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Vacancy at the IIIEE

Published 15 June 2020 Doctoral student in Sustainable urban governance on mission-oriented innovation The doctoral student will work in the area of sustainable urban governance with a focus on mission-oriented innovation.The transformation to a sustainable society involves a multitude of actors including municipalities, business, public organizations and citizens, together advancing new knowledge - 2025-03-06

IIIEE Policy Analysis theme contributes to the IEA Special Report on ‘Sustainable Recovery’

Published 18 June 2020 There is growing attention on green stimulus recovery packages around the world, and policy-oriented research and expertise at the IIIEE is being increasingly considered to support policy initiatives in this important area. Recently, the International Energy Agency (IEA) launched the development of the ‘World Energy Outlook Special Report on Sustainable Recovery’. The IIIEE - 2025-03-06

Five ways to shape the sharing economy in cities:

Published 29 June 2020 Redesigning our economies and communities in the face of pandemics and crises. In this article, Kes McCormick, Yuliya Voytenko Palgan and Charlotte Leire at IIIEE, present the ambitions and design of a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on five ways to shape the sharing economy in cities.The article is published on the Viable Cities website, an innovation programme for sm - 2025-03-06


Published 30 June 2020 "Circular Economy in Home Textiles: Motivations of IKEA Consumers in Sweden" Ever wondered what motivates consumers to engage in circular home textile disposal practices? IIIEE researchers Matthias Lehner, Oksana Mont, Giulia Mariani, and Luis Mundaca have just published a study in Sustainability, answering this question based on a sample of IKEA Consumers in Sweden. Abstrac - 2025-03-06

A Town Of Ice And Fire

Published 25 March 2019 New podcast episode by Advancing Sustainable Solutions! Kiruna, a small and industrious mining town in the arctic north of Sweden, is facing a unique challenge - the mine has expanded so far under ground that it is weakening the town’s foundations and will eventually pose a threat to inhabitants.City leadership and the mining company decided that much of the town would have - 2025-03-06

Peter Arnfalk interviewed by Swedish Radio

Published 25 March 2019 Photo: Shutterstock Discussing how to reduce climate impact from business travel in Sweden. Peter Arnfalk at the IIIEE participated in two stories by Swedish Radio on climate impact, business travels and virtual meetings as a tool for reducing carbon emissions.In Ekot: P1-morgon: - 2025-03-06

The Nordic Report 01 - 2018

Published 26 March 2019 A summary of sixty innovative examples with the aim of spreading knowledge about sustainable production and consumption in accordance with the UN Global Goal 12 of Agenda 2030. The Nordic Report 01 was recently published, displaying sixty innovative examples with the aim of spreading knowledge about sustainable production and consumption in accordance with the UN Global Goa - 2025-03-06

Peter Arnfalk in Sydsvenskan

Published 2 April 2019 Peter Arnfalk at the IIIEE Guiding authorities how to speed up the transition to digital meetings. Sydsvenskan published an article on Swedish universities' transition from unnecessary flying to digital meetings.Peter Arnfalk at the IIIEE was interviewed for this article: Universiteten släpar efter när flyg ska ersättas av digitala möten - 2025-03-06

New climate report conducted by the Climate Policy Council of Lund Municipality

Published 4 April 2019 On 3 April a new climate report was submitted to the municipal executive board of Lund. The report was conducted by the Climate Policy Council of Lund Municipality, a newly established council, with the aim to inspect the climate work of Lund Municipality and guide them towards reaching the goals set.Lena Neij at the IIIEE is the Chair of the council and handed over the repo - 2025-03-06

Sharing Cities - Journeys and insights from the sharing economy in cities

Published 8 April 2019 In April 2019, Sharing Cities Sweden (coordinated by IIIEE) published a synthesis report entitled Sharing Cities: Exploring the Emerging Landscape of the Sharing Economy in Cities. It captures the lessons learned and ambitious goals of the test-beds in Stockholm, Malmö, Umeå and Göteborg. The document contains articles on the journeys of the test-beds, a discussion of design - 2025-03-06

