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STAT3 in Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the second most common diagnosed cancer among men. Currently there are no reliablebiomarkers to distinguish between indolent and aggressive disease. When men progress to advanced stages of the disease treatment options are limited and resistance to treatments available today is a growing problem. Recently the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) has been su

Verbs in speech framing expressions : Comparing English and Spanish

In this large-scale corpus study, we explore how direct speech is portrayed in English and Spanish Speech Framing Expressions (SFEs).While the whole SFE is taken into account in the semantic analysis, our specific focus is the finite verb of the SFE. The study has two aims. Firstly, we survey the use of verbs in SFEs and offer a comprehensive inventory of those verbs in English and Spanish as repr

Processes and actors: Translating Kahn processes to dataflow with firing

Dataflow programming is a paradigm for describing stream processing algorithms in a manner that naturally exposes their concurrency and makes the resulting programs readily implementable on highly parallel architectures. Dataflow programs are graph structured, with nodes representing computational kernels that process the data flowing over the edges. There are two major families of languages for t

Differential Equations with Infinitely Many Derivatives and the Borel Transform

Differential equations with infinitely many derivatives, sometimes also referred to as “nonlocal” differential equations, appear frequently in branches of modern physics such as string theory, gravitation and cosmology. We properly interpret and solve linear equations in this class with a special focus on a solution method based on the Borel transform. This method is a far-reaching generalization

Protonolysis of Dialkyl and Alkylaryl Platinum(II) Complexes and Geometrical Isomerization of the Derived Monoorgano-Solvento Complexes: Clear-Cut Examples of Associative and Dissociative Pathways in Platinum Chemistry

SynopsisProtonolysis of the title compounds involves rate-determining proton transfer to the substrate. Subsequent isomerization is dissociative. Activation volumes for the two processes have opposite signs. A new kinetic β-hydrogen accelerating effect for isomerization favoring the fluxionality of a T-shaped 14-electron intermediate is reported.AbstractAbstract ImageProtonolysis of the complexes SynopsisProtonolysis of the title compounds involves rate-determining proton transfer to the substrate. Subsequent isomerization is dissociative. Activation volumes for the two processes have opposite signs. A new kinetic β-hydrogen accelerating effect for isomerization favoring the fluxionality of a T-shaped 14-electron intermediate is reported.AbstractProtonolysis of the complexes cis-[PtR2(PEt3

What Qualifications does Good State Audit Require? : The Profiles of Ten Auditors-General

The professional profiles of the Auditors-General have gained scarce attention in scholarly work. Yet, these profiles may have major consequences for the choices that are made at the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), for example in terms of audit approaches. This article builds on the case of the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO). In Sweden, there is no public list of qualifications for the appo

What does “nothing over and above its parts” actually mean?

Some philosophers say that a whole is “nothing over and above” its parts. Most also take general extensional mereology to be treating wholes as “nothing over and above” their parts. It is not always clear, however, what exactly is meant by the phrase “nothing over and above.” Nor is it obvious why the phrase is associated with mereology, and what purpose it serves there. In the words of Peter Van

Iliac crest histomorphometry and skeletal heterogeneity in men

Purpose The cortical characteristics of the iliac crest in male have rarely been investigated with quantitative histomorphometry. Also it is still unknown how cortical microarchitecture may vary between the iliac crest and fractures related sites at the proximal femur. We studied the microarchitecture of both external and internal cortices within the iliac crest, and compared the results with femo

Spatial summation improves bird color vision in low light intensities

Color guides many important behaviors in birds. Previously we have shown that the intensity threshold for color discrimination in the chicken depends on the color contrast between stimuli and their brightness. The birds could discriminate larger color contrasts and brighter colors in lower light intensities. We suggested that chickens use spatial summation of cone signals to maintain color vision

A simple method to calculate first-passage time densities with arbitrary initial conditions

Numerous applications all the way from biology and physics to economics depend on the density of first crossings over a boundary. Motivated by the lack of general purpose analytical tools for computing first-passage time densities (FPTDs) for complex problems, we propose a new simple method based on the independent interval approximation (IIA). We generalise previous formulations of the IIA to inc

Wake analysis of drag components in gliding flight of a jackdaw (Corvus monedula) during moult

To maintain the quality of the feathers, birds regularly undergo moult. It is widely accepted that moult affects flight performance, but the specific aerodynamic consequences have received relatively little attention. Here we measured the components of aerodynamic drag from the wake behind a gliding jackdaw (Corvus monedula) at different stages of its natural wing moult. We found that span efficie

Balancing stability and change in the New Weberian State

Attempts at modernization typically include change. We argue that, in a long term perspective, these change attempts tend to be balanced with reforms or measures aiming at stability. Many of the measures that are taken today, after years of New Public Management (NPM) reforms, aim at securing continuity and quality within the existing structures, meaning a public administration characterized by st

The interplay of text, meaning and practice : Methodological considerations on discourse analysis in medical education

Context: The study of discourses (i.e. verbal interactions or written accounts) is increasingly used in social sciences to gain insight into issues connected to discourse, such as meanings, behaviours and actions. This paper situates discourse analysis in medical education, based on a framework developed in organisational discourse analysis and widely deployed in other social science disciplines.

Physical barriers and environmental gradients cause spatial and temporal genetic differentiation of an extensive algal bloom

Aim: To test if a phytoplankton bloom is panmictic, or whether geographical and environmental factors cause spatial and temporal genetic structure. Location: Baltic Sea. Method: During four cruises, we isolated clonal strains of the diatom Skeletonema marinoi from 9 to 10 stations along a 1132 km transect and analysed the genetic structure using eight microsatellites. Using F-statistics and Bayesi

Panel bootstrap tests of slope homogeneity

This paper proposes two bootstrap-based tests that can be used to infer whether the individual slopes in a panel regression model are homogenous. The first test is suitable when wanting to infer the null of homogeneity versus the general alternative, while the second is suitable when wanting to infer the units of the panel that can be pooled. Both approaches are shown to be asymptotically valid, a