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Rättssäker konkurrensprocess
Konkurrensrättsprocessen är inte rimlig. Kommissionen har för stor makt och domstolarnas begräsade överprövning är inte tillräcklig. Påföljderna är att betrakta som straffrättsliga. Tilltron till myndigheters agerande förhindrar en pseudostraffrättslig process. Det är orimligt att skapa ett administrativt/straffrättsligt ”light” förfarande. Krav måste ställas på separation av makt mellan organ och
Single-user capacity performance of downlink cooperative MIMO in urban macrocell vehicular routes
The Development of Technological Literature Services in Sweden
The Transformation of the Ethnographic Museums
Insecure Attachment and other Relational Qualities predict Depressive Symptoms in Fathers Post-birth
Fabrication and characterisation of high sensitive microcantilever for biosensor application
A new environmental attention technique.
Risk and financial accounting by Swedish banks: Some suggestions for improvements
In Homes and Factories: Employment Patterns among Women during the Second Industrial Revolution
Fitting attitudes and Value; the Buck-passing Account
Relative importance of secondary settling tank models in WWTP simulations - A global sensitivity analysis using BSM2
Telling stories: Jazz improvisers' usage of the rich intermedial 'storytelling' metaphor
A mass-transport model for semiconductor nanowire growth
Localized surface plasmon resonance sensing of lipid-membrane mediated biomolecular reactions
Spatially Coupled Turbo Codes
In this paper, we introduce the concept of spatially coupled turbo codes (SC-TCs), as the turbo codes counterpart of spatially coupled low-density parity-check codes. We describe spatial coupling for both Berrou et al. and Benedetto et al. parallel and serially concatenated codes. For the binary erasure channel, we derive the exact density evolution (DE) equations of SC-TCs by using the method pro
Implementing Antenna Selection in Wireless LAN
Bioactive Pt(II) and Au(I) complexes based on 1,1’-bis(diphenylphosphino)metallocene derivatives
New 1,2,1’ substituted bis(diphenylphoshino)ruthenocenes are described and used as ligands in cis-Pt(II) complexes. The new substances were also employed in Au(I) complexes, together with previously described ferrocene-based ligands. Examples of crystal structures are presented for the ligands, as well as for the platinum and gold complexes. The preliminary biological activity covering antitumour,