Sharing Cities: Business Models and Behavioural Economics

Published 8 April 2019 Photo: Kes McCormick Event on 8 April as part of Sustainability Week 2019. On 8 April, Sharing Cities Sweden held an event on the sharing economy in cities focusing on learning about business models and behavioural economics.Sharing Cities Sweden and the Urban Arena at Lund university were co-organisers of the event as part of the Sustainability Week 2019. - 2025-03-06

Mobile research lab in Amsterdam has started

Published 10 April 2019 Urban Sharing team has started their first Mobile Research Lab (MRL) in Amsterdam. The trip includes among others visits to ShareNL, Rijkswaterstaat, University of Utrecht, University of Twente, city of Amsterdam as well as meetings with representatives of different urban sharing organisations active in the city of Amsterdam.On the photo (left to right): Urban Sharing team: - 2025-03-06

Opinion article in Sydsvenskan

Published 24 April 2019 Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT Discussing the role of the universities in connection to travels, food and facilities in the light of the climate issue. On 18 April, Sydsvenskan published an opinion article "Universiteten bör visa vägen i klimatfrågan, halvera sina utsläpp på fem år". The article is co-written by Peter Arnfalk et al. and discusses the role of the universities in co - 2025-03-06

IIIEE taking part in the Baltic University Programme’s Annual Student Conference

Published 3 May 2019 Jessika Luth Richter gives an overview of circular economy policies and challenges. Katherine Whalen and Jessika Luth Richter are presenting their Circular Economy research and running In the Loop workshops at the Baltic University Programme’s Annual Student Conference in Estonia 25-28th April. Katherine Whalen and Jessika Luth Richter will be presenting their research about t - 2025-03-06

New Advisory Group Member to the Urban Sharing research project

Published 3 May 2019 We welcome Prof. Florian Lüdeke-Freund! We are happy to announce that Prof. Florian Lüdeke-Freund from ESCP Europe Business School in Germany has joined the URBAN SHARING advisory group, consisting of Professors: Julian Agyeman, Harriet Bulkeley, Koen Frenken, Renate E. Meyer, Renato Orsato, and Chris Ryan. Prof. Lüdeke-Freund will help the URBAN SHARING project to develop a c - 2025-03-06

New Podcast Episode on Scooters, Sharing & Sustainability!

Published 6 May 2019 Researchers Steven Curtis and Sofie Sandin at the IIIEE have launched a new episode of the podcast ‘Advancing Sustainable Solutions’. In the monthly podcast, Steven and co-host Sofie Sandin discuss sustainability research conducted at the IIIEE. In this month’s episode, Steven and Sofie share insights into the sharing economy, including business models as well as the sustainab - 2025-03-06

Update from the Living Mobility Congress

Published 6 May 2019 Photo: Lucie Zvolska Blog post by Lucie Zvolska On 16th April 2019, Lucie Zvolska from the Urban Sharing team attended a Living Mobility Congress in Amsterdam, which brought together over 300 representatives from mobility businesses, urban planners, the city governments and the academia. The aim of to Congress was to (re)imagine the future of mobility in cities and in new area - 2025-03-06

Yuliya Voytenko Palgan presents her research on governance of the sharing economy in Ukraine

Published 9 May 2019 Yuliya Voytenko Palgan IIIEE researcher Yuliya Voytenko Palgan presented at the International Spring School and International Scientific-Practitioner Conference “European Dimensions of Sustainable Development”, which was held at the National University of Food Technologies in Kyiv, Ukraine, on 23-24 April 2019. Yuliya welcomed the participants with a keynote speech and gave tw - 2025-03-06

Annual visit of students from the University of Virginia

Published 16 May 2019 The annual three week long study programme with visiting students from University of Virginia has now kicked off at the IIIEE.Sixteen students have been assigned four business cases with the clients: Godsinlösen, Malmö Stad, Gram and Movebybike.The initial meetings with the clients were well organized and well received.Blog by the visiting students from  University of Virgini - 2025-03-06