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Granskning av kommunala utmaningar för implementeringen av nya rökfria miljöer

Skånes kommuner känner sig osäkra inför nya rökförbud Intervjuer med tjänstemän från Skånes kommuner visar på att de känner sig osäkra inför implementeringen av rökfria miljöer som presenteras i den nya tobakslagen. Folkhälsomyndigheten har bara en månad innan lagen träder i kraft kommit ut med den information som kommunerna behöver. Flera kommuner riskerar därför att falla efter i tillsynen av lThe Law of Tobacco and Similar Products becomes active on the 1st of July 2019 and brings with it new no-smoking areas, primarily in outdoor environments, which will demand municipal supervision. In this study, officials from Scania’s municipalities have been interviewed to investigate what their opinions, views and expected challenges with the implementation of these no-smoking areas are. It was

Runoff modelling and assessment of treatment wetland performance using a triangular form based multiple flow algorithm

Eutrophication is one of the biggest threats to aquatic ecosystems. As nutrient load increases in marine environments in the Öresund and Baltic Sea and dead zones grow, Swedish municipalities further their efforts in limiting the amount of nutrients delivered into those environments. Since the majority of nutrients enter aquatic systems through surface flow as a result of nutrient leakage, a relia

Making a Hero - Vogler’s Supportive and Opposing Archetypes in Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

According to Christopher Vogler, all unforgettable stories contain a distinctive dramatic structure and an evolving hero accompanied by other archetypical characters. This essay examines the popular children’s book Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, and which impact the different archetypes in the story have on Percy’s growth as a hero. Traditionally, the mentor archetype is mostly credited fo

Re-imagining national struggle: Resistance narratives within the exiled Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran

In 2016 the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI) decided to modify its resistance strategy towards the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). This study analyses political imaginations within the displaced KDPI community in Iraqi Kurdistan through a social constructivist paradigm and the methods of observations and interviews. Findings highlight “insider views” of resistance and outline how identity

Impact assessment of water supply disruptions in the Swedish economy using the Inoperability Input-Output model

Increasing water demand and water security risks are global concerns for societal prosperity and business continuity as clean water is a critical input in several industrial processes. Understanding water risks is a complex field and few studies exists on the effects of water supply disruptions on industries. Economic impact assessment of water shortages is therefore important for insurance and ri

Auditiva distraktioners påverkan på prestationen i visuella sökuppgifter – är visuell load en modererande faktor?

I arbetslivet överlag är förekomsten av distraktioner många gånger en problemkälla och begreppet kognitiv ergonomi har på senare tid fått ökat fokus. I det här arbetet undersöktes hur arbetsprestationen under visuella sökuppgifter utifrån auditiva instruktioner påverkades av auditiva (ickeverbala) distraktioner under låg respektive hög load. Load manipulerades genom förekomsten av distraherande viThe occurrence of distractors is often a factor reducing the productivity in workspaces and cognitive ergonomics has gained increased focus. This work investigated how auditory (nonverbal) distractions during low and high load influenced the performance of a visual search task based on auditory instructions. Load was manipulated by the presence of distracting visual stimuli. The result showed that

Understanding current and future requirements on logistics service offerings in the Danish construction industry

Purpose - The purpose of this research is to create a better understanding of what the current and future customer requirements are on logistics service offerings in the Danish construction industry and how the studied case company can better match these. Methodology - The research was conducted as a case study. A supplier (referred to as the case company) of tools, consumables and installation m

Fördelningsprinciper gällande utbyggnadskostnader för allmän platsmark

Efter kontakt med exploateringsavdelningen på WSP i Stockholm fick vi förslaget att,i samarbete med dem, titta närmare på hur kostnader för utbyggnad av allmän platsfördelas när fler än en exploatör verkar inom samma detaljplan. En fråga som WSP, iform av rådgivande konsulter, anser är intressant att undersöka. 6 kap. 40 § plan- och bygglagen (2010:900) ligger till grund för kommunens rätt att taThe aim of this paper is to represent various distribution principles that occur when a municipality divide costs for expansion of public space between developers who act in the same detailed development plan. We will look at different principles to divide costs, compare projects, investigate geographical differences, compare the cost that is debited and discuss transparency in the land developme

Emotion Classification with Natural Language Processing (Comparing BERT and Bi-Directional LSTM models for use with Twitter conversations)

Vi har skapat en modell som känner igen vilken underliggande känsla som finns i en konversation på Twitter. För att utvärdera hur bra vår modell är har vi jämfört med BERT, en större modell skapad av Google. Det vetenskapliga fält som handlar om hur datorer behandlar text heter natural language process- ing (NLP). Ett vanligt problem inom NLP är hur datorer ska förstå olika mänskliga känslor. I våWe have constructed a novel neural network architecture called CWE-LSTM (concatenated word-emoji bidirectional long short-term memory) for classify- ing emotions in Twitter conversations. The architecture is based on a combina- tion of word and emoji embeddings with domain specificity in Twitter data. Its performance is compared to a current state of the art natural language process- ing model fro

