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Insulin Secretory Granules Enter a Highly Calcium-Sensitive State following Palmitate-Induced Dissociation from Calcium Channels: A Theoretical Study

Impaired insulin secretion is a major contributor to diabetes. Obesity is a known risk factor for the development of diabetes, and prolonged exposure of pancreatic islets to lipids results in impaired insulin secretion. Insulin is released from pancreatic beta-cells as a result of Ca2+-induced exocytosis. Recent experiments have shown that chronic palmitate exposure results in the loss of localise

Synergistic effects of mesenchymal stromal cells and immunotherapy in experimental brain tumors

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive form of primary brain tumor. In spite of surgical resection, combined radiation therapy and chemotherapy, the mean survival is less than 15 months following diagnosis. Using the established N29 and N32 animal models of glioma, shown to have many similarities with the human tumor, we are able to study and develop therapeutic strategies

Devising renewable heat policy: Overview of support options

Renewable energy sources of heat offer the substantial economic, environmental and social benefits associated with renewable electricity but policy to support their expansion is considerably less advanced. The potential for applying various support instruments to renewable heat is considered with advantages and disadvantages discussed. (c) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

A superoxide dismutase-human hemoglobin fusion protein showing enhanced antioxidative properties.

Much of the toxicity of Hb has been linked to its redox activity; Hb may generate reactive oxygen species, such as the superoxide anion. Superoxide is intrinsically toxic, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) provides important cellular protection. However, if the Hb molecule is located outside the red blood cell, the normal protection systems involving SOD and catalase are no longer closely associated

(6R*,10R*)-Dimethyl 1,4-dioxaspiro-[4.5]decane-6,10-dicarboxyl-ate.

The title compound, C(12)H(18)O(6), is in the usual chair conformation with the two ester functions in a 1,3-trans orientation. With a value of 1.439 (2) Å, the pseudo-axial C-O bond of the 1,3-dioxolane ring is slightly longer than the corresponding equatorial C-O bond of 1.424 (3) Å. The O-C-O angle of the dioxolane ring is 106.25 (17)°.

Influences of environmental cues, migration history, and habitat familiarity on partial migration

The factors that drive partial migration in organisms are not fully understood. Roach (Rutilus rutilus), a freshwater fish, engage in partial migration where parts of populations switch between summer habitats in lakes and winter habitats in connected streams. To test if the partial migration trait is phenotypically plastic or has genetic components, we translocated roach from 2 populations with d

Validation of Self-testing as a Method to Estimate the Prevalence of Nickel Allergy

The aim of this study was to investigate the validity of self-patch testing for nickel allergy, in order to determine a cost-effective method for surveillance of the prevalence of nickel allergy. Population-based study including patch testing is the most reliable method to study the prevalence of allergy, but it is expensive and has logistical problems. A total of 191 dermatology patients referred

Prophylaxis and treatment of HIV-1 infection in pregnancy: Swedish Recommendations 2010

Prophylaxis and treatment with antiretroviral drugs and the use of elective caesarean section have resulted in a very low mother-to-child transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) during recent years. The availability of new antiretroviral drugs, updated general treatment guidelines and increasing knowledge of the importance of drug resistance, have necessitated regular revisions of the "

Phase behaviour of colloids with short-range repulsions plus nonadsorbing polymer chains

The colloidal gas-liquid phase behaviour has been studied for aqueous mixtures of well-defined spherical particles with short-ranged repulsions mixed with relatively monodisperse poly(ethylene oxide) polymers. We show that our set of experimental phase diagrams are in quantitative agreement with theoretical predictions using generalized free volume theory [G. J. Fleer and R. Tuinier, Phys. Rev. E,

Do quantum mechanical energies calculated for small models of protein-active sites converge?

A common approach for the computational modeling of enzyme reactions is to study a rather small model of the active site (20-200 atoms) with quantum mechanical (QM) methods, modeling the rest of the surroundings by a featureless continuum with a dielectric constant of approximately 4. In this paper, we discuss how the residues included in the QM model should be selected and how many residues need

Associations between mass media exposure and birth preparedness among women in southwestern Uganda: a community-based survey.

Background : Exposure to mass media provides increased awareness and knowledge, as well as changes in attitudes, social norms and behaviors that may lead to positive public health outcomes. Birth preparedness (i.e. the preparations for childbirth made by pregnant women, their families, and communities) increases the use of skilled birth attendants (SBAs) and hence reduces maternal morbidity and mo

Efter doktorsexamen - en alumnstudie

Forskarutbildningen har ett dubbelt syfte, att utbilda framtidens universitetslärare och forskare samt att utgöra rekryteringsbas för andra delar av offentlig sektor och privat sektor. Resultaten av denna alumnundersökning visar att Lunds universitet väl svarar upp mot detta dubbla rekryteringssyfte. Av doktoranderna i undersökningen, riktad till examinerade år 2004, hade nästan nästan samtliga (9

Advert saliency distracts children's visual attention during goal-directed internet use

The general research question of the present study was to assess the impact of visually salient online adverts on children's task-oriented internet use. In order to answer this question as reliably as possible, an experimental study was constructed in which 9-year-old and 12-year-old Swedish children were asked to solve a number of tasks while interacting with a mockup website. In each trial, web

Aerodynamic flight performance in flap-gliding birds and bats.

Many birds use a flight mode called undulating or flap-gliding flight, where they alternate between flapping and gliding phases, while only a few bats make use of such a flight mode. Among birds, flap-gliding is commonly used by medium to large species, where it is regarded to have a lower energetic cost than continuously flapping flight. Here, we introduce a novel model for estimating the energet

Serologic Analysis of Returned Travelers with Fever, Sweden

We studied 1,432 febrile travelers from Sweden who had returned from malaria-endemic areas during March 2005-March 2008. In 383 patients, paired serum samples were blindly analyzed for influenza and 7 other agents. For 21% of 115 patients with fever of unknown origin, serologic analysis showed that influenza was the major cause.

Adolescents with alternating residence after parental divorce: A comparison with adolescents living with both parents or with a single parent

The study compared adolescents who alternate residences between their divorced parents with adolescents who live with both parents or with one divorced parent. Care was scored equally for adolescents with alternating residences and for those living with both biological parents but lower for adolescents living with a single parent. Overprotection showed the converse. Presence of psychiatric symptom

Supporting roadmapping of quality requirements

Would slightly better performance be significantly more valuable from a market perspective? Would significantly better performance be just slightly more expensive to implement? When dealing with performance, usability, reliability, and so on, you often end up in difficult trade-off analysis. You must take into account aspects such as release targets, end-user experience, and business opportunities