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Gröna obligationer – en hållbar finansieringsform

Bakgrund: De finansiella marknaderna har genomgått en enorm utveckling under de senaste tjugo åren och är numera involverade i att skapa nya finansiella instrument. Idag anses organisationer behöva ta ett ansvar för hur de påverkar samhället såväl ur ett ekonomiskt-, miljömässigt och socialt perspektiv. Gröna obligationer är en marknad som har växt kraftigt och man kan undra vad är det för faktore

From core to store - A qualitative study of how retailers translate and communicate sustainability from corporate level to physical store

This thesis is a qualitative case study conducted in the context of the Swedish fashion retailer MQ. Due to the growing importance of sustainability the purpose of this study is to investigate how retailers’ sustainability work on corporate level is translated and communicated in the retail store environment. Further, it does also aim to explore how the physical space can be used to enable, encour

"We Are the Land and the Land Is Us" - Analyzing the Construction of Sami National Identity in Sami Political Discourse on Land and Natural Resources

The collective fight for self-determination among indigenous peoples around the world has made headlines over the past few years. The exploitation of indigenous territories by settler-states has revived nationalist feelings among the groups, including the Sami, whose territories spread across four states. This thesis aimed to explore how Sami national identity is constructed, shaped and promoted

Framtiden för Helsingborgs godsbangård

Området Ramlösa station och Helsingborgs godsbangård innefattar bland annat resecentrum, rangerbangård, tågdepåer och kombiterminal för att nämna några. Utöver det är området en del i stadsförnyelseprojekt H+ som ska omvandla en miljon kvadratmeter till en mer blandad stad, för att möta framtidens behov. Inom området har aktörer tillkommit, försvunnit och behovet har förändrats över tid. Det har o

The Magnetic Characterization of Iron-Chrome nanoparticle

In this thesis, the intrinsic magnetic characteristic of 10 nm FeCr oxide nanoparticles is studied. The nanoparticles is produced using the method of Spark discharge generation. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) is used to characterize the size distribution and coverage of deposited particle. Magnetic characterization is carried out using a magnetometer equipped with superconducting quantum inter

Resultatmanipulering bland svenska företag före konkurs

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om svenska företag resultatmanipulerar åren innan konkurs. Dessutom syftar denna studie till att undersöka om mängden resultatmanipulering åren innan konkurs korrelerar med hur kapitalintensiva företagen är och med företagens storlek. Metod: Studien har använt den modifierade Jones-modellen för att mäta mängden resultatmanipulering bland 738 svenskaPurpose: The purpose of this study is to examine if Swedish companies perform earnings management four years prior to filing for bankruptcy. This study also aims to examine whether the amount of earnings management before bankruptcy correlates with how capital intense the companies are and the size of the companies. Methodology: The modified Jones model has been used to measure the amount of earn

Start-ups' Motives, Approaches, and Opportunities for Using Open Innovation

Purpose – The existing literature of open innovation (OI) has focused mainly on large companies and few on SMEs, leaving start-ups with scarce analysis of the use of OI. This paper aims to close that gap and contribute to a better understanding of what drives start-ups to open for innovation, how they use it and comprehend what challenges and benefits OI brings to start-ups. Design/methodology/ap

Detection and Localisation of Gunshots Using Sound Data

The goal of this master's thesis is to detect and position sharp sounds using Axis speakers with built-in microphones. Sharp sounds of special interest are gunshots. The system needs at least five speakers to function and is designed for usage in indoor environments. The project follows a pipeline in order to position sound sources containing recording, synchronisation, detection of gunshot in

Does Generation Y exist?