En grönare Vårmarknad

Den svenska turismnäringen växer. Under 2017 omsatte turismnäringen i Sverige 317 miljarder SEK, en ökning med 7,4 % från föregående år (Tillväxtverket, 2018). Fler event och ökad turism medför en ökad påverkan på miljö och klimat men samtidigt fler arbetstillfällen och gynnad samhällsutveckling. I samband med detta väljer flera arrangörer att på ett eller annat vis hållbarhetsmärka sitt evenemangThe Swedish tourism sector is expanding. The turnover of 2017 ended on 317 billion SEK, which is an increase with 7,4 % from the year before (Tillväxtverket, 2018). Increased tourism and more events lead to a bigger impact on the environment while at the same time enhancement in tourism development. Which in turn leads to positive effects on both local development and employment. This study aims t

An Ex-Post Utilization Study of the Sino-Swiss Free Trade Agreement in the Swiss Watch Industry

This thesis contributes to the growing body of literature which examines the utilization of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). The Sino-Swiss Free Trade Agreement (SSFTA) was not only China’s first FTA with a continental European country, but also a milestone for the Swiss foreign policy. However, the Swiss government needs to demonstrate that the SSFTA works in practice and delivers the negotiated ben

The Act of the Pitch

The entrepreneurial pitch plays an integral role in attracting financial capital for a new venture. Notably, previous research has shown that (1) female entrepreneurs are often subjected to discriminatory practices when applying for external capital and (2) entrepreneurs’ communication skills and personal attributes influence investor decision making. Building on these findings, this study explore

Environmental issues from sugarcane plantations in Brazil and how to handle them with market-based instruments

This study is a literature review of three market-based instruments used for land management; environmental offsets, payments for ecosystem services (PES) and certification, and how they could be used to mitigate environmental impacts from sugarcane cultivation in Brazil when purchasing biopolymers. The study showed that certification is the most common market-based instrument in Brazil. Offset an

Investigation of possible approaches for consequential electricity markets in ecoinvent

Version 3 av ecoinvent är den första databasen att erbjuda möjligheten att koppla samman livscykelinventeringar (LCI) utefter olika länkningsalgoritmer. Genom dessa länkningsalgoritmer tar ecoinvent nu fram bakgrundslivscykelinventeringar med både medeldata och långsiktig marginaldata (t.ex. över elmarknader i olika länder). Idealt sett representerar långsiktig marginaldata över elmarknader den ytVersion 3 of the ecoinvent database is the first background database to offer the possibility to link life cycle inventories (LCI) according to different linking algorithms. Using those algorithms, ecoinvent now provides both average and long-term, marginal background LCI data, (e.g. for electricity markets for different countries). Long-term, marginal data for electricity markets ideally represen

It is also about health: an analysis of the CRPD Committee practice in light of southern epistemologies

The right to health for persons with disabilities in the global South is far from being realized. The 2011 World Report on Disability suggests that the majority of persons with disabilities live in low- and middle-income countries. Further studies suggest that around 80% of persons with disabilities in global South countries report poor health. With this in mind, this thesis will focus on the righ

Offer för en gärningsmans lustar : En kvalitativ studie om hur svensk nyhetspress framställer kvinnor och flickor som våldtagits och mördats eller mördats utifrån sexuella motiv.

Victim of a perpetrator´s desires - A qualitative study of how women and girls who have been murdered and raped or murdered on basis of sexual motives are portrayed in the Swedish news press. The aim of this study was to examine how women and girls who have been murdered and raped or murdered on basis of sexual motives are portrayed in swedish newspress. 75 articles have been studied. My choice

”Det klassiska är ju att de där subkulturerna inte kommer med” - En socialantropologisk studie av Malmö Stads policy-förfarande i möten med icke-kommersiella kulturverksamheter

This Bachelor’s thesis examines how Malmö Stad’s organization works with questions of culture (music, art, dance, etc.) and participation. It gives an insight into various policy documents and how they are displayed in three case studies regarding cultural operators in the subgenre. Through the theories of Mary Douglas (1966), John Clarke (2008) and Chris Shore & Susan Wright (1997, 2011) amon

A Stranger Among Those Who Are Still Men: Reading Monsters as Performing Transgender Identities in Four Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft

In his book Skin Shows, Jack Halberstam posits that depictions of monsterhood in horror media can be directly comparable to different socially constructed identities, such as gender, and even transgender. But can such a comparison be made in a text regardless of its author’s biases and intentions? The purpose of this essay is to find out how the monsters in four of H. P. Lovecraft’s short stories

Barnets röst i frågor om vårdnad, boende och umgänge - Kommer den höras tydligare efter inkorporeringen av barnkonventionen?

Uppsatsen syftar till att redogöra för och analysera barns delaktighet i tvister om vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Barn ges rätt till inflytande genom bestämmelser i såväl svensk rätt som genom internationella instrument. FN:s konvention om barnets rättigheter (barnkonventionen) ges en central roll i uppsatsen. Artikel 12 i barnkonventionen stadgar att barn ska tillförsäkras rätten att fritt uttryckThis thesis is aiming to explain and analyse children’s participation in legal proceedings concerning custody, residence and visitation. Children are given the right to participation through regulations in Swedish law as well as in international legal instruments. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (the CRC) is given a central role in this thesis. Article 12 in the CRC statutes that chil