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Maten märks: förutsättningar för konsumentmakt
Många människor anser sig numera ha större makt i rollen som konsumenter än som medborgare som röstar i partival. Som konsumenter kan vi idag ta ställning till en rad olika anspråk som görs på produkter och tjänster. Hur ser vi konsumenter på livsmedel som genom olika märken påstås ha unika egenskaper i produktionsledet: för miljön, för konsumentens hälsa, för arbetsförhållanden för fabriks- och
The Constructive Articulation of Entrepreneuring: Sensemaking and Language-in-Use.
Moment-method calculations on multiple apertures using singular basis functions
The transmission properties of perforated perfectly conducting screens are of practical interest. The treatment of non-periodical structures by numerical tecniques, such as the method of moments, is very computer intensive. In this paper it is shown that using well adapted basis functions, the number of unknowns can be drastically reduced. Advantages and limitations of the method are discussed. Nu
Transport studies on nanowire quantum dots
Environmental self-reporting
Missbruk av dominerande marknadsställning i Sverige och EEC
I tre artiklar, som publicerade i samfundets tidskift 1976 analyseras de åtgärder, som med stöd av den nationella konkurrensbegränsningslagstiftningen riktas mot de marknadsdominerande företagen. Tre frågor lyftes fram: 1. I vilken utsträckning beivras traditionellt missbruk av en dominerande ställning; 2. Medger den interna lagstiftningen ingrepp mot företagssammanslagningar; 3. Ger de interna re
Respiratory Tract Deposition of Aerosol Particles from Various Sources
The Urban Turn: From regional clusters to creative cities. Invited presentation
Experimental evidence for non-uniform flow in a horizontal evaporation/condensation aerosol generator
Rural residents’ perception of local environmental changes.
Pastoralists, Power and Politics: A conflict over forest in the Central Indian Himalayas
Summation rules for the antenna input impedance
The Kramers-Kronig relations are probably the most well known dispersion relations [1]. These relations relate the real and imaginary parts of the constitutive relations. Summation rules are closely related to dispersion relations, and they ar important for consistency checks as well as deriving various physical bounds. In [2, 3, 4, 5], a summation rule that relates the absorption and scattering c
Global-local linkages, Spillovers and Cultural Clusters: Theoretical and Empirical insights from an exploratory study of Toronto’s Film Cluster
Investigation of a finite element formulation of Lighthill's acoustic analogy
There and Back Again - nocturnal migratory behaviour of birds during spring and autumn
This dissertation explores the migratory behaviour of nocturnally migrating passerines and common swifts (Apus apus). Birds passing Lund (southern Sweden) and Abisko (northernmost Scandinavia) where sampled using tracking radar. The aim has been to investigate potential diverging strategies between spring and autumn migration. We have found that both passerines and swifts compensate for wind drift
The water-supply system in Roman Pompeii
This study focusses on the urban infrastructure for water supply in Roman Pompeii. The water distribution network of lead pipes was constructed inside the city walls, at the time when the city was connected to an aqueduct. Life for the Pompeiians changed considerably when aqueduct water started running continuously in street fountains all around the city. The study is based on previous research an
36 år av mörker
Påvens svåra val kritiserat i över 50 år
Recension av Gordon Thomas: The Pope's Jews. The Vatican's Secret Plan to Save Jews From the Nazis.
Could you be more specific? Examples as crucial rhetorical tools in discourse on 'others'
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