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Household registration system and private enterprise’s hiring policy in Shenzhen, China

The purpose of the thesis was to examine how household registration (Hukou) system affects private enterprise’s hiring policy in Shenzhen, China. In addition, this thesis aimed to found out what make Shenzhen different than other city if Hukou play less important role in Shenzhen private company’s recruitment process. In order to reach this topic, this thesis adopted Taste for Discrimination Model

Modeling, Control and Automatic Code Generation for a Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Vehicle Using Modelica

The main goal of this project was to use the Modelica features on embedded systems, real-time systems and basic mechanical modeling for the control of a two-wheeled self-balancing personal vehicle. The Elektor Wheelie, a Segway-like vehicle, was selected as the process to control. Modelica is an object-oriented language aimed at modeling of complex systems. The work in the thesis used the Modelica

An XML Representation of DAE Systems Obtained from Continuous-Time Modelica Models

This contribution outlines an XML format for representation of differential-algebraic equations (DAE) models obtained from continuous time Modelica models and possibly also from other equation-based modeling languages. The purpose is to offer a standardized model exchange format which is based on the DAE formalism and which is neutral with respect to model usage. Many usages of models go beyond wh

The activation of transcription of host fucosyltransferase genes during Herpes Simplex Virus infection is based on a common mechanism in fibroblasts and T-cells

Hur påverkar Herpes Simplex Virus vilka gener som uttrycks i den infekterade cellen? Herpes Simplex Virus har förmågan att ändra vilka gener som uttrycks i en infekterad cell. Detta gör att viruset får verktyg att ändra på proteinerna på den infekterade cellens yta. Vi har undersökt hur den lyckas med detta genom att blockera olika signalvägar och mäta hur mycket RNA av olika gener som produceratHerpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a virus infecting over 90 % of the population. It causes latent infections in nerve cells and can upon reactivation travel along the neurons and cause lytic infections with painful blisters as a result. HSV-1 infects multiple cell types, fibroblasts and T-cells among others. During infection HSV-1 is known to downregulate the transcription of many of the gene

Samverkan som en löst kopplad idé eller etablerad samverkansmetod? – Tillämpning av riktlinjer i fyra svenska småkommuner.

The aim of this study was to examine how the guidelines of interprofessional cooperation regarding clients with substance drug abuse problems and mental illness are implemented between the organisations of social services and healthcare. The study was performed in four Swedish small municipalities. The survey is based on the perspective of the staff from social service and also examines what strat

Hålla isär: En textanalys av konstruktionen av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

The aim of this study was to examine which discourses that appear in the construction of honour related violence in swedish policy documents. This study focus on the construction of honour related violence in terms of it’s forms of expression as well as it’s underlying causes. We also focus on the significance of the categories gender and ethnicity in the construction of honour related violence. T

Machinability analysis of cemented carbide -A theoretical and experimental study

Sandvik Coromant is the market leader of producing tools for advanced metal cutting. The tools are produced in cemented carbide, however Sandvik Coromant does not produce tools for machining cemented carbide. The aim of the thesis was to perform cutting tests in cemented carbide with diamond tools to investigate if the binder content affected the machinability of the process. The wear tests were

Understanding the Parasitic Effects on the Microwave Interferences at Hearing Instrument Level up to 6GHz

The use of electronic devices which radiate high power electromagnetic waves has seen a significant increase in the last 20 years. These radiated signals heavily effects electronic devices close to strong radio frequency (RF) or microwave (MW) transmitters . Mobile phones are a good example among electronic devices which cause signal interference in hearing instruments (HI). Changing the design o

Gentrifiering som stadspolitik: Ideologikritik av ekonomismens inverkan på policies och politik under 2000-talet i syfte att omvandla Landskrona stad

The economically directed city politics in Landskrona is focused on apartment and house strategies. In this study it is interpreted as policies and politics for gentrification. Officially the strategies is mentioned city development. The purpose is mainly to stop people with social welfare to move to the city. The city administration want a more economically prosperous city. Strategies are written

Grating Motor Control

A monochromator is a part of a spectrometer in which the grating scans the different wavelengths over the exit slit. A full spectrum is generated as the grating scans over a predefined interval. The grating must accelerate to a set speed very fast, then keep the speed constant over a predefined interval, and break to reverse the scan. On top of this come disturbances from an optical filter, causin

