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Evaluation of a school-based cognitive–behavioral depression prevention program

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility and cost-utility of a school-based cognitive–behavioral (CB) depression prevention program. Methods: A quasi-experimental trial with an intervention group and a control group, with follow-up measurements obtained at three and 12 months after baseline, was conducted. The setting was six Swedish municipalities. The participants were stude

The bodies of others in Swedish feminism

The body – or, more specifically, women’s bodies – has long been one of feminism’s central topics. This discussion has ranged from explorations of the cultural meaning of biology to the challenging of classification systems regulating bodies not only culturally coded as female or male but also understood through race regimes. This article seeks to explore the location of bodies within Swedish femi

The ‘European Turks’ : identities of high-skilled Turkish migrants in Europe

Using exceptionally rich qualitative data coming from the FP7 EUCROSS project on the ‘Europeanization of the Everyday Life’, this paper focuses on high-skilled and highly transnational Turkish migrants who reside in the UK, Romania and Italy. The article analyses participants’ discursive constructions of Europe and Europeanness and shows how specific images and symbols of Europe and Turkey influen

Aeolian dunes of central Sweden

I Sveriges centrala inland finns det allt från enstaka sanddyner till stora dynfält som täcker mer än 10 km2. Dessa dynfält passerar dock oftast obemärkt i landskapet på grund av det oftast markanta vegetationstäcke som fixerar dessa dyner. De är dock värdefulla för att kunna återskapa forna tiders klimat och vindmönster, men tyvärr har förhållandevis lite forskning angående dessa dyner bedrivits In the Swedish inland there are aeolian deposits present, ranging from scattered single dunes to dune fields of more than 10 km2. These dune fields often pass unnoticed since they presently are covered by vegetation. However, they contain a rich palaeoenvironmental archive. Only a few research papers have been published regarding these aeolian deposits during the last 90 years. The primary scope o

Labor Migration from Third Countries to Swedish Low-wage jobs

Since December 2008, Sweden has more liberal rules for labor immigration from ‘third countries’ – countries outside the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) – than any other country in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The introduction of employer-driven labor immigration, motivated by the need to address labor shortages, resulted in large inflows o

Ungdomars politiska diskussion i sociala medier: hellre offline?

I valrörelsen 2018 väntas sociala medier spela en stor roll, särskilt för ungdomar, eftersom sociala medier utgör deras främsta plattform för nyhetskonsumtion och kommunikation. Denna kvalitativa intervju- och fokusgruppstudie undersöker 110 svenska ungdomars inställning till politiskt deltagande i sociala medier. Med hjälp av ett explorativt anslag som inkluderar politiskt mycket aktiva såväl som

Fish and resilience among Early Holocene foragers of southern Scandinavia : A fusion of stable isotopes and zooarchaeology through Bayesian mixing modelling

This study highlights the importance of different protein sources in the diet of Early and Middle Mesolithic humans in southern Scandinavia, and illustrates variation and change in protein consumption patterns during the Early Holocene. By combining previously published stable isotope data with new analyses of human and animal bone remains, a Bayesian mixing model was used to reveal that fishing w

Between a Rock and a Hard Place : New Evidence on the Relationship between Ownership and Voluntary Disclosure

Combining two Swedish databases with unique strengths I show empirically that stray firms, i.e. those lacking a controlling owner, have lower voluntary disclosure in financial reports (that is, information provided beyond what is formally required). This suggests managers prefer to withhold information to maximize their discretion over corporate policies. I also show that disclosure initially incr

Lesbian, gay and bisexual parents' experiences of nurses' attitudes in child health care-A qualitative study

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To describe lesbian, gay and bisexual parents' experiences of nurses' attitudes in child healthcare.BACKGROUND: Lesbian, gay and bisexual people are often reluctant to disclose their gender identity for fear of discrimination. This fear may lead to avoidance of healthcare for themselves or their children and may negatively affect families' health and well-being.DESIGN: A quali

Populism, Exceptionality and the Right of Migrants to Family Life Under the European Convention on Human Rights

The populist turn in national and international politics includes one common question across countries: curbing immigration and limiting the rights of migrants. In the light of these restrictive tendencies, the questions that this article seeks to address are: whether and how the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), as interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), can be a poin

Impact of treatment strategy and physical performance on future knee-related self-efficacy in individuals with ACL injury

Background: In people with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, high self-efficacy facilitates recovery, indicated by improved muscle function, reduced knee symptoms and increased physical activity. Impact of treatment on future self-efficacy is however not well investigated. The aims of the study were to 1) investigate knee-related self-efficacy 6 years after acute ACL injury in patients trea

The effect of endoscopic sinus surgery on quality of life and absenteeism in patients with chronic rhinosinuitis - A multi-centre study

Background: Chronic rhinosinusitis with and without nasal polyps (CRSw/sNP) are common conditions decreasing health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Individual symptoms capable of predicting outcome after endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) are poorly defined, and the indirect costs of CRS is rarely reported in Europe. Methodology: Patients with CRSw/sNP admitted for ESS were prospectively enrolled. Pa

Firm Size Distribution and Employment Fluctuations : Theory and Evidence

We show that the firm-size distribution is an important determinant of the relationship between an industry's employment and output. A theoretical model predicts that changes in demand for an industry's output have larger effects on employment, resulting from adjustments at both the intensive and extensive margin, in industries characterised by a distribution that has a lower density of large firm

Multinationals, Cross-Border Acquisitions and Wage Dispersion

We examine the impact of cross-border acquisitions on intra-firm wage dispersion using a detailed Swedish linked employer-employee data set including data on all firms and about 50% of the Swedish labour force with information on job-tasks and education. Foreign acquisitions of domestic multinationals and local firms increase wage dispersion but so do also other types of cross-border acquisitions.

Ingmar Bergman's 'Face to Face'

The 1976 premiere of Face to Face came at the height of director-screenwriter Ingmar Bergman's career. Prestigious awards and critical acclaim had made him into a leading name in European art cinema, yet today Face to Face is a largely overlooked and dismissed work.This book tells the story of its rise and fall. It presents a new portrait of Bergman as a political artist exploring a new medium wit

Bone mineral density and inflammatory and bone biomarkers after darunavir-ritonavir combined with either raltegravir or tenofovir-emtricitabine in antiretroviral-naive adults with HIV-1 : a substudy of the NEAT001/ANRS143 randomised trial

BACKGROUND: Osteopenia, osteoporosis, and low bone mineral density are frequent in patients with HIV. We assessed the 96 week loss of bone mineral density associated with a nucleoside or nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NtRTI)-sparing regimen.METHODS: Antiretroviral-naive adults with HIV were enrolled in 78 clinical sites in 15 European countries into a randomised (1:1), open-label, non

Decreased migration with locally administered bisphosphonate in cemented cup revisions using impaction bone grafting technique : A randomized, controlled study evaluated with RSA and DXA with a 2-year follow-up

Background and purpose — Impaction bone grafting (IBG) in revision hip surgery is an established method in restoring bone stock deficiencies. We hypothesized that local treatment of the morsellized allograft with a bisphosphonate in cemented revision would, in addition to increased bone density, also reduce the early migration of the cup as measured by radiostereometry (RSA). Patients and methods

Heparin-binding protein, lysozyme, and inflammatory cytokines in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid as diagnostic tools for pulmonary infection in lung transplanted patients

Pulmonary infection is a common complication after lung transplantation, and early detection is crucial for outcome. However, the condition can be clinically difficult to diagnose and to distinguish from rejection. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate heparin-binding protein (HBP), lysozyme, and the cytokines interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in br