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Heat transport in nano materials subject to high intensity nano focused X-rays

Vill man kunna se materialens minsta strukturer gäller det att man har de rätta verktygen. Röntgenstrålning är ett utmärkt verktyg för att urskilja små detaljer inuti material. Strålningen tränger djupt in (vilket du kanske själv erfarit om du röntgats på sjukhuset) och de har en kort våglängd, en nödvändighet för att urskilja små detaljer. Detta arbete har undersökt hur olika material, särskilt nThe thesis aims to investigate the amount and distribution of heat in nano materials irradiated by highly focused X-ray beams, like those that will be produced by MAX IV. The beam used in the study had a flux of 10e11 photons per second and a diameter of 100 nm. The materials studied were a 2 µm long and 100 nm wide Indium phosphide (InP) nanowire on a Silicon nitride (Si3N4) substrate, a similar

The grammaticalized forms of oku and shimau, are they alone?

The Japanese language has as any other language been grammaticalized throughout history. Many different aspects regarding the Japanese language has at some point underwent this phenomenon. However, the aspect that will be considered in the following disquisition is the Japanese auxiliary verbs, with consistent focus on the two verbs oku and shimau. These two verbs have when used a grammatical mark

Digital communication with parents and their children in online healthcare

Swedish primary care is under a lot of pressure and struggle to keep up with the big patient flow. An alternative to visiting a physical primary care centre is to visit Min Doktor which is a digital healthcare centre offering doctor visits online that help patients with diagnosis, prescriptions and referrals. Today, Min Doktor’s service is only treating people from the age of 18 but they are curre

Implementing a Stage-Gate Process for R&D and Innovation Projects - Challenges and Enablers

Few studies have been made on challenges and enablers with implementing Stage-Gate processes in mature organizations. The aim with this thesis, is therefore to fill the gaps in knowledge within implementation of Stage-Gate processes and additionally describe the general challenges and enablers with Stage-Gate processes for R&D and innovation projects. PaperCo, a mature international organizati

Experiences of African Migrant Women Living with Female Genital Mutilation in Sweden. A narrative Analysis

The term Female Genital Mutilation is often used to describe a process whereby a part or all of the external female genitalia is been cut as a result of factors generally embedded around culture and tradition. This study takes a panoramic view at FGM beginning from a historical perspective when the practice was generally regarded as a cure to the sexual “excesses” of the female to the present day


This thesis is based mainly upon literature review drawn from previous researches done on Enterprise Risk Management or similar topics. Moreover, a case-study was done on the data provided by a selected company in the petrochemical industries in Qatar. We have done our best in order to provide references to all sources and previous researches used. Coming from fast growing countries, risk managem

Physical Structures for Signal Separation

Att separera två eller flera inspelade ljudsignaler är generellt ett svårlöst problem, men det blir enklare att lösa desto mer signalerna skiljer sig från varandra. Genom att använda en parabolformad reflektor går det att skapa skillnader mellan signalerna på ett sådant sätt att signalseparationen kan förbättras.This master’s thesis studies the use of physical structures for signal source separation. A parabolic reflector was used to alter the directional properties of one microphone in a two-microphone array. A method to estimate the mixing channels from measured data is presented, as well as a method to find the optimal separating channels. Measurements of the directional properties and mixing channels

Mekaniska kopplingar med hög deformationskapacitet för stommar byggda av prefabricerade betongelement

Förtillverkade betongkonstruktioner har inte någon naturlig sammanhållning av stommen, som i en platsgjuten konstruktion, vilket medför stora krav på de mekaniska kopplingarna mellan de prefabricerade betongelementen avseende bärförmåga och deformationskapacitet. Dagens mekaniska kopplingar utgörs ofta av ingjutna raka kamstänger och har därför en begränsad deformationskapacitet vilket medför att Precast concrete structures has no natural coherence of the frame as when the structure is cast in situ, which puts great demands on the ties between the prefabricated concrete elements regarding the resistance and deformation capacity. The ties that are used today often consist of straight ribbed bars embedded in concrete and therefore have limited deformation capacity. This means that the opport

Office design in relation to perceived indoor climate, communication climate, and work engagement.

