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Friskrivningsklausuler i kommersiella avtal - Hur begränsas friskrivningar genom avtalstolkning och 36 § AvtL

I Sverige utgör principen om avtalsfrihet en grundläggande princip inom den kommersiella kontraktsrätten. Avtalsfriheten innebär att parterna själva anses kunna disponera över avtalets innehåll och utformning. Denna princip möjliggör en omfördelning av risk i förhållande till vad som hade gällt enligt dispositiv rätt. Vanligt är att det i såväl standardiserade avtal som i individuellt framtagna avThe principle of freedom of contract is a fundamental principle in commercial contract law in Sweden. Freedom of contract means that the parties themselves are considered to be able to dispose of the content and shape of the agreement. This principle enables a redistribution of risk in relation to what would have applied under optional law. It is common for both standardized agreements and individ

Weight of evidence transformation in credit scoring models: How does it affect the discriminatory power?

Weight of evidence (WOE) transformation has been used for several decades in the credit industry. However, despite its widespread use, it has, surprisingly, been an overlooked approach in published literature. In this paper, we, therefore, investigate what effect WOE transformation has on the discriminatory power of a credit-scoring model. Our results suggest that using WOE transformation with log

“A glass half-full of opportunities” The perceptions and lived experiences of Arabic-speaking immigrants using digital primary healthcare applications in Scania, Sweden. A qualitative content analysis study.

Abstract Background: There is growing concern in Sweden about health inequity and unequal access to traditional primary healthcare among different socio-economic groups, predominantly immigrants. The use of information and communication technology in the health sector has been suggested as a potential tool to overcome healthcare accessibility and equity. Digital primary healthcare in Sweden was in

Dispositiv entreprenadrätt i ljuset av nordisk rättsgemenskap - Om utfyllning av entreprenadavtal efter NJA 2018 s. 653

Entreprenadavtalet är en oreglerad avtalstyp. Enligt den tolkningsmetod som tillämpas på de standardavtal som reglerar majoriteten av kommersiella entreprenadavtal kan tolkningen av oklara villkor göras i ljuset av dispositiv rätt. Frågan är hur innehållet i den dispositiva entreprenadrätten ska fastställas. I NJA 2018 s. 653 valde HD att härleda en dispositiv entreprenadrättslig regel med stöd avThe construction contract is an unregulated type of contract. According to the principles of interpretation applied on the standard-form contracts that govern the majority of construction contracts, the interpretation of unclear terms can be made in the light of default law. An important question is how the default rules applicable on construction contracts are to be determined. In NJA 2018 s. 653

Studying the Whole Through the Sum of its Parts: Comparing CD8+ Tumour Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Three Types of Human Carcinoma

Cancer är en sjukdom där celler i kroppen för förmågan att dela sig okontrollerat, vilket bildar svulster som påverkar kroppens funktion eller som sprider sig till andra kroppsdelar. Eftersom det är ett stort hälsoproblem så har forskare försökt ta fram nya angreppspunkter mot tumörer förutom metoder som cellgifter, cellskadande strålning eller kirurgi. Immunförsvaret är ett antal olika celler ochBackground: Tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) that persist in chronic infections gradually lose their effector functions and become “exhausted”. Immune checkpoint blockade is an emerging cancer treatment which aims to induce exhausted TILs into regaining their effector function to fight neoplastic cells. However, response to treatment varies significantly between different cancer types and ma


Mortgage loan providers estimate the credit risks it caries when approving a mortgage loan to their clients. Further, defaulting a mortgage loan is a risk that has been calculated through decades using statistical models. By using entries at the time of a mortgage application, the goal of the thesis is to com- pare the accuracy between logistic regression and Support Vector Machine in predicting

Keystroke Classification of Motion Sensor Data - An LSTM Approach

With mobile phones often being used to type sensitive information, it is important that they remain secure and leak no information. One conceivable channel for information leakage, though, is the motion sensors accelerometer and gyroscope, sensors that require no permission to be used by an app. Do the data they produce contain information about the keys being typed? To answer this question, thi

Does polypyrrole assist in the formation of catalytic ZnO nanoparticle silk fibers in the absence of light?

Syftet med detta arbete var att testa hypotesen att zinkoxid tillsammans med en polymer (en stor molekyl bestående utav många upprepade, mindre molekyler) av pyrrol på silkesfiber kan verka katalytiskt, det vill säga sänka aktiveringsenergin för en viss eller vissa reaktioner utan att själv konsumeras. Med andra ord så var målet att producera hybridsilkesfiber som är katalytiska utan ljus. Silke äIn this report, we wish to test the hypothesis that zinc oxide (ZnO), usually only catalytic in the presence of light, can become catalytic when combined with polypyrrole and silk fiber in the absence of light. To template the synthesis of zinc oxide (sonication) and polypyrrole (oxidative polymerisation), we used four different silk fibers (Mulberry, Eri, Muga, and Tasar silks). We assessed the i

Sannolikhetsteori i domstolen? - En utredning av för- och nackdelarna med den Bayesianska bevisvärderingsmetoden

I svensk rätt gäller principen om fri bevisprövning. Principen innebär att domstolen fritt ska värdera den bevisning som presenteras under en rättegång. Det saknas i princip lagstadgade regler för hur bevisvärderingen ska utföras. I rättspraxis och lagförarbeten har dock vissa bevisvärderingsprinciper utvecklats. Dessa principer föreskriver bland annat att domstolen ska utföra bevisvärderingen ratIn Swedish law, the principle of free sifting of evidence applies. The principle means that the court freely should evaluate the evidence that is presented during a trial. In principle, there are no statutory rules that governs how the evaluation of evidence is to be carried out. However, in case law and in the legislative history some principles of evidence evaluation have emerged. These principl

Brottsoffer undantaget - En kvalitativ rättssociologisk studie över vad som krävs för att poliser ska få kränkningsersättning och således uppnå status som idealt offer.

