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Adsorption at the Solid-Liquid Interface: An Atomic Force Microscopy Study

The aim of the work presented in this thesis was to investigate nature of adsorption of amphiphiles to the solid–liquid interface. The surface aggregate structures of the zwitterionic surfactant dodecyldimethylammoniopropanesulfonate, (DDAPS) and a series of nonionic polyoxyethlylene glycol alkyl ethers (C10E5, C12E5, C12E8, C10E6, C14E6 and C16E6) have been determined by Atomic Force Microscopy o

Vägen till Kriser och kransar : parodins grepp och driftens bilder hos Birger Sjöberg

The study attempts to explain the rapid and significant changes in Birger Sjöbergs oeuvre, from the idyllic Fridas Bok 1922 and Kvartetten som sprängdes 1924 to the pioneering collection of poems Kriser och kransar 1926. Two types of explanation to this development is offered: the lyrical idiom i Kriser och kransar is a development of parodic devices in Fridas Bok. The theory behind this explanati

How Personal Networks Shape Business : An Anthropological Study of Social Embeddedness, Knowledge Development and Growth of Firms

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar informell organisation, m a o den uppsättning av sociala relationer som förbinder olika personer i företag och över företagsgränser. Det finns en lång tradition av att studera informell organisation. Man har länge förstått att dessa sociala system har betydelse för hur företag egentligen fungerar. Trots detta är den stiliserade bilden av företag sThe research draws from anthropological work on social exchange and later work on embeddedness in an exploration of how personal networks shape business. The purpose of the research is to contribute to an understanding of how social relations shape economic processes and vice versa. The research takes its starting point in small manufacturing firms in southern Sweden primarily in the plastics indu

Methane exchange in a boreal forest: : the role of soils vegetation and forest management

Skogar har en positiv inverkan på halten av växthusgaser i atmosfären eftersom de binder koldioxid via fotsyntesen och lagrar kol i marken. Dessutom utgör många skogar en betydande sänka för växthusgasen metan. Upptaget av metan sker i väl syresatta marker genom oxidation utförd av metanotrofa bakterier. Däremot sker en nettoproduktion av metan i syrefattiga skogsmarker när mikroorganismer, s.k. aPopular Abstract in English Forests have a positive impact on the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere because they absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and store carbon in the soil. Moreover, many forests function as a sink for the greenhouse gas methane (CH4). The uptake of CH4 takes place in well-aerated soils through oxidation by methanotrophic bacteria. However, there is a net

HCCI Operating Range in a Turbo-charged Multi Cylinder Engine with VVT and Spray-Guided DI

Homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) has been identified as a promising way to increase the efficiency of the spark-ignited engine, while maintaining low emissions. The challenge with HCCI combustion is excessive pressure rise rate, quantified here with Ringing Intensity. Turbocharging enables increased dilution of the charge and thus a reduction of the Ringing Intensity. The engine used