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Supply Chain Designs for Preparedness

Purpose of this research The ability to quickly respond presupposes logistics systems designed to be responsive; supply chains must prepare to act if specific circumstances occur. By investigating ‘preparedness’ in a defence logistics context, the overall research objectives are to define ‘preparedness’ and to advance defence logistics as an academic research area. Design/methodology/approach We


Abstract – A new full-scale laboratory has been erected at Lund university in 2004. The main goal of the laboratory is to find cost-effective solutions which reduce the electricity use in offices and residential buildings. The facility contains four rooms for testing building components, especially glazing and shading systems. The roof has a platform for testing solar components and solar systems,

An embedded low power high efficient object tracker for surveillance systems

This paper introduces a real-time surveillance application for object tracking with capablilities of functioning on 25 f/s mode, implemented in a high efficient, high performance and low power smart camera WiCa (Wireless Camera) developed by NXP Research. The proposed application deals with the problem of constantly changing environments as light change, swaying branches, rain and noise introduced

Utilization of Decomposition Techniques for Analyzing and Characterizing Flows

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vetskap om strömning av vätskor och gaser är viktigt i dagens samhälle, vilket inkluderar transport i rör, förbränning, och flödesinducerade vibrationer. På grund av sin flyktiga form är möjligheten att kontrollera flöden i diverse applikationer begränsad. Strömning kan vara väldigt svårt att beskriva och kategorisera, speciellt då höga hastigheter är inblandade. HastigThis thesis presents the utilization of two different decomposition techniques, proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) and dynamic mode decomposition (DMD), for enhanced understanding of flow structures and their stability. The advantages of these techniques are shown for a range of flow situations, most of which are turbulent. It is shown that by these methods additional insight into complex flow

Determination of KLa, COD fractionations and Heterotrophic yield of palm oil mill effluent (POME)

Activated sludge models (ASMs) have been widely used as a basis for further model development in wastewater treatment processes. Values for parameters to be used are vital for the accuracy of the modeling approach. A continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), as open respirometer with continuous flow for 20 h is used in ASMs. The dissolved oxygen (DO) profile for 11 days was monitored. It was found t

Transient wave propagation in gyrotropic media

In this paper transient electromagnetic wave propagation in an inhomogeneous, cold plasma is considered. It is assumed that a constant magnetic induction is present and that the plasma is spatially inhomogeneous in the direction of the magnetic induction. Losses in the plasma are modeled with a collision frequency ν. The direct problem, which is to calculate the reflected and transmitted responses

Biogas in Sweden - Opportunities and challenges from a systems perspective

Popular Abstract in Swedish Biogas, som i huvudsak består av metan och koldioxid produceras när mikroorganismer bryter ned organiskt material utan tillgång till syre, så kallad rötning. I princip kan alla typer av organiskt material användas för att producera biogas men vanligast är till exempel avloppsslam, olika typer av avfall från hushåll och industrier, gödsel, grödor och odlingsrester. BiogAddressing today’s challenges of reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and related emissions of greenhouse gases requires measures such as increased energy efficiency and replacement of fossil energy carriers with renewable ones. Biogas is one of the fastest growing renewable energy sources in the world and the overarching purpose of the research presented in this doctoral thesis is to explore t

Climate and vegetation during the Miocene - evidence from Danish palynological assemblages

Several Danish exposures and one drill core spanning the upper Oligocene-upper Miocene interval of the Cenozoic (i.e., 24–5 Myr ago) were palynologically investigated. The sediments were deposited in alternating deltaic, marginal marine and fully marine settings, and reveal a rich and diverse miospore flora, associated with abundant dinoflagellate cysts. The results consistently demonstrate that c