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Exploatering- en möjlighet till sanering. -Tillsyn enligt miljöbalken och planläggning för att hantera förorenade områden i samband med markarbeten och exploatering.

Kunskap om förorenade områden förebygger risker vid markarbeten Förtätning av städer för att motverka bostadsbristen medför att bostäder byggs på före detta industri¬mark som kan vara förorenad. Även inom nuvarande bostadsområden finns risk för mark-föroreningar från verksamheter såsom t.ex. kemtvättar och trädgårdsmästerier. När förorenade områden exploateras ökar risken för att människor och milThis report aims to investigate how Swedish municipalities work and could work to step up building developers responsibility to remediate polluted sites. This is done through the study of reports from environmental authorities, environmental legislation, legislation for society planning and interviews with officials at the municipalities Malmö, Lomma, Landskrona and Helsingborg. The study shows th

The Effect of Microinsurance on Investment Levels among Farmers

Variable incomes and under-investment due to risks of economic loss is an often overlooked aspect of poverty. Affordable insurance against risks such as loss of harvest due to low rainfall may be a key factor in reducing poverty. This study aims to examine the relationship between microinsurance against weather-related risks and levels of investment among covered farmers. The analysis is done by r

Determinants of Syndicated Loans: Does Financial Development matter?

Previous research has shown the significance of syndicated loans as an alternative financing source to corporate bonds. This thesis investigates the influence of the financial development of a country on specific syndicated loan terms. Our estimates show that country level dimensions such as banking stability, the efficiency of financial institutions and their depth play a limited economic role in

Fantasy on the Human Surface - A study of Somatic Power-Relations and Imagination

The purpose of this thesis is to question and discuss whether the complication of power-relations created upon the present surface of the human body can be surpassed, by re-conceiving the body and ultimately leaving the body behind, without the loss of Being, through the critique of art and photography. This overall query has been broken down into three questions. (1)‘Does the solution behind the

The effects of T cell activation on hematopoiesis and myeloid cells in atherosclerosis

Another link in the immune cell chain Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death in the western world. The main cause of CVD is atherosclerosis, a chronic inflammatory disease of the major arteries. Atherosclerosis can be described as by a build up of plaque in medium to large arteries. Clinical complications, such as heart attack and stroke, occur when plaques rupture and form

The Pier

Today, in a digital era where people can do their everyday tasks from home, the city as a social platform faces new challenges. Individuals no longer need to run errands around the city, which, until now, has been the standard way of city life. The comfort of today’s modern world impacts not only the private but also the public life of cities. The urban dynamics of city life are likely to be reduc

Laddstationer i gemensamhetsanläggningar

Att vårt klimat är i förändring och att valen vi gör måste förändras blir allt mer påtagligt. Våra transportsystem är i omställning mot mer förnybara drivmedel och ett val som många idag gör är att skaffa sig en elbil. Elbilarna behöver framförallt kunna laddas från elnätet vid förarens bostad, där bilen oftast står parkerad under natten. Olika typer av laddstationer uppförs därför i bostadsmiljöeThe development of the transportation system is transitioning to use renewable fuels and in Sweden, many people are now choosing to buy electric cars. Primarily, the electric cars need to charge from the electric grid, usually at the driver’s residence, where the car is parked during the night. Different types of charging stations are thereby built in residential areas. Problems usually do not occ

Smärta vid primär dysmenorré i förhållande till fysisk aktivitetsnivå - en enkätstudie

BAKGRUND. Primär dysmenorré, även kallat menstruationssmärtor, är ett vanligt tillstånd som ca 60–90% av menstruerande kvinnor besväras av. Det visar sig ofta som en krampande känsla i magen. Ryggsmärtor, huvudvärk och fatigue är också vanliga besvär. Fysisk aktivitet är en metod som används vid smärtlindring och har även visat sig minska symtomen vid primär dysmenorré. SYFTE. Syftet med studien

Vad skiljer individer som är fysiskt inaktiva från individer som är fysiskt aktiva? En tvärsnittsstudie på individer med höft- eller knäledsartros

Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Artros är den vanligaste ledsjukdomen i världen och studier har visat att individer med artros är mindre fysiskt aktiva än de utan artros. Fysisk aktivitet är av stor betydelse för att förebygga folksjukdomar, och studier har visat att individer med artros i högre utsträckning drabbas och dör av dessa sjukdomar. Syfte: Att undersöka vad som skiljer de individer med artros

Främre korsbandsskada och fotledsrörlighet - finns det något samband?

Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Främre korsbandsskada är en av de vanligaste knäskadorna bland idrottare. Det finns ett flertal riskfaktorer som är associerade med främre korsbandsskada och bland dessa nämns ofta abducerat knä och minskad flexion i höft- och knäled. Huruvida minskad rörlighet i fotleden är en risk för främre korsbandsskada är ännu ett relativt outforskat område. En nyligen publicerad stu

Klienters upplevelser av missnöje med psykoterapi - en interpretativ fenomenologisk analys av missnöje med studentledd terapi

Denna studies syfte var att undersöka upplevelser av missnöje hos klienter som avslutat sina terapier med studentterapeuter på psykoterapimottagningen vid Institutionen för psykologi, Lunds universitet. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fem deltagare som genomgått kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT). Intervjumaterialet analyserades med hjälp av Interpretativ Fenomenologisk Analys (IPA). Fem hThe purpose of this study was to explore clients’ experiences of dissatisfaction with completed therapy delivered by therapists in training at the Department of Psychology, Lund University. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five participants who had received Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The material was analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Five main th

Influence of Macroeconomic Factors on the Performance of Sector Stock Indices

The present paper aims to analyze the impact of eleven macroeconomic factors and the one-month lagged stock return on the performance of ten sectors within the United States. The set of potential factors is based on previous research as well as published methodologies of credit rating agencies. It includes the one-month lagged stock return, earnings per capita, consumer price index, private consum

Magisk realism på svenska. En studie av hur mångtydighet och bildspråk överförs i översättningen av Los recuerdos del porvenir.

Denna uppsats baseras på min översättning av utdrag ur romanen Los recuerdos del porvenir (1963) av Elena Garro och utgör mitt examensarbete för översättarprogrammet vid Lunds universitet år 1. Garros roman räknas som ett föregångsverk inom magisk realism och i min uppsats undersöker jag i vilken utsträckning denna magiskt realistiska stil går att överföra till svenska. Uppsatsen inleds med en kälThis essay is based on my translation of parts of the novel Los recuerdos del porvenir (1963) by Elena Garro and constitutes my final project at the first year of the Translation Program at Lund University. Garro´s novel is regarded a forerunner of Magic Realism literature and the objective of my essay is to investigate to which extent this magic realistic style is translatable into Swedish. As a

Relative Valuation – Accuracy of Corporate Valuation Using Multiples

This paper investigates the accuracy of three different methods that are used to perform a relative valuation. I also study the valuation accuracy of the three most widely used multiples used within these methods, the enterprise value to EBITDA (EV/EBITDA), the forward-looking price per share to earnings per share (P/EPS1), and the price-book (P/B). In addition, the difference between industries r

Shifting Freight Transport From Road to Sea - A Study of the Possibilities of Sustainable Development in the Scanian Ports

The study derives from the concerns of climate change, the need for mitigation and adaption as well for more environmentally sustainable transport systems. A solution for reducing emissions from the transportation sector is to shift freight transports from road to sea- a solution for future environmental sustainability. As a foundation for how Scania should work with sea transportation as an alter

Grade inflation in Sweden: Differences between public and independent schools

In a setting where both schools and students have incentives to demand higher grades than may be warranted, there is a risk of grade inflation. Shedding light on the observed grade inflation in Swedish schools, this study investigates possible grading differences between independent and public compulsory schools by comparing their grades to national test scores. Theory and previous studies suggest

Direct Conversion Front End for LTE and LTE-A with Frequency-Translational Feedback, Harmonic Rejection Mixer and Input Matching Compensation

This thesis covers the design of a wideband, flexible front end for LTE and LTE-A in a 65 nm CMOS process. A topology with global frequency translational feedback is investigated and a harmonic rejection mixer is implemented. To compensate for parasitics at the RF input, a variable phase shift is used in the global feedback to improve input matching and prevent loss of noise performance. Combinati

Enhancing User Engagement in Mobenga’s Sportsbook

Online sports betting is a billion-dollar industry with fierce competition to deliver the best possible experience. To be able to withstand the competition from rivals, bookmakers needs to be able to differentiate themselves with innovative and cutting edge solutions that offers a complete user experience. The goal of this master thesis is to investigate how sportsbook users perceive current betti

The treatment costs of ADHD - A framework for future economic evaluations

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurobehavioral problems among both children and adults. Around 5% of the children and 3- 4% of the adults suffers from the condition in Sweden. In general, diagnosed children achieve poorer results on standardized tests, receive lower grades and are more prone to dropout of school. Adults tend to struggle with work-performa