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Spara och Slösa - en studie i hur brukare påverkar energianvändningen i plusenergihus

Energieffektivisering av bostäder och lokaler i Sverige är nödvändig för att de globala och nationella miljömålen ska uppnås. Bostads- och servicesektorn står för närmre 40% av Sveriges totala energianvändning. Genom tekniska lösningar och beteendeförändringar kan energianvändningen minskas (Naturvårdsverket, 2020). Målet med denna rapport är att undersöka hur brukarna påverkar den totala energian

Från förskola till förskoleklass - en forskningsöversikt om de inre och yttre processer som omger barnen i den pedagogiska övergången

Denna studie är en forskningsöversikt i ämnet övergång mellan förskola och skola. Metodvalet innebär att forskning i ämnet sammanställts och analyserats utifrån likheter och olikheter i studiernas utfall. Sammanlagt fjorton studier har använts i genomförandet av den här studien. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka de processer som omger barnet i den pedagogiska övergången mellan försk

Strategic processes towards sustainable development in large, international companies: A cross-case analysis using the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD)

The discussion of human activities exploiting natural resources and their environmental impact has gained more traction throughout the past decade. Especially the role corporations play in these developments has caused a shift within corporate strategic considerations. As a result, today, many companies assume increasing responsibility to improve their sustainability performance. Large, internatio

Environmental effects and interspecific interactions affecting species sightings around a shark-cage diving vessel in Gansbaii, South Africa

Yttemperatur och interspecifika interaktioner påverkar sympatriska arters närvaro runt en hajdykningsbåt i Gansbaai, Sydafrika Rock- och hajpopulationer (Elasmobranchii) minskar drastiskt i de flesta hav på planeten och arter riskerar utdöende på grund av kommersiellt fiske och bifångst som dödar 100 miljoner hajar årligen. Ekoturism såsom hajdykning i bur förlitar sig på hållbara och hälsosamma Elasmobranch populations are decreasing rapidly worldwide due to anthropogenic exploitation such as commercial fishing, where targeted shark fisheries and accidental bycatches harvest more than 100 million sharks yearly. Ecotourism operations such as shark-cage diving operators strongly rely on sustainable and functioning ecosystems and wildlife in order to utilize these for tourism and educationa

Ten weeks of mindfulness training leads to no structural brain changes in adolescents

Kan mindfullness hjälpa unga som mår psykiskt dåligt? Det är allt fler i samhället som mår psykiskt dåligt och antalet unga med psykisk ohälsa ökar. Psykisk ohälsa handlar om hur vi mår och trivs med livet samt hur vi hanterar livets upp- och nedgångar. För många som mår psykiskt dåligt tar det emot att söka professionell hjälp då det finns en skam för att inte kunna hantera sin egen livssituatio

Exploring Connections within Documented-non-European Immigrants' Social Networks and the Influence of the Connections in Labour Market Integration, Lund-Sweden

This thesis explores the labour integration of documented-non-European immigrants into the Swedish labour market through their immigrants' networks. Most documented-non-European immigrants face labour integration challenges due to the lack of specific labour skills. In Sweden's case, most jobs on the labor market are highly-skilled jobs that require that the immigrant acquires or possesses

Politisering och förvaltning. En diskursanalys kring debatten om en politiserad jämställdhetsmyndighet.

The notion of politicization in government agencies has been described by many researchers as a threat to our democracy. But what exactly is meant by the term politicization, and how is it understood in the debate? As an attempt to answer this question, a discourse analytical method has been applied. The results show that politicization might not have an axiomatic definition, but rather that the d

Reimagine a safe and inviting public realm : exploring possibilities around Tensta centrum

Today cities across the world in different scales are struggling to achieve a sustainable living space where children are full of pride to call home. My thesis project inspired by my own journey of searching for a safe and inviting public space where I can spend my leisure time. I grew up in K.S.A, where for a long time I have experienced that women are not safe in a public space. Then I came to m

Right as Rain

As global warming continues to threaten our society we must all try to adapt in an attempt to diminish greenhouse gas emission. In order to counteract global warming Tretorn AB has chosen to pursue a more sustainable product line. In this thesis I have worked with a scenario of sudden flooding in an urban environment. I examined urban population usage of waterproof footwear such as rubberboots an

Översiktsplaneringens roll för att minska växthusgasutsläpp i det lokala klimatarbetet - En fallstudie av Lunds kommuns nya översiktsplan

