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Thinking in probabilities: how natural frequencies facilitate understanding among Swedish medical students

Det är viktigt för blivande läkare att kunna göra korrekta riskbedömningar utifrån patienters testresultat. Tidigare forskning indikerar att den förmågan kan vara bristfällig, men att den går att förbättra genom ett nytt format att presentera statistik på. Det nya formatet kallas naturliga antal och är potentiellt användbart inom undervisning i medicinsk statistik. Den här studien är den första i The ability to draw diagnostic inferences from medical test results is important for future doctors. Earlier research has indicated that this ability may generally be inadequate. However, it can be improved by presenting statistics in a new format, so called natural frequencies, which is adapted to the way the human mind process probabilities. If the effect of this format is robust and generalizab

Functional study of domains of class B penicillin-binding proteins 4b and SpoVD in Bacillus subtilis

How are penicillin-binding proteins sorted in cells? A bacterial cell wall can be regarded as a brick building, in which the bricks and the cement hold the building together, provide structure for the building, protect its contents, and allow only certain substances to enter. Many antibiotics target proteins that function in cell wall morphogenesis (the process of building the brick wall in this

Febersjukdomarnas förhållande till psykoser - En imitativ översättning av medicinska och psykiatriska termer i en rysk medicinsk tidskrift från 1876

Denna uppsats grundar sig på en översättning av en medicinsk, psykiatrisk artikel Ob otnosjenie lichoradotjnych bolneznyj k psichozam ('Om febersjukdomarnas förhållande till psykoser'), författad av läkaren och psykiatern Alexander Samojlovitj Rozenbljum i Odessa och publicerad 1876 i den medicinska tidskriften Trudy vratjej Odesskoj gorodskoj bolnitsy ('Skriftserie utgiven av läkarna

Market Reforms and Consumerism in China and the Soviet Union

Capitalizing reforms would come to China in 1978, and to the U.S.S.R. in 1985. While the Chinese reforms have been uninterrupted to the modern day, similar reforms in the Soviet Union would lead to its collapse, and to the adoption of capitalism by the Russian Federation. These 'communist' economic reforms were political movements informed by ideology, but China’s more effective reforms re

(De)legitimizing the Migration Court’s Judicial Decision: A Case Study on Social Media Discourses

This study aims to explore how the Swedish Migration Court’s decision is legitimized or delegitimized in discourses in civil society, outside the legislative and judicial power. This is explored with a case study on a judicial decision to expel Sonya, a 90-year-old and sick Ukrainian woman. The material is collected from social media platforms where this case has been discussed. Thus, the results

The Perception of Intonation in Japanese Sentence Types by Swedish Speakers : Wh-Questions, Yes/No-Questions and Declaratives

This study is concerned with the topic of sentence-final intonation in wh-questions, yes/no- questions and declaratives. The aim of the study is to investigate whether native speakers of Swedish can recognize these sentence types in standard Japanese by listening to the intonation alone. In addition, whether exposure to the language affects the ability to distinguish these sentence types is invest

The consequences of war: The UK's responsibility towards its interpreters / translators in Afghanistan

Uppsatsen syftar till att med en bred ansats, innefattandes av juridiska, moraliska och mänskliga rättigheter dilemman förklara inträdet av den brittiska asyllagen under 2000-talet. Under tiden som NATO hade militär aktivitet i Afghanistan (under ledning av International Assistance Security Force), däribland Storbritannien (från 2001 fram till och med 2014) hade dem anställt cirka hundratals afghaThe paper engages a provocative, multi-dimensional legal, moral and human rights issue that strikes at the heart of 21st century UK asylum law. Throughout the NATO Afghanistan military campaigns (headed by the International Security Assistance Force) in which the UK committed combat troops from 2001 to 2014, hundreds of local Afghan nationals were employed by the British Army as interpreters and t

Journey to the Centre of the Museum: Cognitive, Object and Introspective User Experiences in a Design Museum

