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Lightweight vehicles in indirect structural health monitoring : Current advances and future prospects

Recent research has explored the potential of using the dynamic response of passing vehicles to conduct Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) efficiently. Various types of vehicles, including cars, vans, trucks, and even manually propelled carts, have been employed in this approach, with different configurations of exciters and receivers. A noteworthy development in this field involves the inclusion

Rural social movements and sustainable agricultural development in sub-Saharan Africa: towards a collaborative research agenda

Agriculture is key to sustainable development globally – particularly incountries where agriculture both accounts for most of the land use andprovides a livelihood for most of the population. We map out a collaborativeresearch agenda aimed at tackling the urgent but poorly understood issue ofthe role of farmer organisations in overcoming political barriers tosustainable and inclusive agricultural

Genomic identification of expressed globulin storage proteins in oat

Introduction: Oats, a highly nutritious cereal known for their health benefits, contain various macromolecules of significant biological value, including abundant and highly digestible proteins. Despite their importance, oat proteins have not been extensively studied. Here, we present a complete set of the expressed globulins genes, which code for the main storage protein in oats as well as their

Ambulance Travel Time Estimation using Spatiotemporal Data

Ambulance travel time estimations play a pivotal role in ensuring timely and efficient emergency medical care by predicting the duration for an ambulance to reach a specific location. Overlooking factors such as local traffic situations, day of the week, hour of the day, or the weather may create a risk of inaccurately estimating the ambulance travel times, which might lead to delayed emergency re

Cellular and Molecular Interplay in Bone Homeostasis and Healing

Bone is a complex hierarchical structure mainly comprising of a matrix of collagen and hydroxyapatite. The main physiological functions of bone include regulating skeletal remodeling, calcium homeostasis and providing a congenial environment to the bone marrow cells to reside and these physiological processes are intricately regulated by various cell types and biomolecules. During trauma to the sk

Scenarios for the long-term efficacy of amyloid-targeting therapies in the context of the natural history of Alzheimer's disease

INTRODUCTION: Recent clinical trials of amyloid beta (Aβ)-targeting therapies in Alzheimer's disease (AD) have demonstrated a clinical benefit over 18 months, but their long-term impact on disease trajectory is not yet understood. We propose a framework for evaluating realistic long-term scenarios. METHODS: Results from recent phase 3 trials of Aβ-targeting antibodies were integrated with an estim

Management of Reflex Syncope : Non-Pharmacological and Pharmacological

Non-pharmacological interventions represent the first-line treatment approach for patients with non-cardiac syncope. These interventions include reassurance of the benign nature of syncope, education about triggers and strategies to avoid them, early recognition of prodromal symptoms, and lifestyle measures to counteract blood pressure falls. Adequate water intake is recommended to avoid hypovolem

Future support on evidence-informed priority setting and situational analysis of the potential role of Health Technology Assessment in Africa to support future pandemic preparedness and response : protocol for a scoping review

BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of evidence-informed priority setting and situational analysis in pandemic preparedness and response. Health Technology Assessment (HTA) has been identified as an essential tool for evidence-informed decision-making in healthcare. However, the potential role of HTA in pandemic preparedness and response in Africa has yet to be explore

European Law Moot Court Competition, History, Cases & Materials

The book offers an overview of the history, cases and material of the European Law Moot Court Competition (ELMC). The ELMC is today considered the most prestigious moot court within the field of European Union Law and one of the most important moot court competitions in the world.Published at the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the competition, the book aims to both motivate students and guide

Alternativizing markets : the framing of moral commerce

How are moral markets organized? While previous research has shown that moral markets combine conventional and alternative elements, it has failed to explain how these hybridizations can ensure the organization of moral markets. To this end, we take an economic-sociological approach using ethnographic materials from a study of Swedish Reko-rings, a direct-to-customer market for local foods, to ana

Dynamics of violence in the retail service encounter – emotional labour and frontline work in high crime areas

