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Constraining the eruption history of Rangitoto volcano, New Zealand, using palaeomagnetic data

New Zealand's largest city, Auckland, is situated within the basaltic Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF). Therefore, understanding the eruption history of the local volcanoes in the field is of great importance in order to assess future hazards that they may pose. Rangitoto is the youngest and largest volcano in the AVF, although the timing of the first eruption and the duration of the volcanic activit

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Corporate Social Responsibility is used as an organizational strategy and with this power it has been established that it brings endless advantages, especially in market acceptance and growth of business image. In the country and in the department of Cochabamba, it is undergoing considerable development, growth and evolution, reaching the idea of it being used as a business strategy, to be include

Geography and environmental pressure are predictive of class-specific radioresistance in black fungi

Black fungi are among the most resistant organisms to ionizing radiation on Earth. However, our current knowledge is based on studies on a few isolates, while the overall radioresistance limits across this microbial group and the relationship with local environmental conditions remain largely undetermined. To address this knowledge gap, we assessed the survival of 101 strains of black fungi isolat

Between Sophistication and Resolution : Wise Choice

In this chapter, which draws on my earlier work on the subject, I focus on agents whose preferences violate axioms of expected utility, with violations of the Independence Axiom being my prime example. This exposes them to the threat of dynamic inconsistency in sequential choice. I consider three different policies such agents could use to secure consistency. After presenting two standard policies

Predicting structure-borne noise in cross-laminated timber buildings during conceptual design

In this study, we investigate the feasibility of using a vibration-based metric for predicting low-frequency structure-borne noise in cross-laminated timber (CLT) buildings. The overall aim here is to facilitate the conceptual design for CLT buildings in terms of estimating noise levels. Since noise levels are inherently sensitive to architectural or mechanical design changes, in the low frequency

Influenza A subtype H3N2 is associated with an increased risk of hospital dissemination – an observational study over six influenza seasons

Background: Previous studies on hospital-acquired influenza (HAI) have not systematically evaluated the possible impact of different influenza subtypes. HAI has historically been associated with high mortality, but clinical consequences may be less severe in a modern hospital setting. Aims: To identify and quantify HAI for each season, investigate possible associations with varying influenza subty

Capabilities in the shadows: An ethnographic study exploring the gendered implications of a solar electrification project in rural eastern Nepal

Access to electricity is vital for rural development in the Global South, but its impact on local power dynamics, especially gender relations, remains underexplored. This thesis examines a solar electrification project in Eastern Nepal to uncover gender-related challenges in experiencing project benefits. By applying the Capabilities Approach and Kabeer's Empowerment Theory, the research ident

At the Intersection of Mindfulness and Sustainability - An overview of the emerging field of Mindfulness within Sustainability Science

Climate change is a people-made crisis which requires a shift in our mindsets. Early studies in the field of mindfulness within sustainability science show the potential of mindfulness to influence consciousness, beliefs, and values for sustainability. However, the field is still at its early stages and scattered over various topics and methods. The aim of this thesis is to assess how the concept

En kulturskola för alla? En intervjustudie om tillgänglighet för och inkludering av personer med kognitiva och/eller intellektuella funktionsvarianter

Kulturskolan är den största offentliga satsningen på barnkultur som finns i Sverige (Kulturskolerådet, 2023). Visionen som beskrivs på Kulturskolerådets (u.å.) hemsida är likvärdiga möjligheter för utveckling genom kulturutövande för alla barn och unga. Med det i åtanke är det problematiskt att det är svårt att hitta forskning på hur tillgänglighet och inkludering av elever med kognitiva och/eller

Impact of previous diverticulitis on 5-year survival and recurrence rates in patients with colorectal cancer

BACKGROUND: Diverticulitis and colorectal cancer (CRC) share epidemiological characteristics, but their relationship remains unknown. It is unclear if prognosis following CRC differ for patients with previous diverticulitis compared to those with sporadic cases and patients with inflammatory bowel disease or hereditary syndromes.AIM: The aim was to determine 5-year survival and recurrence after co

Learning by Doing : Controlling a Dynamical System using Causality, Control, and Reinforcement Learning

Questions in causality, control, and reinforcement learning go beyond the classical machine learning task of prediction under i.i.d. observations. Instead, these fields consider the problem of learning how to actively perturb a system to achieve a certain effect on a response variable. Arguably, they have complementary views on the problem: In control, one usually aims to first identify the system

Genomes from historical Drosophila melanogaster specimens illuminate adaptive and demographic changes across more than 200 years of evolution

The ability to perform genomic sequencing on long-dead organisms is opening new frontiers in evolutionary research. These opportunities are especially notable in the case of museum collections, from which countless documented specimens may now be suitable for genomic analysis-if data of sufficient quality can be obtained. Here, we report 25 newly sequenced genomes from museum specimens of the mode

Different Means to an end: Exploring the Methods and Objectives of the Youth Climate Movement

In September 2019, streets across the world filled with millions of children and youth demanding climate action, demonstrating the growing concern young people feel about their futures (Taylor, Watts, & Bartlett, 2019). However, protests are only one of the methods youths use to show their dissatisfaction with current climate change policies. Youth are also utilizing education, entrepreneurshi

Ligand Sulfur Oxidation State Progressively Alters Galectin-3-Ligand Complex Conformations To Induce Affinity-Influencing Hydrogen Bonds

Galectins play biological roles in immune regulation and tumor progression. Ligands with high affinity for the shallow, hydrophilic galectin-3 ligand binding site rely primarily on a galactose core with appended aryltriazole moieties, making hydrophobic interactions and π-stacking. We designed and synthesized phenyl sulfone, sulfoxide, and sulfide-triazolyl thiogalactoside derivatives to create af

Theoretical investigation of Rare-Earth doped optical materials : Optimization and Prediction

Rare-earth (RE) doped optical materials are distinguished by their unique optical and electronic properties. These characteristics are essential for various applications, including laser stabilization, and phosphors. However, the sensitivity of these materials to environmental factors and intrinsic defects necessitates a deep understanding. Grasping how these factors influence the refractive index