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Ett vågat steg utanför: En kvalitativ intervjustudie om unga kvinnors klädval i vardagen

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur unga kvinnor förhåller sig till klädval i vardagen, samt att belysa de interna dilemman som uppstår hos individen vid valet av kläder när dessa ska anpassas till olika sociala situationer. Den övergripande forskningsfrågan strävar efter att besvara “vilka faktorer tar unga kvinnor särskilt hänsyn till när de väljer kläder i vardagen?”. Forskningsunderl

En språktypologisk jämförelse av flerspråkiga elevers prestation vid testning av meningsrepetition och narrativ förmåga på svenska

Syfte: Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka hur flerspråkiga barn, med olika förstaspråk, presterar på ett svenskt meningsrepetitionstest och deras narrativa förmåga på svenska. Deltagare: Den här studien är baserad på totalt 45 deltagare mellan åldrarna 77 och 100 månader. Deltagarna var uppdelade i tre grupper; 15 barn med arabiska som förstaspråk, 15 barn med ett slaviskt språk som förs

En mosasaurie (Reptilia, Mosasauridae) av paleocensk ålder?

Mosasaurierna utgör en grupp storvuxna ödlor som dominerade positionen som toppredatorer i haven under sen krittid. Det anses allmänt att dessa marina reptiler, tillsammans med de sista landlevande dinosaurierna, dog ut under det massutdöende som markerar övergången mellan krita och paleogen. Nyligen påträffades en del av ett skalltak tillhörande en mosasaurie i ett löst kalk- och flintblock på enMosasaurs are a group of marine reptiles that are considered to have been the apex predators of the oceans during the Late Cretaceous. It is generally assumed that they, along with the last non-avian dinosaurs, died out during the mass extinction that marks the end of the Cretaceous. Recently, a mosasaur skull roof was discovered in a loose boulder on a beach in the vicinity of the town of Hanstho

“Jag bara mår”: Hur gymnasieungdomar berättar om välmående och vad som är betydelsefullt för hur de mår

Den här kvalitativa studien syftade till att undersöka hur ungdomar beskriver begreppet välmående, hur de beskriver sin självkänsla och sina egna och andras krav har för betydelse för välmående samt hur olika aktiviteter och miljöer spelar roll för välmående, enligt de själva. För att undersöka detta intervjuades åtta förstaårs gymnasieelever. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades med temaThe aim of this qualitative study was to look into how adolescents describe well-being as a concept, how they describe their self-image and their own and others demands and expectations related to their wellbeing and also how the activities they do and the environments they are in relate to well-being according to themselves. To explore this, eight adolescents in their first year at a Swedish high

Electric vehicles’ potential to provide flexibility services

Bilindustrin genomgår en transformation som inte tidigare har skådats och samtliga aktörer längs med värdekedjan påverkas. Ett företag som befinner sig mitt i detta är Axess Logistics som erbjuder billogistiklösningar till generalagenter och återförsäljare på den skandinaviska marknaden. I tider av förändring uppkommer nya affärsmöjligheter, vilka Axess Logistics vill identifiera. En tydlig trend The automotive industry is undergoing an unprecedented transformation, and all actors along the value chain are affected. A company in the midst of this is Axess Logistics, which offers car logistics solutions to general agents and dealers in the Scandinavian market. In times of change, new business opportunities arise, which Axess Logistics wants to identify. An evident trend is the electrificati

"Effect of hydrocolloids on rheological behaviour and sensory characteristics of plant-based sausage analogue."

Rheology is a science studying the flow, deformation and fracturing of a material. For a general understanding, this science is utilised to predict how a certain material will behave under certain conditions; in other words, the aim is the characterization of a material. (Wahlkrantz, 2020) This characterization is used to describe the elastic behaviour and the flow behaviour of a material. The ela

Opportunity framing - Critical junctures and tough choices in the MedTech industry in Sweden

Background: In today’s competitive market, renewal through innovation is of utmost importance to stay relevant. Creating a start-up is associated with great uncertainty and doing so within the heavily regulated MedTech industry, puts even higher demands on a start-up. Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to identify issues and challenges facing MedTech start-ups in the different phases o

Making the Right Choice: the polarized US abortion debate and its transnational implications

The abortion debate in the United States has become increasingly polarized where the legality and morality of abortion is continuously discussed. This has given rise to an abortion movement and countermovement, commonly referred to as the pro- choice movement and pro-life movement. These movements are furthermore working transnationally to promote their agendas and contribute to social and politic

Hur resonerar svenska fastighetsbolag vid valet mellan intern och extern värdering av förvaltningsfastigheter?

