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En psykodynamisk förståelse av minoritetsstress hos hbtq-personer. Konceptualisering och behandling

Studiens syfte är att med deduktiv och transformativ ansats berika befintlig psykodynamisk teori med erfarenheter av hur psykodynamiskt inriktade psykologer och psykoterapeuter förstår och hanterar minoritetsstress tillsammans med hbtq-personer som uppvisar psykisk ohälsa. Semistrukturerade djupintervjuer genomfördes med fem erfarna psykodynamiska psykologer och psykoterapeuter. Deltagarnas bidragThe aim of the study is to enrich existing psychodynamic theory with experiences of psychodynamic psychotherapists and how they understand and treat minority stress among lgbtq-persons with mental health issues. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five experienced psychodynamic psychologists and psychotherapists. The informants’ contributions were analyzed using thematic analysis and re

Fracture mechanics and damage modeling of injection molded high density polyethylene

For many applications a fracture is a disaster, leading to failure of the application and thus its usefulness. However, when it comes to the opening of a food and beverage package, fracture is a necessity. At Tetra Pak, food and beverage packages are produced to make food safe and available everywhere. Today, many of the packages include polymer parts, such as the opening of the packages. In the

Development of Combined Guide and Soft Closing for Sliding Door Systems

Denna rapport innehåller en produktutvecklingsprocess som fokuserar på att integrera ett mjukstängningssystem för skjutdörrar i ett existerande skåp på IKEA. Enheten har idag vad som kallas för guider som håller skåpsdörrarna på plats. Målet är att skapa en enhet som besitter de viktigaste egenskaperna av en guide och av en mjukstängningsmekanism för att kunna ersätta den förstnämnda. Detta görs fThis master thesis includes a product development process focused on incorporating a soft closing system for sliding doors in an existing cabinet at IKEA. A soft closing system prevents the door from slamming into the furniture when closing it. The unit today has what is called guides, holding the cabinet doors in place. The aim is to create a device that possesses all of the crucial qualities of

Hur kan lastbilstransportsystemet komma att se ut i framtiden? - En scenarioanalys

A number of global megatrends, such as self-driving technology, elec- trification of vehicles, ICT, CSR and a lot of other social and political trends are currently impacting the Swedish truck freight system. Identi- fications of these trends and preparedness for the potential impact they will have on the future truck freight system will be paramount for both incumbents and new actors in this system

Leprosy in Medieval Helsingborg: An Osteological Analysis of the St Clement Cemetery

The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of leprosy at the medieval cemetery if the St Clement church in Helsingborg. The material was excavated during 1958-1962 by Margareta Weidhagen-Hallerdt, however the results from the excavation was not published until 2010. New excavations were performed during the late 1980s and the results from the osteological analysis, which was conducted b

Låt landet lyfta loggan - En kvantitativ studie om country-of-origin-effekters påverkan på företags varumärkeskapital

Sammanfattning Titel: Låt landet lyfta loggan - En kvantitativ studie om country-of-origins-effekters påverkan på företags varumärkeskapital Seminariedatum: 2018-06-01 Kurs: FEKH29 - Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Johanna Göransson, Leo Sondén Karestrand, Linn Forsberg Handledare: Clara Gustafsson Nyckelord: Marknadsföring, brand equity, varumärkeskapiAbstract Title: Let the country lift the logo- a quantitative study of the country-of-origin effects impact on the brand equity. Seminar date: 2018-06-01 Title of the course: FEKH29 - Bachelor Degree Project in Marketing Undergraduate Level, Business Administration, 15 University Credits Points Authors: Johanna Göransson, Leo Sondén Karestrand, Linn Forsberg Advisor: Clara Gustafsson Key words: Ma

The value creation in brand public

Purpose: Brand public is a new theory developed as a brand communication on social media. The aim of this thesis is to reveal the value creation of brand public in contrast to the values created by brand community Methodology: We apply a postmodern perspective and our study is constructionistic, therefore we have selected the qualitative approach called netnography. Theoretical Perspectives: We dr

Rehabilitering av extensorsenskador på handen, evidens och arbetsterapeutiska interventioner i ett tidigt skede

Bakgrund: Människan är en aktiv varelse vars händer utför många dagliga aktiviteter i en mångfacetterad process. Arbetsterapeuter som möter personer med extensorsenskador på handen behöver kunskap om behandlingsmetoder och evidens i sin praxis vid rehabiliteringen. Metod: En litteraturöversikt innehållande åtta artiklar gjordes för att beskriva arbetsterapiinterventioner och dess fördelar och nackBackground: The human being is an active creature whose hands perform many daily activities in a multifaceted interaction. Occupational therapists working with extensor tendon injuries of the hand need knowledge about treatments and evidence in their practice. Method: A literature review of eight articles was made to describe occupational therapy interventions and its benefits and disadvantages to

Att orka lyssna på riktigt : Yrkesetik på HVB för ensamkommande flyktingbarn

Den här studien undersöker etiska uppfattningar hos behandlingsassistenter på HVB för ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Det görs med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra respondenter på två olika boenden. Materialet kategoriseras utifrån de tre normativa etiska teorierna dygdetik, omsorgsetik och dialogetik samt placeras inom en yrkesetisk kontext. Studien ger en inblick i yrkesgruppens villkor och

