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Parallelization Of The GMRES Method

GMRES (Generalized Minimal RESidual) är en iterativ metod som löser linjära system, där matrisen är inverterbar. Metoden löser systemet genom att generera bättre approximationer i varje iteration. Detta tillvägagångssätt är intressant i de fall man redan har en bra approximation att utgå ifrån. Med tillräckligt bra approximation kan ett väldigt stort system lösas med få iterationer, med en given tIn this thesis a GMRES method is constructed and tested. The method is implemented in a C++ program with the MPI protocol to make it parallel. The parallel parts of this program are discussed in detail, especially the communication and the partitioning of the data between the processes. In the tests that were conducted we come to three important conclusions: the method works as expected, a substan

From coca to butterflies: Managing Natural Resources for Post-Conflict Peacebuilding. A Case Study of Otanche Community, Colombia.

Inspired by environmental peacebuilding literature, this research explores the peacebuilding potential of natural resources through a qualitative case study of a conflict-affected community’s transition of livelihood strategies from coca cultivation to butterfly farming. The fieldwork was carried out with peasant families in rural Otanche - a biodiversity-rich area that, besides the Colombian conf

In a Space of Non-existence: The Life of Afghan Undocumented Refugees in Malmö

As the ‘era of borders’ can define the structure of the present European Union and its nation-state members, the rapid increase in international migration and the high amount of refugees can reveal how today’s EU politics has come to focus on the importance of maintaining the present-day European Union and its unifying identity. In consequence to the on-going politics, it is required to lower the

Product Classification - A Hierarchical Approach

The social and environmental impact associated with consuming a product is something that is becoming increasingly important to consumers and businesses alike. This impact can in theory be computed simply by classifying a product and by mapping the classified product to the corresponding life-cycle assessments research. However, this type of mapping requires an extensive product taxonomy with a la

Sharing the Health: Canada's Market for Prescription Drug Services and its Impact on Self-perceived Health

Canada is one of the only nations in the world that offers universal health coverage that excludes outpatient prescription drug services. This means that citizens may find out their diagnosis free of charge, but must incur out-of-pocket expenses for prescription drugs dispensed outside of hospitals. This paper examines the prevalence of prescription drug coverage in Canada across various socioecon

The Impact of Agency Costs on Corporate Cash Holdings. A Study of German Public and Private Tech Companies

Purpose: The main objective of this thesis is to examine the effect different drivers of agency costs have on corporate cash holdings in public and private German technology firms. The analysis identifies three potential sources of agency costs. By determining target cash levels first and then obtaining deviations from these targets, the influences of agency costs are measurable. Data Set: The sam

Strengths-based social work with unaccompanied minors and newly-arrived families: A qualitative study of Barn i Start

This thesis explores strengths-based social work with unaccompanied minors and newly-arrived families in Lund, Sweden, through a qualitative study based on par-ticipant observation and interviews at Barn i Start (BiS), a program for refugees. Previous research claims that welfare provision in Sweden has changed from a purely state-run service provider toward a heterogenic landscape of various publ

Stadsarkiv i ny kostym : arkivanställdas upplevelser av den utåtriktade verksamheten

In the government's report Arkiv för alla –nu och i framtiden from 2002, one of the goals was to increase public understanding and interest of the archives as a source of information and knowledge. To do this, the report concludes that the archives have to become more visible and more accessible to the public. The aim of this master's thesis is to examine how the archive staffs in the Ci

Journalistiken flexar på lånad tid? : en uppsats om bemanningsanställningens konsekvenser för journalisternas uppdrag och privatliv

Uppsatsen undersöker sju journalisters upplevelser av bemanningsföretagens intåg på arbetsmarknaden inom journalistiken. De sju är mellan 25 och 37 år gamla. De har jobbat som journalister mellan ett och tio år och samtliga har varit anställda av bemanningsföretaget Kompetens i Skåne (KIS). Detta företag kommer att läggas ned efter sommaren eftersom ägarna HD-Sydsvenskan inte är i behov av företag

Employer Branding amongst Millennials in the Hospitality Industry

The purpose of this study is to reveal and enable a deeper understanding and provide a more refined view on the intersections of employer branding, and (dis)identification, through the empirical focus on Millennials, based in the hospitality context. This is investigated by asking two research questions: “how is the employer brand presented to Millennials in Hotels International?” and “how is the

