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The Alzheimer's Prevention Registry: A Large Internet-Based Participant Recruitment Registry to Accelerate Referrals to Alzheimer's-Focused Studies

Published 21 October 2020 Recruitment for Alzheimer's disease (AD)-focused studies, particularly prevention studies, is challenging due to the public's lack of awareness about study opportunities coupled with studies' inclusion and exclusion criteria, resulting in a high screen fail rate. Read more at - 2025-03-17

Improving hypertension surveillance from a data management prospective: Data requirements for implementation of population-based registry

Published 22 October 2020 Hypertension (HTN) has become a major public health problem which can cause serious complications when it is not well-controlled. Prevention and effective care of HTN require a population-based registry. Thus, establishing this registry can be used to collect comprehensive, timely, and reliable data on epidemiology cases. The aim is to create a registry for the collection - 2025-03-17

Costs of diabetes complications: hospital-based care and absence from work for 392,200 people with type 2 diabetes and matched control participants in Sweden

Published 22 October 2020 The risk of complications and medical consequences of type 2 diabetes are well known. Hospital costs have been identified as a key driver of total costs in studies of the economic burden of type 2 diabetes. Less evidence has been generated on the impact of individual diabetic complications on the overall societal burden. The objective of this study was to analyse costs of - 2025-03-17

Mortality in first- and second-generation immigrants to Sweden diagnosed with type 2 diabetes: a 10 year nationwide cohort study

Published 23 October 2020 Non-Western immigrants to Europe are at high risk for type 2 diabetes. In this nationwide study including incident cases of type 2 diabetes, the aim was to compare all-cause mortality (ACM) and cause-specific mortality (CSM) rates in first- and second-generation immigrants with native Swedes. Read more at - 2025-03-17

Longitudinal prediction of falls and near falls frequencies in Parkinson’s disease: a prospective cohort study

Published 23 October 2020 Several prediction models for falls/near falls in Parkinson’s disease (PD) have been proposed. However, longitudinal predictors of frequency of falls/near falls are poorly investigated. Therefore, we aimed to identify short- and long-term predictors of the number of falls/near falls in PD. Read more at - 2025-03-17

Epidemiology, bacteriology, and clinical characteristics of HACEK bacteremia and endocarditis: a population-based retrospective study

Published 24 October 2020 The objective was to describe the epidemiology, bacteriology, clinical presentation, risk factors for endocarditis (IE), diagnostic workup, and outcome of patients with bacteremia caused by the non-influenzae Haemophilus, Aggregatibacter, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, and Kingella genera (HACEK). A retrospective population-based cohort of patients with bacteremia collected - 2025-03-17

SES inequalities in cause-specific adult mortality: a study of the long-term trends using longitudinal individual data for Sweden (1813–2014)

Published 24 October 2020 Higher socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with lower mortality, and this correlation has been confirmed using different indicators across several geographical settings. Nevertheless, the timing of the emergence of the SES gradient remains unclear. We used individual-level longitudinal data for a regional population in southern Sweden covering the period between 1813 - 2025-03-17

They started a company to spread their research findings: "We need to get better at handling floods."

By emma [dot] renman [at] innovation [dot] lu [dot] se (Emma Renman) - published 6 May 2024 Petter Pilesjö, Abdulghani Hasan, and Andreas Persson were tired of the feeling of writing articles and presenting at conferences without anything happening. Learn how they went from research results to making use of their findings by starting the company PluvioFlow. Petter Pilsjö is a Professor at Lund Uni - 2025-03-17

Innovative system for teaching preschool maths receives SEK 3.8 million in proof-of-concept funding from Wallenberg Launchpad (WALP)

By lina [dot] tornquist [at] innovation [dot] lu [dot] se (Lina Törnquist) - published 5 September 2024 The Magical Garden is a pedagogical system for preschool mathematics created around a digital learning-through-play game. The system is based on more than 10 years of research and development. Now, it’s been awarded a proof-of-concept grant. Learning early math is not just fundamental for childr - 2025-03-17

PluvioFlow wants to increase societies’ resilience to floods: appoints new CEO and launches pilot program

