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Molecular characterization of the TUBG1 meshwork’s influence on Cytoskeletal organization

The γ-tubulin (TUBG) meshwork is a central regulator of cellular architecture, orchestrating processes such as microtubule nucleation, mitochondrial organization, and genomic integrity. This study investigates the molecular impact of TUBG depletion on the cytoskeleton. Knockdown of TUBG using single guide RNA disrupted microtubule, vimentin, and lamin B networks while simultaneously reinforcing ac

The Reversal of the Gender Gap in Education: Exploring its Consequences for Partnering, Employment and Voting Behaviour

Women have made substantial gains in education in recent decades and outperformmen in educational attainment across the OECD, but the consequences of this reversal of the gender gap in education (RGE) have not been well researched. In this study, we address the association between the RGE and partnering, employment, and support for a right-wing populist party in Sweden. Of note, we explore the dif

The Law of Riba in Islamic Banking : Conventional and Unconventional Approaches to Interest-Free Financing

The issue of riba, that is, interest/the “excess” or “surplus” on loans is crucial for both Islamic and non-Islamic countries. Western economic systems use interest to distribute financial resources efficiently for investment and/or consumption, while Islamic economies pursue a completely different strategy for financing loans, which adheres to Islamic laws and prohibits the activities of conventi

Millimeter-wave Scattering from Building Facade : A Simulation and Verification Study

This paper presents millimeter-wave scattering from a building facade predominantly composed of windows. These windows are integrated into the walls, forming dihedral structures that reflect waves toward the incident angle. The scattered field resulting from the building facade is simulated using the two-bounce Geometrical-Physics (GO) method. We analyze the channel in power loss and arrival angle

INVITED TALK for sub-area “Emissive, Micro‐LED, and Quantum‐Dot Display” : On the strive towards all-InGaN sub-2µm sized RGB microLEDs

III-Nitride based LEDs based on InGaN active layers on GaN work very well for the blue and green emitting LEDs. However, the large lattice mis-match between redemitting active layers, with at least 35% indium in the active layers, and the GaN substrate still limits the efficiencies obtained to very low values. Unfortunately, the approach to use GaAs based (GaAs/AlInGaP) devices for the red fails f

Early Detection of Forest Bark Beetle Attack Using Time Series Spatial Variability of Spectral Indexes from Sentinel-2

Bark beetle infestations pose a significant threat to forest ecosystems, necessitating timely intervention for effective management and conservation. This study focuses on an 8,100 km2 area in southern Sweden, heavily impacted by a bark beetle outbreak triggered by a severe drought in 2018. Using spectral indices derived from Sentinel-2 data, it explores the potential of a window-based approach fo

Music and reading activities in early childhood associated with improved language development in preterm infants at 2–3 years of age

Introduction: Children born preterm are at increased risk for adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes. Music and reading activities in childhood could ameliorate these difficulties, as they have shown benefits on both neural and behavioral levels. However, only a few studies have assessed these potential benefits in preterm-born children. We investigated whether music and language activities in early

Structure of the synthetase domain of human CTP synthetase, a target for anticancer therapy

Cytidine triphosphate synthetase (CTPS) is a key enzyme in nucleic acid and phospholipid biosynthesis and its activity is increased in certain human cancers, making it a promising drug target. The crystal structure of the synthetase domain of human CTPS, which represents the first structure of a CTPS from an eukaryote, has been determined. The structure is homotetrameric and each active site is fo

Plasmodium motility : actin not actin' like actin

Apicomplexan parasites such as Plasmodium and Toxoplasma display actomyosin-dependent motility in the absence of readily detectable actin polymers. Three recent studies indicate that parasite actin polymers, either harvested from parasites or formed from purified recombinant proteins, are exceptionally short ( approximately 100 nm). We propose that parasite motility could be directed by the transi

Rättskraft och bolagsstämmobeslut – En analys av rättskraftens objektiva utsträckning vid en aktieägares talan mot ett bolagsstämmobeslut

Domens rättskraft hindrar att en sak som redan avgjorts får prövas igen. Att rättskraften begränsas till "saken" brukar benämnas som rättskraftens objektiva utsträckning. Vad "saken" är och följaktligen vad som är samma sak som något annat är emellertid inte en enkel fråga att besvara. Trots en rikhaltig praxis från Högsta domstolen som behandlar ämnet och en långvarig diskussiThe legal force of a judgement prohibits the same subject matter from being tried twice. The fact that the legal force of a judgement is limited to the subject matter is referred to as the objective scope of the legal force. How to decide what constitutes the "subject matter" and consequently what is to be considered the same subject matter as something else is a complex question. Despit

Könskaos i Norden? En analys av åldersgränsen för juridiskt könsbyte

Våren 2024 röstades ett omdebatterat lagförslag igenom i den svenska riksdagen. Under juli 2025 ersätts lag (1972:119) om fastställande av könstillhörighet i vissa fall – könstillhörighetslagen – med en ny. Den nya lagen reducerar rådande 18-årsgräns för det juridiska könsbytet; 16-åringar ska ges möjlighet att ta beslut i frågan, med vårdnadshavares medgivande. Under det senaste decenniet har fIn the spring of 2024, a contentious legislative proposal was voted through in the Swedish parliament. In July 2025 the gender recognition act will be replaced. The new law will reduce the age limit for the right to change legal gender from 18 to 16 years of age, with the consent of the guardians of the youth concerned. Over the last decade, several initiatives have been raised with the objective

Platinum-Tin Surface Alloys Studied during O2 Exposure and CO Oxidation Using Grazing Incidence XANES

Platinum-tin catalysts have been used industrially for decades, but their structural evolution under reaction conditions and the causes of their improved activity relative to platinum are still not well understood. In this study, we investigate Sn/Pt(111) and Sn/Pt(223) surface alloys during oxygen exposure and catalytic CO oxidation using grazing incidence X-ray absorption spectroscopy (GI-XAS).

Conformational Selection of a Tryptophan Side Chain Drives the Generalized Increase in Activity of PET Hydrolases through a Ser/Ile Double Mutation

Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is the most common polyester plastic in the packaging industry and a major source of environmental pollution due to its single use. Several enzymes, termed PET hydrolases, have been found to hydrolyze this polymer at different temperatures, with the enzyme from Ideonella sakaiensis (IsPETase) having optimal catalytic activity at 30-35 °C. Crystal structures of Is

New and Noteworthy Lichen-Forming and Lichenicolous Fungi 14. Xanthoria Pedersenii and X. Wennergrenii - Two New Species from the Xanthoria Calcicola Subclade (Xanthorioideae, Teloschistaceae) Proved by Integrative Approach

Two species new to science, Xanthoria pedersenii and X. wennergrenii in the Xanthoria calcicola complex (Xanthoria, Xanthorioideae, Teloschistaceae), characterized by a complex of morphological, anatomical and molecular characters, are described, illustrated and compared with closely related taxa.