This thesis applies an ethnographic approach to investigate museum visit practices, which shape user experiences in a design museum. Specifically, it explores individual users’ meaning making processes through the embodiment of thoughts and lived experiences. To frame the study, it takes on a phenomenological approach to investigate how the body, self, space, and objects relate with each other in

Kognitiva förenklingar vid förmågebedömning - Identifiering av faktorer och metoder för att motverka dessa

Människor använder sig av kognitiva förenklingar vid beslutsfattande under osäkerheten. I en riskkontext skulle detta kunna leda till en bristande fördelning av resurser och härigenom en oförmåga att hantera uppkomna händelser. För att kunna handskas med dessa faktorer är det därför viktigt att vetskapen om kognitiva förenklingar tydliggörs och att människor erbjuds olika metoder och strategier föThe aim of this thesis is to detect the influence from biases on capability assessments and methods to prevent them. Evaluation of the influence from biases are based on literature studies and interviews. The result suggests that some of the biases are more likely to occur depending on the context. Three biases occurred most frequently both in the literature studies and during the interviews and t

All you have to do is ask: Innovation and value creation in the post-consumer apparel industry

This study aims to explore the development of a self-motivated (e.g. not policy or regulation initiated) closed-loop, clothing take-back program within a large sized enterprise in the fashion/apparel industry. From the perspective of a single case study – that of the Eileen Fisher Renew program – this thesis aims to explore, outline and describe EF Renew’s business model. The ultimate goal is to d

A Model-based Approach to Evaluating Chromatography Capture Steps

MER FÖR MINDRE – FRAMTIDENS LÄKEMEDELSFRAMSTÄLLNING KAN SNART VARA HÄR Kemiindustrin har traditionellt varit något av boven i dramat när det kommer till negativ miljöpåverkan. Men nu utvecklas nya resurssnålare framställningsprocesser för läkemedel som kan leda till billigare mediciner, med mindre miljöpåverkan i framtiden. Välden står idag inför stora utmaningar när det kommer till miljön, dels Recent advances in upstream production of biopharmaceuticals have not yet been matched by equivalent advances in the downstream processing. As chromatography is currently the primary downstream processing method in production of biopharmaceuticals new methods for multicolumn processes are being developed. This paper investigates one such method, the three-column periodic counter-current (3C-PCC) p

En flödesanalys för Kävlingeån - HEC-RAS modellering med fokus på dämmens inverkan

Det finns åtta dämmen och tre aktiva vattenkraftverk i Kävlingeån, som är ett av Skånes största samt fiskrikaste vattendrag. Då dämmena segmenterar ån skapar detta miljöproblem; organismer förhindras migration för bland annat fortplantning och födosök. Arter såsom öring och den akut hotade ålen lever i Kävlingeån och är beroende av framkomliga vandringsvägar samt lekplatser. Syftet med denna studiKävlinge River is one of the largest, and most heavily fish-populated, watercourses in Scania. Eight dams and three active hydroelectric plants are located here, which cause environmental problems; organisms are prevented migration, reproduction and feeding being the biggest issues. Trout and eel, which depend on river accessibility and spawning areas, inhabits the river. This study aims to create

Study of the effect of vacuum impregnation with different substances on respiration and color of packed baby spinach leaves.

In this study, vacuum impregnation (VI) was used to investigate the effect of different solutions: sucrose 21 % (w/v), calcium lactate 1 % (w/v), ascorbic acid 0.1 % (w/v), and GABA 0.075 % (w/v) on atmospheric composition, color, and shelf life of packed baby spinach leaves. VI was performed at two different temperatures: 21 C and 7.5 C. The packed, impregnated leaves were stored for 8 days at 21Vegetables and fruits hold a vast amount of air within their structure. Vacuum impregnation is a process used to remove the air from plant tissues and replace it with an external solution. For impregnation, vacuum is applied to the plant tissue helping air to escape through the plant´s pores. Then by restoring the atmospheric pressure, the solution surrounding the plant will penetrate the plant ti

