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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Implementation and Validation of an Anisotropic Influence Function in PDLAMMPS

Technological advancements into the nanoscale have made it necessary to perform solid mechanical calculations on devices being produced on this scale. Traditionally, the field of continuum mechanics has been used to perform calculations in the field of solid mechanics, but the ubiquity of faster computers have opened up the field of peridynamics as an alternative. Peridynamic theory models materia

Kan observationsenheten avlasta akutmottagningen?

Hög belastning är ett bekymmer för många akutmottagningar, vilket har en negativ effekt på patientsäkerheten och minskar tillfredställelsen för patient och vårdgivare. För att korta ner väntetiderna kan upprättande av observationsenheter, OE, vara ett bra alternativ. Tidigare studier visar att OE kan minska kostnaderna för vården av patienten och vårdtiden. En kvantitativ retrospektiv studie genom

COLIVING - en boendeform för framtiden?

Idag råder en utpräglad bostadsbrist i Sverige, inte minst i Stockholm där det är långa köer till att erhålla en hyresrätt och kostar astronomiska summor att köpa en bostadsrätt. Det är således enbart den kapitalstarka som förskonas från att vänta i närmre ett decennium på ett förstahandskontrakt, vilket gör det besvärligt för exempelvis den yngre generationen som befinner sig i ett tidigt skede aThe housing market in Sweden in general, and in Stockholm in particular, is characterized by a vast shortage and the average waiting time for acquiring a contract to lease an apartment in sought after areas is a decade or more. Adding to the situation, high prices for buying an apartment in the city has raised the threshold for those standing outside the real estate market wanting to get in. A gro

Mind the Gap: A Case Study on the Preparedness of EFL Students at a University in Sweden

Many students struggle when transitioning from upper secondary school to higher education. While there is a substantial amount of research regarding the difference in education from isolated perspectives, little research has investigated the connection between different perspectives. This paper studies the relation between language competencies and language learning strategies within the EFL conte

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This paper examines the role of metaphor in the construction of femininity, masculinity and sexuality in the lyrics of the Latin American Music genre reggaeton. Based on a selected corpus of the lyrical content of two groups of material: mainstream reggaeton and the trending feminist reggaeton, the study takes an interdisciplinary approach combining cognitive linguistics, Critical Discourse Analys

Web interface for machine learning as decision making support

The thesis attempts to explore possibilities of implementing a user interface visualization to a machine learning algorithm. As the algorithm in the thesis does not take soft values into account, the visualization is meant to highlight its’ drawbacks and aware the end user of how the results were generated. Therefore the graphical representation is aimed to fortify the algorithm as decision making

Comparison of geospatial support in RDF stores: Evaluation for ICOS Carbon Portal metadata

The evolution of World Wide Web (WWW) into semantic web is happening with the aid of standards like Resource Description Framework (RDF), SPARQL and a few others from World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Over the years, semantic data management technologies have been introduced as software platforms commonly known as RDF stores. Lately these RDF stores have been tested for processing and maintenance o

Reconfigurable Instrument Access Network with a Functional Port Interface

The ever-increasing need for higher performance and more complex functionality pushes the electronics industry to find a faster and more efficient way to test and debug an Integrated Circuit (IC). Currently, the IEEE Std. 1149.1, known as Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) is considered as state of the art by the industry. JTAG is used to perform debugging and testing through Test Access Port (TAP). H

Biblioteket som offentligt rum och mötesplats: en studie av hur besökarna använder och upplever Malmö stadsbibliotek

During the last decade there has been an increased interest in the public library’s function as a place for different activities and social interaction. In this thesis, the intention is to investigate how the central library of Malmö functions as a public space and a meeting place according to its patrons. Largely based on three earlier research projects on North American libraries, the study appl

Hur rekommenderad RETTS-tid efterföljs i Skånes akutsjukvård.

Aktuella studier visar att förlängda väntetider på akutmottagningar kan leda till ökad dödlighet, komplikationer och fördröjd smärtlindring vid akuta smärttillstånd. Inom den undersökta regionen finns rekommenderade tider för hur lång tid en patient ska få vänta på läkarbedömning. Enligt riktlinjerna skall prioritet orange bedömas av läkare inom 15 minuter och prioritet gul inom 120 minuter. Studi

Predicting Railway-Induced Ground Vibrations

Städer växer och förtätas vilket gör att obebyggd mark kommer att användas i allt högre grad. En ökad befolkning kan leda till ett ökat transportbehov, vilket gör att transportsystem, såsom spår- och vägtrafik, kan behöva expanderas. Trafik genererar vibrationer som fortplantas i marken och sprids till närliggande byggnader. Vibrationer kan anses störande av människor som befinner sig i byggnadernPopulation growth and densification lead to growing urban environments. Unbuilt land within cities can be used to construct residences and other facilities. Population growth can further lead to a greater demand of transportation, which can require expansion of transportation systems such as railways or road traffic. Vibrations are one of the environmental problems associated with traffic in an ur

