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U-Pb baddeleyite geochronology of Precambrian mafic dyke swarms and complexes in southern Africa - regional scale extensional events and the origin of the Bushveld Complex

Popular Abstract in Swedish Diabasgångar (eng. dolerite dykes) bildas när järn- och magnesiumrika (mafiska) smältor från manteln transporteras upp genom jordskorpan och så småningom kyls av och kristalliserar i sprickor på djupet. Gångarna kan bli hundratals meter breda och kan uppträda i stort antal och bilda s.k. gångsvärmar vilka är uttryck för perioder då jordskorpan har utsatts för extensioneDolerite dykes are formed when iron- and magnesium-rich (mafic) mantle-derived magmas ascend through the lithosphere (upper part of the mantle) and crystallize as ‘hydro-fractures’ within the crust. Dykes may exist in great numbers to form dyke swarms (linear or radiating), which can be linked to time periods of continental break-up, or attempted break-up events, associated with voluminous volcani

An Experimental Study of Heat Transfer on an Outlet Guide Vane

In the present study, the heat transfer characteristics on the suction and pressure sides of an outlet guide vane (OGV) are investigated by using liquid crystal thermography (LCT) method in a linear cascade. Because the OGV has a complex curved surface, it is necessary to calibrate the LCT by taking into account the effect of viewing angles of the camera. Based on the calibration results, heat tra

Product life cycle design - a model of integrating environmental aspects into product design and development process at a Swedish industry: adaptive feedback approach

Many people have no doubts about the seriousness of environmental problems in the world. But the most important issue is to find the way in which these problems could be solved. Environmental problems are so complicated that it is not easy to find the right solution. It is important to change current `Western' and also growing `Eastern' consumption and production radically both from technological

A DT-CNN Data-Flow Implementation

Digital implementations of Cellular Neural Networks are studied in terms of their communication requirements. Secure and reliable communication seems to imply close control, which degrades performance. We introduce a mechanism that removes the need for explicit local network control, taking the internal network communication out of the performance equation. This allows handling boundary conditions

The Nordugrid production grid infrastructure, status and plans

Nordugrid offers reliable grid services for academic users over an increasing set of computing & storage resources spanning through the Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. A small group of scientists has already been using the Nordugrid as their daily computing utility. In the near future we expect a rapid growth both in the number of active users and available resources than

Skåne mellan nationerna - Arkeologi och regional identitet

Scania, a landscape in today's Sweden, has its history in both a Swedish and a Danish context. It has therefore been possible for the Scanian people to maintain different positions in relation to history. I wish to focus on the role of archaeology in connection with the concept of regional identity. Starting from archaeological excavations of the so-called trelleborgar and ringborgar in Scania and