Forskningsfrågor Hur resonerar svenska fastighetsbolag vid valet mellan intern och extern värdering av förvaltningsfastigheter? Hur resonerar fastighetsbolagen kring redovisningens kvalitativa egenskaper, relevans och tillförlitlighet? Syfte Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka varför svenska fastighetsföretag väljer att anlita externa värderare. Studien syftar även till att undersöka hur fastighets

Analytics-enabled Green Supply Chain Management

The fashion industry with its complex supply chains deals with increasingly problematic environmental issues. IS and specifically analytics technologies are said to provide fashion companies with crucial insights to improve their environmental impact. However, these promises of this so-called analytics-enabled Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) are not fully materializing in the European fashion

Theoretical and numerical aspects of the pattern maximum likelihood estimator, with a view towards symmetric functionals estimation

Suppose that an infinite population is partitioned into different species. Given a random sample from the population of species, we are interested in estimating the species richness, which is the number of different species inhabiting a given area. The species richness is a symmetric functional of the probability mass function. A suitable model for estimating the probability mass function is via

Perceived Organizational Support, Work Engagement, and Intention to Stay Among Temporary Agency Workers

The use of temporary agency workers (TAWs) has grown over the years, and previous research shows that TAWs do not always have time to create interpersonal relationships, experience unequal work tasks, and perceive a lack of social support within the organization. Hence, this study aimed to investigate to what extent perceived organizational support (POS) from the client organization and the percep

Police violence and the state: The negotiation of the boundaries between legitimated and illegitimate police violence in the context of the gilets jaunes protests

The French gilets jaunes (yellow vest) protest movement, sparked by a planned carbon fuel tax in 2018 is marked by numerous injuries and mutilations of protesters by police, and characterised by a shift towards a more confrontational protest policing strategy. Viewing protest policing and police violence as interlinked with political processes, this thesis explores the question of how the boundari

"What if someone steals it?" - Hands-on evaluation of the software security work of a networked embedded system

As information technology has grown and evolved, so has the need of securing the information. It is important to evaluate both the security of systems and the methods which are used for the evaluation. One method for finding security vulnerabilities in a system is penetration testing. The goal of this thesis is to evaluate some tools and methods for penetration testing. The methods were examined

The complications of measuring green growth: Current pitfalls, further developments, and impact on cross-country longitudinal analyses

There is no consensus on how to define and measure green growth. Consequently, we can neither state if growth is actually green nor econometrically explore important questions such as what determines green growth. This thesis takes a three-step approach to move one step closer to a unifying longitudinal cross-country measure of green growth. It analyzes how green growth has been quantitatively mea

In-house production of Cas9 protein using prokaryotic and eukaryotic expression systems

Recombinant protein expression of Cas9 was performed at BioInvent International AB using prokaryotic and eukaryotic expression systems. For the eukaryotic expression, two types of mammalian cells were used namely HEK293 cells and CHO cells. The first expressions were performed using the pIRO-KL vector encoding the kappa leader secretory sequence. The kappa secretory sequence is responsible for tra

Brand Equity

Syfte: Syftet med denna replikationsstudie är att utifrån ett konsumentperspektiv i Sverige testa och jämföra hur en produktskadekris påverkar varumärken med hög- respektive låg brand equity. Studien syftar även till att bidra med ökad kunskap till ämnena brand equity och produktskadekriser. Metod: Studien är en replikationsstudie av tidigare experiment brand equitys roll under produktskadekriser Purpose: The purpose of this replication study is to test and compare how a product damage crisis affects brands with high and low brand equity from a consumer perspective in Sweden. The study also aims to contribute with increased knowledge to the topics of brand equity and product-harm crisis. Methodology: The study is a replication study of previous experiments in which brand equity's role