Female Labour Supply and Fertility at the Extensive Margin

This paper studies the female labour supply response to fertility at the extensive margin. The strategy pursued in this analysis is to identify two groups of childless women who utilized family planning services for the first time, one group for help with pregnancy and one group for help with contraception. The identification strategy is meant to resemble a natural experiment where actual treatmen

Do cash transfers have the ability to empower women? A case study on the Child Support Grant in South Africa

Cash transfer programs have been shown to be a successful tool in reducing poverty by multinational impact analysis. However, if they are able to affect gender dynamics remains a debated topic. Critics claim that the programs may reinforce traditional gender roles whilst others mean that increasing women’s income with a cash transfer is empowering. This study investigates the Child Support Grant i

Maria Röhl, konstnären som gav 1800-talets Sverige ett ansikte

This bachelor thesis concerns the Swedish artist Maria Röhl (1801-1875). She had her peak in the 1840ties as the favorite portrait artist of the Swedish bourgeoisie and nobility. The questions I put forward in the thesis are focused on facial- and hand features in her drawings. From where do they originate? Does it have an origin in fashion, society or in con- temporary scientific views? The resea

Möjligheter och utmaningar En diskursanalys av debatten om integration och enkla jobb

The purpose of this study is to examine the political debate about integration and so called ”simple jobs” in Sweden.A main point is also to examine how institutional racism is reproduced in the discourses that dominate the debate. The initial interest of the subject is the strong linkage between social integration and labour that often is taken for granted in the debate. The empirical material co

Vilken effekt har lärande genom observation på elevers narrativa skrivande i årskurs 5? En studie av skrivprodukter och skrivprocesser

Syfte: Läs- och skrivkunnighet är betydelsefullt för akademisk framgång och social samhörighet. Att barn utvecklar sin skrivförmåga är viktigt och det är därmed angeläget att undersöka hur skrivutvecklingen kan främjas inom skolundervisningen. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om interventionen Följa John som är baserad på lärande genom observation kan förbättra narrativt skrivande hos elever i fem

Do we learn more from situation based accident coding? Case study of Malmö and Gothenburg

Road traffic accidents in Sweden are today registered in the national database called STRADA (Swedish Traffic Accident Data Acquisition). To every accident information is gathered, but an efficient way of compiling this information is lacking. In countries like Germany or Denmark accidents are classified by the type of manoeuvre that leads to the accident. With help from reference tables, every m

Kommuners olika sjuktal

En kvantitativ studie om hur varierande sektorandelar på kommunal nivå förklarar skillnader i sjukpenninguttag mellan Sveriges kommuner. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka ifall kommuners olika sektorandelar har betydelse för kommuners sjuktal, samt om effekterna är olika beroende på kön. Då tidigare forskning sällan studerat betydelsen av själva anställdas sektorstillhörighet på arbetsmarknaden

An Introduction to Two-dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy and its Applications

This thesis is written as an introductory compilation of two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES) and its applications. It introduces the concepts of 2DES where the aim is to provide an overview of the technique and a few of its more prominent applications for those who are not already familiar with the technique. 2DES is a third-order optics technique that utilizes three interactions with l

Volatility and Contagion Effect from US and GIIPS to the Largest European Economies

This research paper explores the nature of the mean and volatility spillovers from the US and aggregate GIIPS to the largest GDP countries for the EMU and non-EMU countries. I develop a three step univariate volatility spillover model followed by Christiansen (2007) and Ng (2000) to analyze the relevance of local (own country), regional (aggregate GIIPS) and global (US) shocks. Empirical evidence

Shock metamorphic features in zircon grains from the Mien impact structure : clues to conditions during impact

Jämfört med andra himlakroppar i vårt solsystem så finns det få välbevarade nedslagsstrukturer på jorden. Vi vet att jorden har påverkats av nedslag från rymden i lika stor utsträckning som övriga planeter och att dessa nedslag har influerat jordens geologiska och biologiska utveckling. När en krater blivit nederoderad så kvar-står mikroskopiska bevis för att ett nedslag skett på platsen, unika föWell-preserved impact craters are rare on Earth, especially compared to other celestial bodies in our so-lar system. However, we know that the Earth has been part of the same bombardment and that impact cratering has influenced the Earth’s geological and biological history. When the morphological evidence of a former impact event has been eradicated, the identification of shock meta-morphic featur