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Negotiating (in)visibility: Street-making on the margins of Malmö, by Laleh Foroughanfar

By maria [dot] lofstedt [at] cme [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - published 29 April 2021 Photo by Jesper Ericsson on Unsplash Accelerated by changes in the geography and capitalist social relations of production, the influx of labor migrants, refugees and asylum seekers has transformed the demography of cities in the global North. In the Swedish context, as the demography of the cities is alt - 2025-03-12

Navigating the Ocean of Suspicion: Affective Politics and Ambivalent Cairene Masculinities

By maria [dot] lofstedt [at] cme [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - published 3 May 2021 Photo: Maria Malmström Maria F Malmström is taking part of the conference: "Gender and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa: A Decade after the Arab Uprisings" Virtual Workshop Series (University of Gothenburg). The title of her talk is "Navigating the Ocean of Suspicion: Affective Politics and Ambiv - 2025-03-12

CMES travel grant and research initiation now open for applications

By karin [dot] aggestam [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Karin Aggestam) - published 3 May 2021 The Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies supports research with high scientific potential through the Strategic Research Area (SRA): Middle East in the Contemporary World (MECW). Research initiation CMES offers seed money for research initiation and preparation of applications for national and interna - 2025-03-12

Middle East Forum Newsletter #20 April, 2021

By maria [dot] lofstedt [at] cme [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - published 4 May 2021 New calls for research funding, and scientific advisory board in the making! While we are still waiting for warmer spring weather to arrive there are some encouraging signs that we are now moving towards brighter times. The surrounding of CMES is distinguished by beautiful Magnolia trees in full blossom and - 2025-03-12

Three questions to Morten Valbjørn

By maria [dot] lofstedt [at] cme [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - published 17 May 2021 Thursday 20 May Morten is giving a CMES Research Seminar on the topic: What is so Sectarian about Sectarian Politics? Identity Politics and Authoritarianism in a New Middle East. 1.    How has sectarian politics been debated before, during and after the Arab Revolts? The public debate on sectarianism easily - 2025-03-12

The Israel-Palestine conflict: external pressure is needed to bring the parties to the negotiating table 

By maria [dot] lofstedt [at] cme [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - published 19 May 2021 Both sides in the Israel-Palestine conflict see the other party as an enemy, which confirms the threat. It is necessary to put the civilians and their suffering in focus, says Lisa Strömbom. Photo: Shutterstock Strong external pressure is needed to stop the violence between Israel and Hamas, which  has harv - 2025-03-12

New research project: Gendering peacemaking in the Middle East

Published 27 May 2021 Photo: Jonathan Meyer on Unsplash External research grant from the Australian Research Council (ARC). This project aims to interrogate existing boundaries to women’s participation in peace processes and identifies reasons for the failure of peace making to address the gendered foundations and impacts of conflict. The interdisciplinary research team consists of Karin Aggestam - 2025-03-12

New Pufendorf Research Theme: Hydrosolidarity 2.0

Published 27 May 2021 Photo: Isiah Gibson on Unsplash A major global challenge during the coming decades is working towards sustainability. However, integrative methods for joint social, ethical, human, and engineering approaches in SDG implementations are to a great extent still lacking. Access to safe water is a key element in many of the SDGs. Hydrosolidarity principles are important on a natio - 2025-03-12

The Arab Spring - ten years after

By maria [dot] lofstedt [at] cme [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - published 1 June 2021 Photo: Maria Malmström Several researchers at the Center for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies were doing field work during the Arab Spring. It has left deep traces in them - but also resulted in new research projects. The Arab Spring is a term describing the uprisings that started in several countries in Nor - 2025-03-12

Middle East Forum Newsletter

By maria [dot] lofstedt [at] cme [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - published 3 June 2021 #21 May, 2021 Message from the director   Summer greetings from the team at the Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies Finally, warm sunny weather has arrived and slowly but surely Sweden is opening up again since the vaccination program is now in full swing. At CMES, we are able to enjoy outdoor “Coron - 2025-03-12

APG: A novel python-based ArcGIS toolbox to generate absence-datasets for geospatial studies