Robotic Gas Source Localization in an Industrial Environment

Gas leaks are an important safety issue in oil and gas production. For example, natural gas often contains large portions of hydrogen sulfide, a gas that is lethal to humans in concentrations as low as 0.1%. In addition natural gas itself is explosive. During the past fifteen years, a considerable number of studies have been made into how to detect and localize gas leaks. Equipped with sensors mea

Modelling of an EGR System

Due to new emission legislations in Europe and in the USA truck manufacturers are facing new difficulties when it comes to meeting these demands. This new legislation will demand more accurate models for simulation and malfunction diagnosis. The NOx emissions, covered in these new laws, are intimately linked to combustion temperatures and these temperatures may be decreased by means of exhaust gas

Automatic Calibration of Vehicle Models

In this thesis simple vehicle models are compared to more advanced models. The parameters in the simple models have to be chosen in such a way, that the model behaviour is as close to the advanced model as possible. This parameter optimisation is done with help of The Optimica Compiler, wich generates AMPL files that solves the problems. To run a successful parameter estimation there is a need for

Resource reservation and power management in Android

Saving battery time for mobile devices has been a goal for the industry for many years. With the advent of smartphones, reduction of energy consumption is even more important since they consume a lot more energy than the generation of mobile phones before them. Consumers are demanding longer battery life and greener electronics. One way to meet these demands is to reduce energy consumption. In ord

Using Conjunctural Indices in Prediction Models for Gas Sales---A Case Study

This thesis evaluates whether it is possible to use conjunctural indices from Statistics Sweden (Statistiska Centralbyrån) in order to improve the sales predictions at a Swedish gas company. For this purpose sales data for three of the main gases are gathered from the year 1995 and forth. In the first step, this data is used to create ARX and State Space models. Sales predictions are made from the

"Alla pratar om det, men man vet inte riktigt vad man får säga": En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialarbetares erfarenheter av att arbeta med hvb-hemsplacerade ungdomar fokuserat på sexualitet

The study examined social workers experiences in their work with adolescents in out-of-home care, focused on sexuality. The aim of the study was to understand their experiences with a constructionist perspective on sexuality and with a focus on the organizational context that the experiences were formed in. These perspectives were selected with the ambition to achieve an extensive view of the stud

A Hydrological Model of the Mundaú River Basin, Recalibration of a MGB-IPH rainfall-runoff model using updated land-use data

Avrinningsområdet Mundaú har sitt ursprung i den Brasilianska delstaten Pernambuco och rinner i sydöstlig riktning mot Mundaúlagunen längs Atlantkusten tillhörande delstaten Alagoas. Området faller under nationell jurisdiktion, är relativt oreglerat och erfar både översvämningar och torrperioder. Modellering av avrinningsområdets hydrologi kan ge en fördjupad förståelse av dessa händelser och hur The relatively unregulated, union domain Mundaú river basin, upper reaches originating in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco and flowing southeast to the Mundaú Lagoon along the Alagoas state’s Atlantic coast, suffers from both flooding and drought. Modeling the basin’s hydrology can lead to a deeper understanding of these events, and how changes within the basin can affect its hydrology. This stud

Behöver avtalslagen reformeras? - en analys av argumenten

En av de mest centrala författningarna på förmögenhetsrättens område är den svenska avtalslagen. Lagen tillkom genom ett juridisk samarbete mellan de nordiska länderna. Den antogs 1915 i Sverige, och därefter även i de övriga nordiska länderna. Då lagen nu uppnått en hög ålder väcks frågan om den behöver reformeras, eller om den än idag fungerar väl i det moderna samhället. Den här uppsatsen syftaOne of the most central acts on commercial matters in Sweden is the Swedish Contract Act. The act was created through a legal cooperation between the Nordic countries. It was adopted in 1915 in Sweden, and afterwards in the other Nordic countries. As the act now has reached an advanced age, the question arises if there is a need for a reformation, or if it still works well in the modern society. T

An Intentional Look at the Chinese Room

The Philosophy of Mind, which pertains to the study of mental properties and physical properties in relation to the world, has been around since the 4th century with philosophers like Socrates and Plato. The Mind and Matter Problem, also known as the Body and Soul Problem, deals with the issues of identifying and understanding the apparent difference between the mental mind or soul and the physica