Welfare Effects of the Failing Firms Defence

The failing firm defence is a tool that an antitrust authority can use to approve a merger that usually would have been blocked if one of the merging firms is failing. The defence has during the last years been used a number of times on EU level as well as in Sweden. This thesis explains how the Cournot model can be used to analyse the failing firm defence. It also presents and discuss’ literature

The state, the curriculum and the nation

The Republic of Rwanda has traditionally been a home to three ethnic groups: Hutus, Tutsis and Twas. Clear divides between the groups have been created over the centuries by both inside and outside forces. Each group shares among themselves a collective identity which can be used to rally masses to create tensions in society. This is a development a stability-pursuing state seeks to avoid. In the

Vilket (o)ljud främjar uppmärksamhetsförmågan? - En studie om ljud och uppmärksamhet

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur uppmärksamhet påverkades av manipulationerna: tyst, vitt brus, en dialog och två parallella dialoger. Deltagarna delades först, med hjälp av självskattning för uppmärksamhet, in i grupper om hög och låg uppmärksamhetsnivå. Genom ett e-Corsi Spatial Span- test, Go/No Go- test och igenkänningstest i olika manipulationer, erhölls uppmärksamhetspoäng för att viThe purpose of the study was to examine how attentiveness was affected by these conditions: quietness, white noise, one dialogue and two parallel dialogues. Participants were first divided into groups of high and low level of attentiveness, by a self-assessment questionnaire. Attention scores were given by an e-Corsi Spatial Span Test, a Go/No-Go Test and a Free Recall Test, in the various conditi

Siltation Problems at the Landeyjahöfn Harbour, Iceland : Governing Processes and Coastal Evolution

The Landeyjahöfn Harbour, located on the south coast of Iceland, has since its opening in 2010 been suffering from siltation problems. Sediment deposited in the harbour entrance, preventing the ferry to run at full capacity. The problem was addressed in previous studies, but without arriving at a sustainable solution, stimulating the present study with the overall objective to investigate the sedi

Stoke - En studie av gymnasieelevers motivation och drivkrafter

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur gymnasieelever upplever motivation i sin skolvardag inom sina profilämnen. Vad innebär motivation för dem? Vilka faktorer påverkar deras motivation? Hur upplever gymnasieelever motivation i sin skolvardag? Studien utgår ifrån kvalitativa forskningsmetoder och omfattar två elevgrupper från estetiska programmet, varav en grupp går musikinriktning och den andraThe purpose of this study is to investigate how high school students experience motivation within in their chosen profile. What does motivation mean to them? Where does motivation come from? What promotes it and what impedes it? How is their motivation affected by their education? The study makes use of qualitative methods and includes two groups of students from the arts programme. One of the gro

Private Labels and Generation Dislo(Y)al - The impact of private labels on store loyalty within the Swedish grocery retail industry

Course: FEKN90, Degree project for Master of Science in Business and Economics (30 ECTS) Authors: Petrea Godderidge, Nicole Johansson and Lina Larsson Supervisor: Annette Cerne Key words: Generation Y, store loyalty, private labels, grocery retailer Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate what impact private labels, in relation to other store loyalty driving factors within the

The Grand Renaissance Dam och reproduktionen av den etiopiska nationalismen

Abstrakt The Grand Ethiopian Millennium Dam (GERD) är ett pågående statligt projekt som ska fördämma Blå Nilen. Detta stora utvecklingsprojekt förväntas lösa Etiopien och regionens grava elektricitetsunderskott och lyfta nationens ekonomiska tillväxt. Då dammen konstrueras på Nilen som är världens längsta flod har den skapat kontovers mellan Etiopien, nedströmsländerna och miljöaktivister. Som

The chemical composition of hot and cold gas giants

Exoplanet surveys have identified a category of giant planets that orbit very close to their host stars - the so-called hot Jupiters. The origin of such hot Jupiters is a long standing puzzle and has been closely investigated since the first discovery of such planets in 1995. The two competing formation paths suggests that they either migrated inwards during their formation process, through gravit

Sällanköpshandeln i förändring - En fallstudie om fysiska och digitala kanalers funktioner och utmaningar

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Sällanköpshandeln i förändring - En fallstudie om fysiska och digitala kanalers funktioner och utmaningar. Seminariedatum: 2018-06-01 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Mimer Berg, Ellen Fries, Jacob Lilja Handledare: Veronika Tarnovskaya Nyckelord: Digitalisering, detaljhandel, digital kanal, fysisk

Real-Time Multiple Audio Beamforming System

The Cocktail party problem is a known problem within audiology and relates to a person’s ability to understand and separate speech from a noisy background with multiple speakers. This master’s thesis, in collaboration with Eriksholm Research Center, part of the company Oticon, developed a real-time system to help people with Hearing Impairment (HI) handle this problem by using a microphone array a