Published 18 June 2021 Photo: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash One important step in binary modeling of environmental problems is the generation of absence-datasets that are traditionally generated by random sampling and can undermine the quality of outputs.   To solve this problem, this study by Seyed Amir Naghibi, Hossein Hashemi and Biswajeet Pradhand, develops the Absence Point Generation (APG) toolb - 2025-03-12

Assessing data‐scarce contaminated groundwater sites surrounding petrochemical industries

Published 18 June 2021 Photo: Daniel Olah on Unsplash A new study by Ivan Radelyuk, Mehran Naseri Rad, Hossein Hashemi, Magnus Persson, Ronny Berndtsson, Madeniyet Yelubay and Kamshat Tussupova. A common problem when studying groundwater contamination in low-income countries is that data required for a detailed risk assessment are limited. This study presents a method for assessment of the potenti - 2025-03-12

Fighting Insurgency, Ruining the Environment in the Dersim Province of Turkey

Published 17 August 2021 Published Open Access in the journal Human Ecology. The article is authored by Pinar Dinc, Lina Eklundh, Aiman Shahpurwala, Ali Mansourian, August Aturinde and Petter Pilesjö Environmental destruction has long been used as a military strategy in times of conflict. A long-term example of environmental destruction in a conflict zone can be found in Dersim/Tunceli province, l - 2025-03-12

Anti-Black Racism in Yemen: Manifestations and Responses

Published 26 August 2021 Anti-Black Racism is still very present in Yemen, with a discriminatory caste system that is based on skin colour. Nevertheless, there are initiatives and solutions being put forward to combat this and ways in which awareness is being raised. This paper seeks to explore the dynamics of anti-Black racism in Yemen and how resistance against this is expressed, as well as the - 2025-03-12

New publications on water security and integrated water management

Published 26 August 2021 Ronny Berndtsson has co-authored two chapters on water security and comprehensive integrated water management. Water security by Baghban, S., O. Bozorg-Haddad, and R. Berndtsson (2021) in Water Resources: Future Perspectives, Challenges, Concepts and Necessities, Edited by Omid Bozorg-Haddad, IWA Publishing. Read more about the contribution here Comprehensive integrated wa - 2025-03-12

New MECW project on AI and dust-storm control in the Middle East

Published 26 August 2021 Photo: Pixabay The Middle East, which is experiencing severe environmental challenges such as dust-storms, is most vulnerable to climate and human-induced environmental changes. The goals of this interdisciplinary project are to identify the climate- and human-induced sources of dust and to determine and explain the factors affecting the dust-source areas such as climate v - 2025-03-12

Masculinities and infrastructural violence in Cairo

Published 6 September 2021 A new article authored by Maria Frederika Malmström, "Making and unmaking masculinities in Cairo through sonic infrastructural violence", was recently published in the journal Urban Studies.  Maria Frederika Malmström's article explores the Egyptian state’s production of desired manhood and destruction of unwanted masculinities in relation to home and displacement throug - 2025-03-12

Agonistic recognition in Turkey and Israel-Palestine

Published 8 September 2021 Lisa Strömbom has coauthored with Bahar Rumelili the article "Agonistic recognition as a remedy for identity backlash: Lessons from Israel and Turkey" which is now available online (open access) in Third World Quarterly. The article is part of a forthcoming Special Issue on agonistic peace, edited by Lisa Strömbom and Isabel Bramsen.  Abstract While an extensive part of - 2025-03-12

Desertification in Iran

Published 10 September 2021 Photo: Mohammad Asadi on Unsplash Together with Sayed Fakhreddin Afzali (Shiraz University), Ali Khanamani (Yazd University) and Ehsan Kamali Maskooni (Islamic Azad University), CMES deputy director Ronny Berndtsson has co-authored the article "Quantitative assessment of environmental sensitivity to desertification using the modified MEDALUS model in a semiarid area", a - 2025-03-12

Soil water content and root water uptake in Egypt

Published 14 September 2021 Together with Mohamed Galal Eltarabily (Port Said University), Nasr M. Abdou (Fayoum University), Mustafa El-Rawy (Minia University) and Tarek Selim (Port Said University), CMES deputy director Ronny Berndtsson has co-authored the article "A Comparative Analysis of Root Growth Modules in HYDRUS for SWC of Rice under Deficit Drip Irrigation", available online in the jour - 2025-03-12