Examensarbetets titel: Finns Generation Y ? - En studie om chefers upplevelser av Generation Y i bankbranschen Seminariedatum: 31 maj 2018 Ämne/kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i organisation & ledarskap, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Maria Nystén, Ida Söderling Petersson & Alexandra Volkova Handledare: Olof Hallonsten Institution: Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Lunds UniversitMethodology and theoretical reference framework: The study uses a qualitative method where data has been collected through semi structured interviews with eight different managers from major banks with the experience of leading the youngest and newest generation in the labor market, Generation Y. The data has since been interpreted using our empirical material. Conclusion: The conclusions of the s

“Ska du pilla ut ryggraden är det något som kommer gå galet!” -en studie om drivkrafterna för att byta affärssystem

Affärssystem ses som en organisations nervsystem då det integrerar verksamhetens alla avdelningar och processer. Att byta affärssystem är en komplex förändring vilket gör det relevant att ha vetskap om vilka drivkrafter som ligger till grund för systembytet. Syftet med studien är att bidra till ökad förståelse för på vilka grunder organisationer väljer att implementera nya affärssystem. Studiens f

Japan’s Legacy of Technology in the Digital Era : A Mixed Methods Analysis of the Competitive Advantage of the IoT sector in Japan

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether Japan achieves a competitive advantage through digital technologies in order to enhance its socio-economic prosperity in this highly connected world. The author analysed the competitive advantage of Japan’s ICT sector with a particular focus on IoT through Porter’s Diamond Model of National Competitive Advantage. The main motive behind choosing

Internetanvändning - Kan det minska upplevelsen av ensamhet hos äldre?

Bakgrund: Ensamhet är ett omfattande problem för många äldre. Minskad social aktivitet och minskat engagemang kan påverka ensamhetsupplevelser negativt. Eftersom människor lever allt längre är det av stor vikt att utveckla metoder för ett hälsosamt och meningsfullt åldrande. Tekniken antas kunna bidra till ett aktivt och hälsosamt åldrande. Distriktssköterskan möter de äldre i deras närmiljö och f

Artificial Neural Network Modelling of Intensive Care Mortality

In order to study and evaluate the care provided at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), an accurate model to assess severity of illness and predict patient mortality based on admission data is required. Since 1983, the Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) based on logistic regression (LR) has become one of the international standards for this purpose and is used in Sweden for adults. While being a

Understanding the Optical Principles of UV-based Antifouling

In 2014 Salters et. al. introduced the concept of an UV-emitting wallpaper. By using UVC LEDs, a completely clean ship hull surface can be achieved without polluting the marine environment with biocides, normally associated with antifouling paints. A larger hull surface area could be illuminated by a single LED if the LED light is used efficiently. Exactly how the light exits the wallpaper materia

Using Augmented Reality as a tool for troubleshooting separator alarms

Some say that the fourth industrial revolution is here now that machines can communicate with each other. This combination of Internet of Things (IoT) with industrial machines has been labeled Industry 4.0. Alfa Laval, manufacturer of liquid separators, together with B&R, an industrial automation company, want to explore the possibilities with Industry 4.0 and especially how Augmented Reality

Structure‐function relationship of the transcription regulator Spx

Do bacteria handle stress better than us? Do bacteria have stress too? Are they able to deal with stress? If so, how do bacteria deal with stress? Certainly, bacteria experience stress too. Bacterial stress can be chemical (caused by toxic, harmful compounds e.g. antibiotics), or physical (caused by heat or harsh environment). Bacteria are pretty smart to handle stress. They have developed specif

The portrayal of Sweden in American alt-right media, as exemplified by Breitbart News

The alt-right is a fairly recent addition to the pantheon of political ideologies. Its rise to prominence is seen by many as the driving force behind Donald Trump’s presidency. The youth of the ideology has also created a natural relationship between it and the fields of new media and cyberculture. In alt-right media, the topic of Sweden is frequently recurring, and the theme is most often of a na

Finns kontraktering?

Syftet med fallstudien är att undersöka hur learning-to-contract-processer ser ut i startups och vilka effekterna av dessa är då startups innehar begränsade resurser, i förhållande till stora företag, i bland annat form av tid och kontraktslig erfarenhet. Meningen med det valda fallföretaget är därför att belysa ett empiriskt fall som inte tidigare behandlats i litteratur på området. Studieobjekte