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Your search for "*" yielded 532329 hits

Understanding the spatial non-stationarity in the relationships between malaria incidence and environmental risk factors using Geographically Weighted Random Forest : A case study in Rwanda

As found in the health studies literature, the levels of climate association between epidemiological diseases have been found to vary across regions. Therefore, it seems reasonable to allow for the possibility that relationships might vary spatially within regions. We implemented the geographically weighted random forest (GWRF) machine learning method to analyze ecological disease patterns caused

Comparison of psychedelic therapies versus placebo in the treatment of psychiatric illnesses: a systematic review of randomized trials including placebo controls

Psykedelika har länge erkänts för sina kraftfulla effekter på det mänskliga psyket och psykedelisk-assisterad terapi blir alltmer erkänd som en effektiv terapeutisk intervention. Placebo används i klinisk forskning för att validera effekten av en terapi eller behandling. Forskare är intresserade av att visa att en viss behandling är överlägsen jämfört med placebo. En utvärdering av den metodologisPsychedelics have long been recognized for their powerful effects on the human psyche and psychedelic-assisted therapy is becoming increasingly acknowledged as an effective therapeutic intervention. Placebos are used in clinical research to validate the efficacy of a therapy or treatment. Researchers are interested in showing that a certain treatment is superior compared to the placebo. An evaluat

Om-oss, digital storytelling för B2B företag

Användning av digital storytelling och multimodala tekniker skiljer sig markant för B2C och B2B företag. Effekten av digital storytelling för företags trovärdighet och företagsidentitet i B2B-sammanhang och särskilt för företagens “om-oss” sidor är sedan tidigare relativt outfors-kad. Studien underbyggs av fyra intervjuer med personer från fyra olika branscher och olika anställningsnivå. ResultateThe use of digital storytelling and multimodal techniques significantly differs between B2C and B2B companies. The effect of digital storytelling on corporate credibility and corporate identity in B2B contexts, and particularly for companies' "about us" pages, is relatively under-researched. The study is supported by four interviews with individuals from four different industries and

To dig or not to dig? An integrated post-structuralist analysis of the EU Critical Raw Materials Act and its justice implications for local communities

In its proposed 2023 Critical Raw Materials Act, the European Commission considers access to critical raw materials within its territory as key to both the green transition and to reduce import dependencies. This onshoring of extractivist practices warrants a critical analysis that reflects on the justice implications this may have for local communities. Therefore, I apply an integrated post-struc

Formation of mesostructured thin films at the air/water interface

Mesostructured thin films are known to form at the interface between either air or a solid surface and a dilute acidic solution containing the silica precursor, and surfactant template. These films are transparent, and, when grown at the air/solution interface, self-supporting. We have been studying the formation processes of these films to try to understand and thus control the formation of both

Study of the effects of the operating conditions of a decanter centrifuge on a pilot-scale protein recovery setup from cold-pressed rapeseed press cake

There is significant evidence to suggest that diets that include high levels of meat consumption have negative effects on both the environment and human health. As a result, efforts are being made to identify and characterize more plant-based proteins, such as those found in rapeseed. Rapeseed is the second-largest oilseed crop worldwide and is primarily used to produce edible oils through mechani

Cloning and characterization of a multidomain PARP14 construct

PARP14, a member of the PARP family that can modify target proteins with ADP-ribose has stimulated the interest of researchers as it is involved in a variety of diseases including cancer. While some structural and activity characterization has been conducted, it has not been yet expressed and purified as a single molecule, instead it was examined in small constructs that include several of its dom

Improving Missing Data Imputation using Generative Adversarial Network-based Methods

In a modern context, organizations increasingly rely on data analysis and the importance of data quality have accordingly become even more crucial. In this context, missing values pose a significant challenge compromising the utility of the data. In an ideal scenario data should be collected in a way so that the missing values are avoided, but practical and cost constraints often make this unfeasi

Customer Journey Value: A Conceptual Framework

Though firms are making substantial investments in the customer journey (CJ), the return on these investments remains tenuous, yielding a critical need for enhanced CJ-related accountability. Addressing this gap, we develop the concept of ‘customer journey value’ (CJV), defined as the perceived value of a customer’s journey to the customer and the firm, which facilitates the development of account

Opportunities for Agency in Offshore Wind Power in Skåne, Sweden

This thesis is a case study exploring opportunity spaces in path development for offshore wind power in Skåne, Sweden, from 2000 to March, 2023. By exploring interactions between policies and actors in the region, it contributes to path development literature with a more complex interpretation of agency in opportunity spaces for development. The thesis outlines how actors strategically adapt their

Saving time for activation or relationships? : The legitimation and performance of automated decision-making for time efficiency in two street-level bureaucracies serving poor and unemployed clients

In the last decade, digitalized automated decision-making (ADM) has been implemented in many Swedish municipal social services to achieve values such as legal security, client empowerment and time efficiency. The paper aims to understand how ADM policy is legitimized and performed through time efficiency, by a comparison of ADM policy in two Swedish municipalities’ social assistance agencies. It bIn the last decade, digitalized automated decision-making (ADM) has been implemented in many Swedish municipal social services to achieve values such as legal security, client empowerment and time efficiency. The paper aims to understand how ADM policy is legitimized and performed through time efficiency, by a comparison of ADM policy in two Swedish municipalities’ social assistance agencies. It b

African Climate Hazard Assessment - A composite index assessing national vulnerability to climate change

The study is compiled into a composite index for assessing the climate vulnerability of African nations. By employing a multidimensional approach, the index comprises nine distinctive hazards to examine a country’s sensitivity to climate change. These hazards are divided into three categories; acute physical hazards, chronic physical hazards and systemic hazards. This index structure is based on t

Kampen om rymden

När Neil Armstrong som första människa klev ner på månens yta 1969 markerade hans steg kulmen på en intensiv kapplöpning mellan USA och Sovjetunionen om att utforska rymden. Bakom de kostsamma satsningarna på allt större och mer avancerade raketer fanns både nationell prestige och säkerhetspolitiska intressen.I Kampen om rymden skildrar historikern och skribenten Björn Lundberg hur kalla krigets s

Bias correction of 20 years of IMERG satellite precipitation data over Canada and Alaska

Study regionWe define two northern study areas: one covering all of Canada and Alaska and a second, smaller subregion surrounding the Peace-Athabasca Delta for testing.Study focusThis study aims to use bias correction to improve satellite precipitation data over a relatively data-sparse high latitude region using a network of in-situ rain gauges. We evaluate the satellite data and derive a linear

Economic Preferences and Personality Traits Among Finance Professionals and the General Population : Characteristics of Finance Professionals

Based on artefactual field experiments, we investigate whether finance professionals differ from a sample of the working population in terms of industry-relevant preferences and personality traits. When adjusting for socioeconomic characteristics, we find only few and less marked differences: finance professionals are less risk averse, less trustworthy, show higher levels of psychopathy and are mo

Assessing Facet Level Personality: The Big Five and Personal Values

Tidigare forskning indikerar att personlighet och personliga värderingar är relaterade konstrukt med medelstora korrelationer. Dock har få studier undersökt relationer på fasettnivå. Varje ’Big Five’ faktor innehåller en lägre nivå med ett flertal fasetter vilka tros representera faktorns specifika innehåll. Eftersom de fem faktorerna i ’Big Five’ representerar ett medelvärde av sina respektive faPrevious research suggests that personality and personal values are related constructs with sizeable correlations. However, few previous studies have examined trait-value relations at facet level. Each Big Five trait domain contains several lower-order facets thought to represent the specific contents of the higher-order traits. As a Big Five trait represents an average of its facets, the Big Five