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I Sagogrottan, Sagoskåpet och Bokskogen : en jämförande studie av den kontinuerliga sagoverksamheten vid Landskrona stadsbibliotek, Lunds stadsbibliotek och Kristianstad stadsbibliotek

The aim of this master’s thesis is to shed light on the phenomenon of story time in public libraries. Story time is in the present study defined as a scheduled event where a librarian or a library assistent tells one or more stories to a group of children, often with the help of audiovisual aids and/or elements of drama. The main focus is the pedagogy of story time from the perspective of the stor

Gummigranulat : en litteraturstudie över miljö- och hälsopåverkan vid användandet av gummigranulat

Den här rapporten är en litteraturstudie av gummigranulat, ett material tillverkat av återvunna fordonsdäck. Gummigranulat har blivit mycket uppmärksammat för sina positiva egenskaper i olika typer av anläggningsarbeten, men sina bra egenskaper till trots, så är det inte tänkt att däck ska användas till andra syften än att rulla på vägarna. När däcken nu får ett nytt användningsområde behöver det

Intra-EU BITs as the Kindling in the Battle between EU Legal Order and International Investment Arbitration? - Why both systems do not necessarily clash

The case Micula gave people the impression that EU law and ICSID arbitration law are incompatible legal orders, unable to accept each other’s dissenting opinions. Every ICSID tribunal decision in the field seems to cause heavy defence reactions in the EU legal system. However, this clearly does not have to be the case if all parties involved behave cautiously. This thesis will analyse in detail

Some knowledge needs to be more important - the role of prioritization in absorptive capacity

The case company in this paper absorbs great amounts of knowledge from their customers. The abundance of absorbed knowledge creates a need for prioritization, which has not yet been recognized within absorptive capacity literature. In the case company however, knowledge is not strictly prioritized in one or the other way, due to different influencing factors. New product development literature has

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Sundbyholmstravet i Eskilstuna

Denna rapport är ett examinerande moment i kursen Brandteknisk Riskvärdering (VBR054), med syfte att granska och utvärdera ett objekts personsäkerhet i händelse av brand. Målet är att studenterna ska öka sin förståelse för utrymningssäkerhet och kunna applicera tidigare kunskaper och färdigheter för att genomföra en ingenjörsmässig riskanalys. Objektet som analyseras är Sundbyholms travbana som lThis report is the result of a fire safety evaluation of Sundbyholm race track in Eskilstuna municipality. The main purpose of the report is to assess the personal safety in the event of a fire. The report covers the public areas of the building where most of the visitors will be found. Depending on what type of event is taking place, the amount of visitors varies, with a maximum of 1600. A number

Construction of Crises : Climate, Terror and the Eiffel Tower

This work investigates visualizations of two crises; terrorism and climate change. Focus lies on mediated images concerning Paris 2015, where terrorist attacks had an impact on the following UN climate change conference (COP21). The symbol of the Eiffel Tower was used to portrait both issues and will be studied through a semiotic analysis. Terrorism and climate change are argued to be interlinked,

Framgångsfaktorer vid IT-projekt i skolan - Baserat på införseln av ett utvärderingssystem

IT i skolan har ökat de senaste åren. Det läggs mycket fokus på att integrera digitala tekniker och verktyg i skolvärlden och klassrummen. I takt med detta har även pedagogers administrativa börda ökat, dels till följd av att det integreras allt mer IT och teknologi. För att ta reda på hur IT och teknologi kan implementeras så att det får en lyckad användning och kan hjälpa istället för stjälpa lä

The Next Generation Employee Wellness Programs: Employees’ Perceptions on Corporate Wellness

This research indicates that wellness initiatives at Improve Digital started as an experiment and evolved into a managerial strategy. Employees see wellness culture within the organization as a reflection of founders and as their strategy to attract and retain employees, create a strong brand image, to motivate employees, and to restrain them. We question if corporate wellness is a managerial stra

Volitional and strategic retrieval-orientation adoption in reality monitoring: an ERP study

Retrieval orientations refer to cognitive states that, if adopted, tonically orients episodic retrieval attempts towards the sought-after type of information. Such orientations can enhance episodic retrieval by modulating the processing and effectiveness of retrieval cues. The current study investigated if retrieval orientations are adopted volitionally and spontaneously, as previous studies have

En icke-debatt : Vuxnas läsande och vikten av skönlitteratur i BBL

Over the last few years there has been considerable debate about the reading habits of Swedish children and teenagers in both library journals and the mainstream press. This debate has been sparked by the alarm caused by reports on comparatively poor language skills and poor school results among kids in elementary school. Since 2013, children, and thus the promotion of children’s literature, have