Published 25 November 2024 PluvioFlow, a pioneering technology company specializing in flood modeling, announces the appointment of Jonatan Green Brzezinski as its new CEO and Inriver founder Johan Billgren as Chairman of the Board. Simultaneously, the company is launching a pilot program following highly positive market feedback. "I'm excited to join the team and get started," says Jonatan Green - 2025-03-17

New initiative to strengthen Sweden's startups and scaleups

Published 4 December 2024 To address the unique needs of Sweden's innovative and fast-growing startups and scaleups, a new collaborative initiative called Sweden Startup Nation has been established. This initiative aims to serve as an independent, national knowledge hub that enhances understanding of startups, scaleups, and their ecosystem through comprehensive data collection, analysis, and acces - 2025-03-17

Sustainable construction: How fungi research at Lund University could revolutionise infrastructure repair

By lina [dot] tornquist [at] innovation [dot] lus [dot] se (Lina Törnquist) - published 15 January 2025 Much of the world's infrastructure is made of concrete, which presents a challenge when it cracks and needs repair. Traditional repair methods involve cutting away a large amount of material. Now researchers at Lund University are investigating an innovative solution: using fungi to mend concret - 2025-03-17

Don't fall in love with your own idea

By tiina [dot] meri [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Tiina Meri) - published 16 January 2025 THINK TEAM. Don't strive for perfection, take small steps instead. And dare to ask the really tough questions. Annika Lindström, Innovation Developer at LU Innovation, gives advice to aspiring entrepreneurs. To "succeed" in realising an idea, the most fundamental thing in my eyes is to be truly driven by the de - 2025-03-17

Consumption of red meat, genetic susceptibility, and risk of LADA and type 2 diabetes

Published 28 July 2020 Analyses were based on Swedish case–control data comprising incident cases of LADA (n = 465) and T2D (n = 1528) with matched, population-based controls (n = 1789; n = 1553 in genetic analyses). Multivariable-adjusted ORs in relation to self-reported processed and unprocessed red meat intake were estimated by conditional logistic regression models. Attributable proportion (AP - 2025-03-17

Familial risk of breast cancer by dynamic, accumulative, and static definitions of family history

Published 29 July 2020 The authors assessed the effect of incorporating the timing of cancer diagnosis events into the assessment of familial risks of breast cancer in first‐degree and second‐degree relatives in a nationwide cohort study of 5,099,172 women (follow‐up was between 1958‐2015). Family history was assessed using 3 approaches: 1) as a static variable (ever having a relative with breast - 2025-03-17

Ulnar Nerve Entrapment in Diabetes: Patient-reported Outcome after Surgery in National Quality Registries.

Published 29 July 2020 Ulnar nerve entrapment at the elbow (UNE) is overrepresented in patients with diabetes, but the outcome of surgery is unknown. We aimed to evaluate patient-reported outcome in patients with and without diabetes, and to assess potential sex differences and compare surgical treatment methods. Data on patients operated for UNE (2010-2016, n = 1354) from the Swedish National Reg - 2025-03-17

RDA COVID-19 Recommendations and Guidelines for Data Sharing

Published 30 July 2020 The recommendations in the document are aimed at helping policymakers and funders to maximise timely, quality data sharing and appropriate responses in future health emergencies. The Research Data Alliance (RDA) COVID-19 Working Group members bring various, global expertise to develop a body of work that comprises how data from multiple disciplines inform response to a pande - 2025-03-17

Cancer survival statistics for patients and healthcare professionals – a tutorial of real‐world data analysis

Published 30 July 2020 In this review, we explain statistical concepts targeted towards patients, clinicians and healthcare professionals that summarize cancer patient survival under the assumption that other causes of death exist. Specifically, we explain the appropriate use, interpretation and assumptions behind statistical methods for competing risks, loss in life expectancy due to cancer and c - 2025-03-17

Avoiding dynastic, assortative mating, and population stratification biases in Mendelian randomization through within-family analyses

Published 31 July 2020 Estimates from Mendelian randomization studies of unrelated individuals can be biased due to uncontrolled confounding from familial effects. Here we describe methods for within-family Mendelian randomization analyses and use simulation studies to show that family-based analyses can reduce such biases. Read more here. - 2025-03-17