete och behov i svensk sociologisk arbetsforskning 1950–2000
Syfte med denna uppsats är att studera idéer om arbete och behov i svensk arbetslivssociologi under perioden 1950–2000. Det görs av en analys av tre utvalda studier från tre skilda perioder i svensk arbetslivsforskning för att visa på förändringar och paralleller i idéer om arbete och behov. Föreliggande uppsats är en kvalitativ dokumentanalys av tre publicerade vetenskapliga studier av sociologe
Gympalärare, idrottslärare eller lärare i Idrott och hälsa : Benämningen av ämnet och det förväntade innehållet
Skolämnet Idrott och hälsa (IDH) har ett brett innehåll eftersom det inkluderar både idrottsaspekter och hälsoaspekter. Tidigare studier har visat att idrott-delen dominerar på flera sätt, delvis på grund av ett vagt och icke-specifikt ämnesspråk i ämnesplaner, kursplaner och läromedel (Lundin & Schenker 2021, 2022; Lundin m.fl. 2021, 2023). Detta resulterar i att hälsoaspekterna av ämnet inteThe school subject Physical Education and Health (PEH) has a wide scope with respect to its content, combining the aspects ‘sports’ and ‘health’. Previous studies have shown that for the Swedish school subject PEH, sports dominate the content of the subject in several aspects, as a result of, for instance, a vague and unspecific subject specific literacy used in the curricula and course books (Lun
Quantifier focus in Serbian
This paper presents a study on the interpretation of anaphoricreference to preceding quantified expressions in Serbian. Quantifiers notonly differ in the proportions they denote but also, depending on theirpolarity, in their properties of assigning referential focus. In an off-linejudgement task, we investigated the focus properties of four Serbianquantifiers. The results show that positive and ne
Public Debt and Population Change: A Future Prediction of the Long Lasting Effects of a Shrinking Population on the Public Debt of Japan
It is the primary purpose of this thesis to examine the relationship between public debt and population change for Japan. The study also aims to analyse if government revenues and interest rates could affect the future Japanese debt-to-GDP ratio. Consequently, through the use of an adapted form of the Romer model of economic growth, the study first creates future predictions of how the Japanese GD
Identification of the Major Protein Components of Human and Cow Saliva
Cows produce saliva in very large quantities to lubricate and facilitate food processing. Estimates indicate an amount of 50–150 L per day. Human saliva has previously been found to contain numerous antibacterial components, such as lysozyme, histatins, members of the S-100 family and lactoferrin, to limit pathogen colonization. Cows depend on a complex microbial community in their digestive syste
Block-scale use of bioretention cells to restore the urban water balance : A case study in Tehran metropolis
Study region: A densely populated urban area located in the 13th municipality of Tehran metropolis, Iran. Study focus: Bioretention cell is one of the low-impact development methods that aims to restore the hydrological cycle in city areas before urban development. However, the bioretention cell's hydrological performance can vary in urban environments. As a result, this research investigated the
Sannfärdighet och trovärdighet
Superconductivity in monolayer and few-layer graphene. II. Topological edge states and Chern numbers
We study the emergence of electronic edge states in superconducting monolayer, bilayer, and trilayer graphene for both spin-singlet and spin-triplet superconducting order parameters. We focus mostly on the gapped chiral p+ip′- and d+id′-wave superconducting states that show a nonzero Chern number and a corresponding number of edge states. For the p+ip′-wave state, we observe a rich phase diagra
Unraveling the brain's response to hypoglycemia : Neurovascular coupling
Functional magnetic resonance imaging has suggested the possibility that hypoglycemia could interfere with neurovascular coupling. Here we discuss the implications of a study by Nippert and colleagues showing that hypoglycemia does not impair neurovascular coupling.
Incorporating history and deviations in forward–backward splitting
We propose a variation of the forward–backward splitting method for solving structured monotone inclusions. Our method integrates past iterates and two deviation vectors into the update equations. These deviation vectors bring flexibility to the algorithm and can be chosen arbitrarily as long as they together satisfy a norm condition. We present special cases where the deviation vectors, selected
Epigenetics and Responsibility : Ethical Perspectives
Gör inte konsten svårare än vad den är
Att ständigt vara tillgänglig - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om ungas uppfattning kring hur användandet av mobiler påverkar relationerna i en familj
Mobile devices have expanded and increased flexibility in communication, but at the same time, they can disrupt presence and create distance and isolation between people. With the help of a qualitative interview study, the purpose of this study is to examine how mobile devices can impact communication and relationships within a family in various ways, based on the perspectives and experiences of y