Sanning eller konsekvens? En kommission kan vara ett sätt att lägga lock på debatten
Om problemet med att tillsätta sanningskommissioner för omstridda historiska händelser.
Om problemet med att tillsätta sanningskommissioner för omstridda historiska händelser.
The underlying basis of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and the basis of its increased incidence in diabetes are unknown. We have quantified pathology in an uncompressed nerve (posterior interosseous nerve, PIN) in the forearm between diabetic and non-diabetic patients with CTS and control subjects. In an age- and gender-matched series, 26 diabetic patients with CTS and 20 non-diabetic patients with
Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes are associated with decreased expression of genes that regulate oxidative phosphorylation in skeletal muscle. To determine whether this defect might be inherited or acquired, we investigated the association of genetic, epigenetic, and nongenetic factors with expression of NDUFB6, a component of the respiratory chain that is decreased in muscle from diabetic p
BACKGROUND: Local tumour destruction has been shown to give rise to changes in immunocompetent cells. The aim of this study was to describe the effect of interstitial laser thermotherapy (ILT) of breast carcinoma in the tumour and in regional lymph nodes. METHODS: Seventeen women that underwent radical surgical excision after non-radical ILT were studied. ILT was performed at a steady-state temper
Abstract Objective. To assess the impact of increased use of low-dose aspirin, other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), warfarin, corticosteroids and selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) on the site and outcome of non-variceal gastrointestinal (GI) bleeds. Methods. Retrospective review of 731 patients with peptic ulcer bleeds (PUBs), non-ulcer, non-variceal upper (NUUPGIBs
Abstract in Undetermined Pre-stressed concrete is used to increase the load capacity in many civil engineering structures. There is a need for non-destructive methods to estimate the potential loss of pre-stress in these structures. In this study we investigate the acoustoelastic effect on the natural resonance frequencies of a pre-stressed concrete beam. Measured resonant frequencies increase wit
An electrically small frequency-reconfigurable antenna with a very wide tuning band is proposed. Three varactor diodes are used to achieve the tunable capacitance. With a modifled feeding structure, the measured tuning range of the fabricated antenna reaches from 457.5 to 894.5 MHz, and the tuning band enhancement is also explained through an equivalent circuit analysis.
Popular Abstract in Swedish För ämneslärarexamen krävs att studenterna ska kunna bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen inom ämnesdidaktik. För lärarprogram med inriktning mot undervisning i Idrott och hälsa medför det att begreppet idrottsdidaktik behöver tydliggöras. I denna avhandling behandlas idrottsdidaktik som begrepp och som redskap för reflektion över idrottsundervisning. Idrottsdidaktik härledsIn search of sport didactics The aim of this thesis is to examine sport didactics as a concept and tool for reflecting on PE education. An additional aim is to analyze course literature and teaching models. Special focus is given to mandatory course literature devoted to dance, orienteering, swimming and ball games. The thesis starts by considering the concept of didactics. Further, different tra
The aim of this study was to describe experiences of physical activity, perceived meaning and importance of, and motives and barriers for participation in physical activity, among people 80 years of age and older. A qualitative design with focus-group methodology was used. The sample consisted of 20 community-living people aged 80-91 years. Data analyses revealed four themes: physical activity as