Den här studien undersöker de sociala och legala normerna kring poliser som har blivit utsatta för hot och våldsbrott i tjänsten. Studien är baserad på tre olika data material bestående av intervjuer med svenska poliser, dokumentanalys av rättsfall från svenska tingsrätter samt dokument från Brottsoffermyndigheten. Genom att modifiera Nils Christies teori om det ideala offret till att passa bildenThis study researches the social and legal norms surrounding police officers who have become victims for threat and violence crimes in the line of duty. It is based on three different data materials consisting of interviews with swedish police officers, documentanalyze of Swedish court documents and documents from The Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority. By modifying Nils Chris

Brucebo konsthall

På Gotland tonar knotiga, skulpturala tallar upp sig och den vita kalkstenen ger ön ett alldeles eget ljus som har gjort intryck på flertalet besökare. Carolina Benedicks Bruce och hennes man William valde ön för konsten och det var genom den hon väckte mitt intresse. Det nationella kulturarv de skapade och deras konstnärshem Brucebo blev utgångspunkten jag ville bygga vidare på i mitt examensarbeAt Gotland, gnarled sculptural pine trees rise and the white limestone creates a unique light that has made an impression on many visitors. Carolina Benedicks Bruce and her husband William chose to settle on the island to benefit their art which caught my interest from an early age. They created a national cultural heritage and their home Brucebo became the starting point from which I decided to b

Exploring a Two Higgs Doublet Model with a U(1) Family Symmetry and a Complex Singlet

Den så kallade standardmodellen har länge betraktats som en av den moderna vetenskapens triumfer, tack vare dess oerhört exakta förutsägelser, som gång på gång har verifierats av experiment. Men från dess begynnelse har den alltid varit inkomplett: inte nog med att gravitationen, den kraft som vi människor är mest bekanta med, inte ens inkluderas i den så har olika, tidigare okända fenomen blivit In this project a two Higgs doublet model with a complex singlet and an extra family symmetry providing a mechanism for suppression of flavor changing neutral currents is explored. The goal is to investigate the phenomenological consistency of the model using a custom software framework. To this end, the scalar and Yukawa sectors of this extension of the Standard Model are explored in detail. The

Exploration of temporal and phenotypical heterogeneity in TFH and germinal centre B cells

Ett skräddarsytt immunförsvar Våra kroppar är ständigt utsatta för patogena mikrober och virus men våra immunceller håller oss allt som oftast friska. Några av immunförsvarets viktigaste celltyper är de så kallade specifika immuncellerna: ”T” och ”B” celler. I detta mastersarbete har jag studerat hur antikroppssvaret som B celler producerar förändras över tid och i samspel med de follikulära T hjHigh affinity antibodies of appropriate isotype are crucial for protection against pathogens and are generated within secondary lymphoid organs in structures called germinal centers (GC). Apart from affinity maturation, germinal centers also give rise to memory B cells and plasma cells, but how these fate decisions are regulated and what signals may be delivered by TFH cells is still unclear. Usin

Establishment of an in vitro oocyst culture system and infection model of Toxoplasma gondii

How to study the infection of a parasite without using cats During the past 9 months, I have been studying a parasite, more specifically, how we can study the life of this parasite in the lab without using lab animals like mice or cats. I have tried and achieved to developed a way to do so, with mouse cells and a special fatty acid A parasite is a type of organism that depends on another living

Project Bunker - Rethinking the relation of Albanian bunkers with the landscape and the society by aiming to reinvigorate the meaning of the bunkers and Albanians’ collective memory.

Albania is a country situated in the western Balkan peninsula, it is a parliamentary democracy and a transitional economy. Its population is approximately 3.5 million with 870.00 populating its capital Tirana.1 The Mediterranean country underwent its most difficult times during the communist regime, where the dictator Enver Hoxha ruled the country with an iron fist for 40 years. His policies exerc

Economic Situation of Indigenous People in Bangladesh: A study on the Chittagong Hill Tracts

The Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of Bangladesh was full of natural resources like water, river, forest, agriculture, land. Various agencies like government and non-government (local, national, and international) have undertaken and implemented development programs in the CHT at different times encompassing those natural resources to develop the CHT economy and contribute to the overall economic

Blands – A not so bland new trend in branding? An exploratory study of the phenomenon blands

Abstract Purpose: A new phenomenon has emerged in the world of branding which has not yet been researched in an academic setting. Brands that look the same, feel the same, offer similar business models towards consumers but still somehow feel modern and unique at a first glance. The purpose of this exploratory paper is to define and analyze the phenomenon of blands. Methodology: A literature rev

Diagnostic tool for issue categorization and capability determination in flexographic printing

Idag är kommunikation, marknadsföring och transaktion av produkter nyckelfunktioner för produktförpackningar. Kvaliteten på det grafiska förpackningstrycket är därför av stor betydelse och måste vara konsekvent för stora produktionskvantiteter. En av de vanligaste tryckteknikerna för tryck på papper eller kartong är flexografiskt tryck. Med denna teknik appliceras färger en efter en och genom deraToday communication, promotion and transaction of products are key functions of product packaging. The quality of the package print is therefore of great importance and needs to be consistent for large production quantities. One of the most common technologies for printing on paper or cardboard is flexographic printing. With this technology colors are applied one by one and through their combinati