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Your search for "*" yielded 525551 hits

Thermal impact of steel toe cap in footwear

This study investigated cold weather safety footwear and the possible thermal effects of steel toe caps in footwear. Two boot models were manufactured and used in two variants - with (As and Ws) and without (An and Wn) steel toe cap. The boot insulation was measured with an artificial, heated foot (AHF). Experiments with 6 male subjects with boots Ws and Wn consisted of sitting for 60 minutes at -

Discovery of Novel Receptors for Lipid Mediators - a study leading to the identification of receptors involved in metabolism and the immune system

Popular Abstract in Swedish Oberoende av om det är i ett samhälle, datornätverk eller organen i en mänsklig kropp, så är behovet av kommunikation stort i en komplex miljö. Eftersom den komplicerade människokroppen är beroende av kommunikation för att reglera funktioner, skickas otaliga mängder signaler oavbrutet. För att signalerna skall vara meningsfulla så måste de kunna tas emot och behandlas. Intercellular communication is of crucial importance in regulating physiology and G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) have evolved as an important mechanism in this process. Of the approximately 800 human GPCRs, about 160 are still considered to be “orphan” receptors for which an endogenous ligand remains to be identified. Since an estimated 50% of all clinical drugs act on 30 known GPCRs, the rem

Pyrite: Linking Mossbauer spectroscopy to mineral magnetism

Gold-bearing pyrite ores are refractory and must be pre-treated to break down the sulphides by oxidation. This is done usually by roasting, bacterial oxidation and smelting. Moreover, ores with high sulphur content require pre-treatment to prevent excessive chlorine consumption, an important source of pollution. The pyrite waste created in mining operation presents serious problems on the environm

Det gode liv hinsides oplevelsessamfundet

Kapitlet diskuterar temat det goda livet och upplevelsesamhället utifrån den tyske sociologen Gerhard Schulzes författarskap. Som sådant utgör det ett bidrag till en samtidsanalys.

Biologisk Ordlista

Den biologiska ordlistan innehåller för det första en översättning av ord inom det biologiska området från engelska till svenska tillsammans med förklarande text på svenska för varje engelsk term. För det andra finns en översättning av samtliga termer från svenska till engelska. Ett antal organismer av särskild betydelse finns med i form av vetenskapliga namn. Till följd av den ökande internation

Acute reactions to trauma and psychotherapy: A multidisciplinary and international perspective

This unique single source combines cutting-edge research analysis with practical advice for clinicians and researchers dealing with reactions to trauma. In this well-referenced book, seasoned researchers and clinicians share their expertise on diagnosis and evaluation, risk and process factors, and prevention and early intervention. In addition to an essential overview of the state of the literatu

Effects of Pulsed Electric Fields on Plant Tissue

The interaction between biological cells and external electric fields has been of interest by scientists for several decades. Exposure of the cells to electric fields leads to various kinds of biophysical and biochemical responses. These responses can be used to characterize cell properties and/or to manipulate cell characteristics. Electro-poration or electro-permeabilzation is probably the most