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Between Mezhep and Minority : Twelver Shiʿism in the Turkish Public Sphere

Despite the growth in scholarship on diverse religious communities in Turkey, little attention has been paid to Twelver Shiʿi Muslims. Since the founding of the Republic, the Turkish state's foundational secularist agenda has attempted to control and promote a single hegemonic form of Islam, and Shiʿa have faced continuous issues practicing their faith in public as a result. While the liberalizati

Does model of care affect women s health and wellbeing in the perinatal period in Sweden?

Background/Aims Self-rated health before, during and after pregnancy is important for women s quality of life and promotes bonding between mother and child. However, diverse aspects of care models influence women s experiences during pregnancy. This study aimed to investigate low?risk women s self-rated health during the perinatal period in relation to different models of care in Sweden. Methods A

Vertical greenery systems värdepåverkan på fastigheter

Med en globalt pågående urbanisering har stadsplaneringstrategin förtätning antagits världen över för att skapa urbana miljöer som kan rymma större mängder människor på ett hållbart sätt. Ohållbara konsekvenser har dock uppmärksammats till följd av denna process där grönska och natur är en av stadens dimensioner som har drabbats. Utöver en större värnad av befintliga grönområden inom stadsplanerinWith a globally ongoing urbanization, densification worldwide has been assumed as an urban planning strategy to sustainably accommodate large numbers of people. However, several unsustainable developments have come to attention as a result, where urban green spaces are one aspect that have become negatively affected. Apart from protecting existing natural environments, efforts are made to seek out

Profitability of various energy supply systems when renovating a single-family house in Sweden: case study

The majority of single-family houses in Sweden are affected by deteriorations in building envelopes as well as heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, since they are about 30 years old. Theses house are therefore in need of extensive renovation, which provides an excellent opportunity to incorporate energy efficiency measures to reduce both the energy consumption and also operational. A

Time and sequence as key developmental dimensions of joint action

Joint action, generally defined as working together towards a common purpose, has become an important concept in many areas of cognitive science, from philosophical appraisal of its core concepts to empirical mapping of its psychological development. Within mainstream cognitive accounts, to engage in a joint action requires an inferential process of representing the other’s intentions and plans to

Strategic communication practices on local level in public sector organizations - Micro-strategies and other social innovations in the empowerment process of building civic relations and trust

Sweden has during the past decades experienced increasing challenges in suburban, segregated areas: the inhabitants have different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds but despite that, face similar problems. Many inhabitants lack relevant networks as well as other opportunities to become a part of the society. These inhabitants claim they don´t have the “keys” to understand their society and iSweden has during the past decades experienced increasing challenges in suburban, segregated areas: the inhabitants have different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds but despite that, face similar problems. Many inhabitants lack relevant networks as well as other opportunities to become a part of the society. These inhabitants claim they don´t have the “keys” to understand their society and i

ESG Disclosure and the Relevance for Public vs. Private Lenders

Purpose and research question: The purpose of the study is to examine the effect ESG disclosure exerts on a firm’s propensity towards public or private debt. Methodology: For the panel data, pooled OLS and fixed effects models are applied. A quadratic term is introduced to test for non-linearity between bond debt ratios and ESG disclosure scores. An instrumental variable approach and a sharp regre

Full-Time Activation Programs: Driving Productivity or Promoting Self-Sorting?

This study investigates the impacts of full-time activation programs on unemployment and welfare dependency rates in Swedish municipalities. With a policy proposal by the current government to make full-time activation mandatory for welfare eligibility, this research examines the underlying perspectives of such programs and their effectiveness in integrating the unemployed into the labor market. T

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Trommespill er min forskning på å spille tromme på en avslappet og presis måte for å effektivt spille tromme. Det er ikke en forskning på generelt trommespill i orkester, jazz og andre sjangere, men heller rettet mot spesifikt trommesoloen jeg spiller på min eksamen: Mudra av Bob Becker. Dette solostykket går fort og er teknisk vanskelig. Kan jeg finne en teknikk som gjør at jeg kan spille det braDrumming is my research on being able to play drums in a relaxed matter while still being able to play my solos well. I have taken my drum piece: Mudra as an example. I play this at my exam concert. This piece is technically difficult. Can I learn a method of playing this piece well and still be relaxed? My method is to research into drummers who can play like I want and try to learn from them. I

Vardagsmagi och läkekonst: En svartkonstbok från Glava

As part of the practices connected with folk medicine in Sweden, as well as in the rest of the Nordic countries, is an old literary genre grown from the combination of oral and literary traditions – svartkonstböcker, literally translated to black art books. These books were used by the professionals in the field of folk medicine, namely the wise old men and women. Contained in the books are ritual

Reducing the Uncertainty on the Hubble Constant up to 35% with an Improved Statistical Analysis : Different Best-fit Likelihoods for Type Ia Supernovae, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations, Quasars, and Gamma-Ray Bursts

Cosmological models and their parameters are widely debated, especially about whether the current discrepancy between the values of the Hubble constant, H 0, obtained by Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and the Planck data from the cosmic microwave background radiation could be alleviated when alternative cosmological models are considered. Thus, combining high-redshift probes, such as gamma-ray bursts

Ultrastable, high-repetition-rate attosecond beamline for time-resolved XUV-IR coincidence spectroscopy

The implementation of attosecond photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectroscopy for the investigation of atomic and molecular dynamics calls for a high-repetition-rate driving source combined with experimental setups characterized by excellent stability for data acquisition over time intervals ranging from a few hours up to a few days. This requirement is crucial for the investigation of processe

An Introduction to Hitchin Systems

This thesis aims to introduce the tools that are needed to understand — and historically led to the inception of — Hitchin systems. We lay out a basic theory of Hamiltonian systems on symplectic manifolds, and prove the Liouville-Arnold theorem, which states that integrable Hamiltonian systems admit coordinates in which their solution is basically linear. We then introduce a theory of holomorphic

Turn-key research in food processing and manufacturing for reducing the impact of climate change

This study addresses the critical need to report original and current findings on the global food system's ability to meet the growing natural resource demands of an estimated 9?billion global population. The objective is to provide guidance for researchers in developing strategies to reduce climate change risks in the food and beverage supply. To achieve this, we propose integrating innovative in