Urban entrepreneurialism and the right to the city – between discourse and practice The case of Norra Sorgenfri, Malmö, Sweden

This thesis examines the discursive and practical use of the theoretical concept of the entrepreneurial city in a case study of a new city district, Norra Sorgenfri, Malmö, Sweden. A concern with the concept of the right to the city and use of Norra Sorgenfri’s public spaces is part of the examination. The entrepreneurial city approach suggest that contemporary cities are developed primarily throu

The Seeking of a Business-Optimal Transfer Price - In accordance with the Arm's Length Principle

Sökandet efter en företagsekonomiskt optimal internprissättning har pågått i årtionden. En intressant lösning på problemet syftade till, genom att använda sig av spelteori, förhandlingsteori och internprissättning, att skapa en kvantitativ lösning för att optimera de globala vinsterna för en multinationell koncern. Denna uppsats syftar till att identifiera och analysera the legala frågorna som uppThe search of a business-optimal transfer price has been going on for decades. One interesting solution aimed to, by the use of game theory, bargaining theory and transfer pricing, create a quantitative solution to optimize the global profits of a multinational enterprise. This paper aims to identify and analyze the legal questions emerging from that solution. The paper also aims to discuss the us

Gratis är gott... eller beskattningsbart? - En analys av balans i beskattning av influencers inkomster

Att influencers tilldelas olika slags gåvor och varuprover som ett led i marknadsföringsformen influencer marketing är en ny företeelse. Skatteverket kommer att genomföra en granskning av influencers inkomster för inkomståret 2018. Influencers kan erhålla gåvor och varuprover med eller utan krav på motprestation. Dessa gåvor och varuprover kan troligen inte ses som skattefria gåvor även om de erhåThe fact that influencers’ are awarded different kinds of gifts as a part of the marketing form influencer marketing is a new phenomenon. The Swedish Tax Agency will investigate influencers’ incomes for the tax year 2018. Influencers can receive gifts and samples with or without requirement of counter performance. Since the givers intention is not to give a gift, but merely a commercial one, influ

Business for Sustainable Development. A case study of Swedish business engagement in the Sustainable Development Goals

This case study examines the reasons for Swedish companies to engage in development issues, such as sustainable development. Taking off in the motivational factors coined by Rettberg (2016) there are three reasons for business to engage in activities outside of their usual business plan. Those are “need”, for instance political stability to be able to enter a new market; “creed”, personal convicti

Medborgerligt inflytande i domstolar - Ett verktyg för rättssäkerhetsgaranti, eller en överhängande risk för rättshaveri?

Att ha lekmän i domstolar är en tradition i svensk rätt som kan dateras till 800 år tillbaka i tiden. Att låta medborgare närvara i domstolar ansågs utgöra ett skydd mot att statsapparaten skulle missbruka rätten. Medborgarna som deltar i domstolens arbete kallas nämndemän, vilket är helt vanliga medborgare utan juridisk utbildning. Hur mycket inflytande nämndemännen haft över dömandet har varieraTo have lay judges present in our courts is an concept that dates back 800 years in our legal history. Having normal citizens in the court was regarded as a protection from the states potential misuse of power. The lay judges did not have any form of law education. How much influence the lay judges have had over the administration of justice has varied over the years. In today´s system they have t

Returns within Fashion E-Tailing

The purpose of this master’s thesis is to provide a contribution to the research body regarding consumer returns, particularly within the online fashion retail industry. A quantitative data analysis approach is chosen and two main methods are used: data study that aims to identify patterns and interesting relationships in the data, and a simulation study that uses real input data to attempt to ide

Developing a Virtual Consumer: From Human Skin to FE Modelling

--- Att skapa en virtuell konsument: från mänsklig hud till FE modellering --- Interaktionen mellan konsument och produkt ur ett upplevelseperspektiv blir allt vanligare att simulera i den virtuella världen. För att nämna några exempel så simulerar IKEA liggkomfort medans bil- och flygplansindustrin simulerar sittkomfort. Det är ett spännande område av flera anledningar varav två är att dels så äIn the 'on-the-go' society of today, the use of single unit beverage packages has increased. Consequently, the interaction between the consumer and the package have also attracted greater interest when trying to gain advantages in a competitive market. One way of gaining such an advantage is by decreasing the developing costs of products: either by reducing time spent, or money invested in

Improved control strategies for primary frequency control in Swedish combined heat and power plants

A model of the Swedish power plant Mälardalen Energi, developed by Solvina AB was simulated in Dymola with different types of control strategies in order to evaluate if they could improve the operational flexibility of the plant and, thus, its ability to deliver frequency control to the Swedish power grid. Several different control strategies and process modifications were tested and compared to p

Investigating the accuracy of Digital Elevation Models from UAV images in areas with low contrast : a sandy beach as a case study

Elevation models are important in many applications in Geographical Information System (GIS), both when applying environmental analyses and in urban planning studies. The production of elevation models has been a difficult and expensive task using traditional surveying techniques. Remote sensing methods for producing digital elevation models have solved the difficult part of the task, which consis