This paper presents a novel approach to understanding violence in service encounters through a sociological lens, focusing specifically on micro-interactional violence. Traditionally, research on violence has focused on structural aspects, linking it to the capitalist system or viewing it as symbolic violence (Gordon & Zainuddin, 2020; Varman, 2010). This study, however, shifts the focus to th

Cooperation for safe retailing in vulnerable areas - a place-based approach

IntroductionThis paper focuses on retailing in vulnerable areas, which are commonly associated with segregation,crime, violence, and unsafety (Swedish Police Authority, 2023; Gerell et al., 2021). Less attention isusually paid to the conditions of retailing in these neighbourhoods. A well-functioning grocery storecan be a decisive factor in the attractiveness of an area and in making it safe. At t

Nonlinear Ultrasonic Evaluation for Corrosion Assessment of Steel Plates Embedded in Concrete

Den växande efterfrågan på hållbar och miljövänlig elproduktion, tillsammans med globala osäkerheter, understryker behovet för nationer att uppnå självförsörjande produktion av el. Kärnkraft, som står för cirka 30% av Sveriges elproduktion, spelar en avgörande roll i att leverera fossilfri el. Eftersom många kärnkraftverk närmar sig slutet av sin planerade livslängd är det avgörande att förlänga dThe growing demand for sustainable electricity production, coupled with global uncertainties, highlights the need for nations to achieve self-sufficiency in producing electricity. Nuclear power, which provides around 30% of Sweden's electricity, plays a critical role in delivering fossil-free electricity. As many nuclear plants are near the end of their designated lifespans, extending their operat

The Crowding Out Effect of Public Investment revisited: A Comparative SVAR Analysis of Sweden and the United States

Our study investigates the crowding out effect of public investment on private investment in Sweden and the United States during the period 2005-2019. We present an account of the prevailing theory on the subject and let it inform our subsequent SVAR analysis on quarterly data. We obtain impulse response functions to assess the direction and extent of crowding out or crowding in effects for both c

Stress på arbetet. Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter inom akutsjukvård

Bakgrund: Höga patientflöden, kritiskt sjuka patienter, och larmsituationer resulterar i en variabel arbetsmiljö på akutmottagningen som kan vara påfrestande och stressutlösande för sjuksköterskor. En sjuksköterska med höga nivåer av stress riskerar att drabbas av konsekvenser som compassion fatigue, sekundär traumatisk stress (STS), och posttraumatiskt stressyndrom (PTSD). Förutom att påverka sju

Safeguarding Luxury: Managing Exclusivity and Brand Image During Downward Line Extensions

Purpose: To examine how different branding strategies (direct branding, sub-branding, and independent branding) in luxury downward line extensions affect the exclusivity and brand im- age of the parent luxury brand. Design/methodology/approach: This study follows a qualitative approach by conducting semi-structured interviews with 15 respondents. The interviews were based on three luxury brand cas

Visual Wonders and Shocks : Images of Human Fetuses in Television Programs on Abortion and Fetal Research, 1969–1988

This chapter explores and compares the different uses of images of human fetuses in a number of Swedish television programs dealing with the controversial issue of fetal research in the period from the late 1960s to the late 1980s. Drawing on previous discussions on fetal imagery and ‘the public fetus,’ the analysis focuses on the different representational strategies used in a sample of programs

Kliniskt beslutsstöd för opioidnedtrappning i öppenvård vid långvarig smärta - Utarbetat efter klinisk studie TOPIO för användande företrädesvis i smärtvård och primärvård

Bakgrund Långvarig behandling med opioida läkemedel, här definierat som> 3 månader, på indikation långvarig icke-malign smärta är vanligt förekommande i smärtvården. Vid undersökningar i Lund och Linköping har noterats att ungefär en tredjedel av populationen vid smärtklinikerna exponeras för opioidbehandling, trots avsaknad av evidens och samtidigt väl kända risker med behandlingen. Nedtrappning