A self-serviced price calculator for modern IT services

As online shopping continues to increase in popularity, more and more pressure is put on businesses to reevaluate which of their services that can be sold from a web- site. While the telecom market for businesses still only use expert salespersons to describe and put a price on their services, innovative companies such as Telavox are looking into new ways of exposing more of their information onli

Abundance and Diversity of Brazil nut pollinators and Orchid bees in Secondary and Primary forest habitats in East Amazon

Pollination av paranötsträd i ett föränderligt skogslandskap Paranötsträdet (Berthollethia excelsa) växer vilt i stora delar av Amazonas regnskog. Paranötter konsumeras globalt och är en viktig inkomstkälla för många småbrukare i Peru, Bolivia och Brasilien. På grund av dess ekonomiska värde är trädet fridlyst i dessa tre länder. Då skogsavverkning ökar till förmån för bland annat gruvdrift och The Brazil nut tree (Bertholletia excelsa) produces Brazil nuts, an economically important non-timber forest product. As land-conversion from forest to field increases throughout the Brazil nut tree’s range, many trees end up being the only remaining mature tree in open fields or in secondary forest. The Brazil nut tree is dependent on a variety of large bees for pollination and fruit set. It is t

CSR – A matter of Distance and Technology

Denna studie ämnar undersöka utmaningarna med att bedriva CSR i ett modernt samhälle. Den undersöker hur företags image påverkas när CSR-aktiviteter och CSR-ansvar är uppdelat mellan olika parter. En kvalitativ studie har gjorts om företaget Big Heart där semi-strukturerade intervjuer har använts som metod för att uppnå en djupare förståelse av fenomenet. I intervjuerna har perspektiv från alla paThis study examines the challenges of managing CSR in modern society. It explores how the image of companies is affected in an ethical sense, when CSR activities and CSR-responsibility are divided among a variety of different parties. Through a qualitative study of the company Big Heart, semi-structured interviews was made, including interviews from all parties in order to gain a deeper understand

Dynerosion vid kraftiga stormar i Skanör-Falsterbo

En prognos för Skanör-Falsterbos kust Populärvetenskaplig text för: Dynerosion vid kraftiga stormar i Skanör-Falsterbo – simulering med hjälp av modellen XBeach Författare: Mikael Dunér och Axel Flodin Vacher Introduktion Diskussionen om hur vi ska bevara våra kuster och dess närmiljö, har växt allt mer i takt med att vi börjat se följderna av klimatförändringen. Skanör-Falsterbo är en av de platAbstract Title: Dune erosion during storms in Skanör-Falsterbo - simulations with the help of XBeach Authors: Mikael Dunér and Axel Flodin Vacher Supervisors: Professor Magnus Larson and Doctoral Student Björn Almström, Division of Water Resources Engineering at Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University. Presentation of problem: With a rising sea-level, because of the climate change, the risk

Ett effektivare inköpsarbete genom produktkategorisering

Titel: Ett effektivare inköpsarbete genom produktkategorisering Författare: Martin Lundgren & Henrik Sjöstrand Handledare: Anne Landin Professor, avdelningen för Byggproduktion, Lunds Tekniska Högskola Annika Pålsson Projektchef, Midroc Construction Problem: Det har gjorts lite forskning inom inköp i byggbranschen. Byggföretagen själva anser att det finns stor potential inom inköpsarbete saTitle: More efficient purchasing with product classification Authors: Martin Lundgren & Henrik Sjöstrand Supervisors: Anne Landin Professor, Department of Construction Management, Lund University Annika Pålsson Project Manager, Midroc Construction Problem: Small amount of research regarding purchasing in the construction industry even though the construction companies see a large potential

Social Banditry, Myth and Historical Reality : Conceptualising Contemporary Albanian Organised Crime Against the Hajduks

This thesis will investigate how Erik Hobsbawm’s theory of ‘social banditry’ can be applied to a contemporary setting to explain the strength and workings of ethnic Albanian organised crime groups. The paper will delve into a pre-existing debate surrounding the effectiveness of this theoretical lens as a method to account for the global phenomenon of banditry (particularly in the feudalist age).