Improving the Finite Difference Approximation in the Jacobian-Free Newton–Krylov Method

The Jacobian-free Newton–Krylov (JFNK) method is designed to solve a linear system of equations that appears in Newton’s method. It uses the generalized minimal residual (GMRES) method to solve the linear system and a simple function to approximate the matrix-vector multiplications required in GMRES. An advantage of GMRES is the ability to check the residual of a potential solution without doing a

Fatal Aesthetics : A study on the theatrical representation of the public execution in the Islamic State's Palmyra execution video

Since the rise of the Islamic State the world has seen a proliferation of public executions in which spectacle and theatricality have come to play an important role. Their propaganda has adopted an aesthetic style in which violence is openly displayed, celebrated and glorified. This thesis explores the role that aesthetics has in the performed and mediated execution videos of the Islamic State, by

Working in a Cross-Border Situation - A Study on the Concepts of Employment and Self-Employment

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka möjligheten att bemöta missbruket av egenföretagande genom att applicera arbetstagarbegreppen i Sverige och i EU. Den fria rörligheten för tjänster och arbetare inom den interna europeiska marknaden öppnar upp för gränsöverskridande arbete mellan EU:s medlemsstater och det kan hävdas att egenföretagande kan användas för att kringgå nationella arbetsrättslaThe aim of this thesis is to investigate the possibility to combat the abuse of self-employment by applying the concepts of employment in Sweden and the EU. The free movement of services and workers within the internal market of the EU opens up for cross-border work between EU Member States and some claim that self-employment can be used as a way to circumvent national labour laws, collective agre

Identifying asset pricing bubbles: Testing for explosive behavior in the NASDAQ and STOXX 600 Europe Technology indices

A forward recursive estimation method is used to examine stock market data on unit root against explosive behavior as an indication of financial exuberance. Through specific dividend-stock pricing modeling, the recursive implementation of a right-tailed ADF test allows for directly testing the price index series on explosive behavior and its corresponding dividend series on non-explosive behavior.

Mobile Finance and Financial Risk A Study of Mobile Financial Services, its Value Model and the Distribution of Risk

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of mobile financial services on the behavior of young adults on the financial market, particularly how mobile financial services effect the distribution of risk amongst consumers. The risk examined are twofold; how the risk of a financial transaction looks like for both the consumer of the financial instrument and the distributor (Avanza) and how

What do we need to know to preserve species?

Du lyssnade säkert på Johan Rockströms sommarprat förra året. Hans radioprogram vände upp och ner på de flestas uppfattning om klimatkrisen. I samband med klimattoppmötet i Paris tog klimatet och miljön upp mycket plats i media. Vilket inte bara är bra, utan fantastiskt. Att kunskap om vad vi gör med vår planet sprids något av det viktigaste vi har att jobba med för tillfället. Med min studie påviOur planet is facing the largest loss of biodiversity since the extinction of dinosaurs (Chiante, 2016). This great loss will affect our ecosystems which in turn means that humankind and our needs are affected. It is therefore important to know what factors affect the allocation of resources between species. In the future this will decide how the conservation work for different species will turn o

Skapandet av en världsbild - En kvalitativ studie om genus i uttalat genusmedveten barnlitteratur

Authors: Sandra Feif and Linnéa Kronqvist Title: Shaping a Worldview - A Qualitative Study of Gender in Pronounced Gender Conscious Children’s Literature Supervisor: Marta Kolankiewicz Assessor: Malin Arvidson The aim of this study was to understand how gender and belonging norms are constructed in Swedish children’s literature that is pronounced gender conscious. To examine this, we also studie

A study of the convergence of art and anthropology

This Bachelor’s thesis focuses on the reconceptualization of ethnographic method and object through the implementation of experiences from contemporary participative art forms. Which in their methods and representational practices present similarities with anthropology and ethnography. The thesis discusses how these ethnographic-like art processes at various inclinations can serve as guidelines fo

In Nudge we trust- En kvalitativ studie om Systembolagets digitala nudging

Den här studien syftar till att skapa förståelse för hur digital nudging fungerar som en integrerad del av Systembolagets marknadskommunikation. Studien ämnar att klargöra utmaningarna med en integrering av digital nudging då den kan utgöra ett hinder för organisationers förtroendeskapande. Studien utgick från ett kvalitativt angreppssätt och empirin utgörs av observation och intervjuer. Utifrån eThe purpose of this study is to generate knowledge concerning how digital nudg-ing functions as an integrated part of Systembolaget’s marketing communication. The study intends to clarify the difficulties following an integration of digital nudging since it may hinder an organization’s trust building. A qualitative ap-proach has been applied and the empirical material consists of observations and