The purpose of this study was to examine office designs, in terms of private, shared, and open plan offices. This was done by comparing the participants reported indoor climate, communication climate, and work engagement experienced in respective office design. The study was conducted with the background of the trend to use an open plan design in office spaces. Cross-sectional data on 2322 partici

Utvärdering och design av trådlös kommunikation mellan smart dosett och Smartphone

A product with the need for a wireless communication between itself and a smartphone will be developed. A suitable wireless protocol and module will be chosen and evaluated. How should the software be designed? What functions should be available? In the end the module and software will be tested in the field to see how it works in reality. For the choosing of protocol, the following will be discus

A Microcanonical Comparison of Richardsons Equations With The BCS Mean Field Approximation

The exact solution of the reduced pairing Hamiltonian is compared to the BCS mean field approximation for low particle numbers in finite systems. A combination of two different methods for solving the Richardson equations is presented. One of the methods originally intended to be solved analytically is instead adapted to a numerical scheme. The comparison includes the pairing gap parameter, as app

Randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo Simulations for Basket Option Pricing where underlying assets follow a Time-Changed Meixner Levy Process

Using derivative securities can help investors increase their expected returns as well as minimize their exposure to risk. For a risk-averse investor, options can oer both insurance and leverage and for a more risk-loving investor they can be used as speculation. Basket option is a kind of option whose payo depends on an arbitrary portfolio of assets. The basket is made out of a weighted sum of as

Validation of one-dimensional loss models for axial gas turbines

Denna masteruppsats är ett sammarbete mellan Siemens Industrial Turbomachi- nery (SIT) och Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH). Uppsatsen berör validering av ett nytt in-house verktyg på SIT som heter ”Mean Line Tool” (MLT), framför allt sekundärförlustmodellerna som verktyget använder. Valideringen gjordes genom att undersöka och jämföra predikteringar från MLT med experiment utförda på en testturbin vThis thesis for the degree of Master of Science is a collaboration between Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery (SIT) and Lund Institute of Technology (LTH). This thesis concerns validation of a new SIT in-house code Mean Line Tool (MLT) and especially the secondary loss models used by this tool. The validation was made by investigating and comparing predictions from MLT with experiments carried out

Cirkulär ekonomi & Avfallshantering

Dagens ekonomi är ohållbar eftersom det leder till en överkonsumtion av råvaror och andra resurser. Den cirkulära ekonomin är en idé om hur ekonomi kan vara baserad på cirkulära principer. En av de viktigaste principerna är att samhället måste arbeta för att nå högre upp i avfallshierarkin, genom att främja återvinning och förebyggande av avfall. En av byggstenarna i cirkulär ekonomi är affärsmodeToday's economy is unsustainable as it leads to the over consumption of raw materials and other resources. The circular economy is an idea for an economy based on circular principles. One of the key principles is that society must work to reach higher up the waste hierarchy, and prosecution of recycling and waste prevention. One of the circular economy's building blocks are business models

"Jag tror inte de har tänkt alls, faktiskt" - En kvalitativ studie av hur fem personer med kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar / svårigheter upplever skriftlig information i det offentliga rummet

I mitt arbete inom LSS har jag sett att det finns svårigheter för personer med kognitiv funktionsnedsättning att förstå och tolka skriftlig information. Appar, olika internetsidor med lättläst text och andra slags elektroniska hjälpmedel finns det gott om. Således är de svårigheter jag märkt av sådana att jag fått vara behjälplig i att exempelvis förklara vad som står på en skylt som hänger ovanfö

"Vi måste veta mer om politik för att förstå" : En undersökning av två politiska texter ur ett andraspråksperspektiv

Huvudsyftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka huruvida webbtexter hos ett inkluderande, politiskt parti fungerar som kommunikativt verktyg ur ett andraspråksperspektiv. Ett ytterligare syfte är att undersöka om det finns specifika aspekter i texterna som andraspråksbrukare upplever som svåra och har svårt att ta till sig, vilket vi antar utifrån tidigare forskning om andraspråk. Vi undersök

Shaking ground. Maintaining organizational culture in a fast growing tech startup. A case from the Baltic States

Thesis Purpose: To understand organizational culture and the ways of maintaining it in a fast growing tech startup from the Baltic States Research Questions: What is the organizational culture in a fast growing tech startup? What are the challenges faced due to the rapid growth? What are the ways to maintain the organizational culture in a fast growing tech startup? Methodology: a qualitative in

Optimering av hyperparametrar till artificiella neurala nätverk med genetiska algoritmer

This master thesis explores the feasibility of using genetic algorithms in order to automate the process of optimizing hyperparameters for artificial neural networks (ANN). Today there is no standard way to optimize hyperparameters for ANN; often they are set manually by trial and error. In order to explore the feasibility of using genetic algorithms to optimize hyperparameters for ANN, two algori

Kan byggare bygga upp en stadig struktur inför kriser?

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur kapitalstrukturen sett ut i 32 stora byggbolag i Sverige mellan åren 2005 - 2014. Studien har som grund en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats där empiri används som grund, observeras och sedan skapas vetenskap kring den. Studiens resultat blev att skuldsättningen hade minskat under krisåren 2008-2009. Den regressionsanalys som genomfördes pekade ä