För att minska våra växthusgasutsläpp, och nå Parisavtalets utsläppsmål, spelar fysisk planering en viktig roll. En del av fysisk planering är översiktsplaner, övergripande planer som kommuner skapar för att planera mark-och vattenanvändningen i kommunen under en längre tid. De är inte lagligt bindande, och inte lika detaljerade som detaljplaner. Men hur påverkar översiktsplaner det lokala klimataTo reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases by local efforts, physical planning plays an essential part. It can have a great impact on our greenhouse gas emissions, by deciding important things as transport and energy planning. This study aims to examine the role of municipal comprehensive planning in the work to reduce greenhouse gases. The study is based on a case study of Lund municipality, car

Climate Policy in Ireland & Estonia

The recent increase in climate warming has further increased the interest of climate policy in the European Union. In order to adapt to the climate change, policies must be implied to guarantee adaptation, and they need to be effective, even if members of the supranational organization have significant economic growth. Therefore, this research will examine what policies EU member nations, Ireland

Trade Effects of Digitalization

This essay examines the impact digitalization has on trade in services inside the European Union (EU). Furthermore, it investigates whether countries with discrepancies in the degree of digitalization have identified such trade effects to different scopes. Initially, the application method used in this study is the gravity model using panel data with a disaggregated dataset from The Organisation f

Analysis of the Stratospheric Aerosol Load After the 2019 Raikoke Eruption

The stratospheric aerosol load after the eruption of Raikoke in 2019 have been analysed with satellite data from the CALIPSO satellite. The goal was to see how much the stratospheric aerosol load increased due to the Brewer Dobson circulation, and further, how this affected the stratospheric aerosol optical depth (AOD), and the corresponding radiative forcing (RF). This was done by performing a da

Impact of different primary particles on Geant4 simulation execution time - study on protons and pions

The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) at CERN, an improvement to the LHC, scheduled to be operating in 2027, will further the potential for scientific breakthroughs in High Energy Physics. The project’s demand in computational resources, however, is predicted to exceed what will be available then. Thus, efficiency optimization of Monte Carlo simulations of the collisions that occur in

The Impact of Services Trade Restrictiveness on Export Flows

Services trade is increasingly becoming more important in the international economy. However, barriers to trade in services remain more obstructive than those to trade in goods. This paper uses the OECD Services Trade Restrictiveness Index to analyze the relationship between restrictions to trade in services and cross-border service exports. The empirical analysis is carried through with the help

Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Bangladesh

The Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of Bangladesh was for a long time an area of conjuration, affection, brotherhood, social and natural contribution in livelihood as well as harmony between nature and culture. At present, eight hundred thousand indigenous peoples in CHT are living in poverty, hunger, malnutrition, killings, conflicts, and imbalanced situation in society and economy. Different develo

Se upp för mansbebisar - ta skydd i systerskapet : en kvalitativ textanalys om hur engagemanget tar sig i uttryck på Instagramkontot Mansbebisar

Det blir allt vanligare att människor engagerar sig i grupper på sociala medier som belyser sociala orättvisor i samhället. Många kvinnor engagerar sig till exempel i feministiska grupper som belyser att kvinnor inte får lika stort utrymme i den allmänna debatten som män får. Instagramkontot Mansbebisar är en sådan feministisk grupp som endast finns till för kvinnor och som uppmärksammar problemen

Third space for children

This thesis is a study of the public social life of children in an urban environment and of implementation of techniques and tools that would transform urban spaces in a typically large metropolitan city into a child friendly space. The common conception of children as the future citizen rather than as active citizens have lead to completely ignoring the needs of children during the designing proc

Constructional- and material technical optimization of concrete - possible environmental benefits

Miljömässiga vinster genom konstruktions- & materialtekniska lösningar -betong Byggindustrin står idag för 20 % av Sveriges inhemska utsläpp av växthusgaser. För konstruktörer och andra aktörer i branschen finns det idag få incitament att försöka minska användningen av cement, vars produktion är en av de största källorna till utsläpp från byggsektorn. Detta examensarbete undersöker några olikThe greenhouse effect and the emission of greenhouse gases, namely carbon dioxide, is a global issue which today permeates alot of the societal consciousness and therefore also alot of the conducted research. The construction industry is not different in this regard. The construction sector in Sweden, for example, generates more than 12 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents every yea