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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits

Strategic Partnerships within the Startup Ecosystem in Skåne: The Role of Collaborative product development.

This thesis explores the role of collaborative product development in the context of the startup ecosystem in Skåne, focusing on the opportunities and challenges faced by startup companies in forming strategic partnerships with other companies and organizations. The study aims to explore the motivations, benefits, and challenges of collaborative product development for startups and their partners,

Improving Water Efficiency in the Beverage Industry With the Internet of Things

The food and beverage industry is one of the most water-intensive industries, with water required for various processes (e.g., washing, cooking, cleaning) at almost every stage of the production, as well as being a key constituent in many food and drink products. Therefore, a real-time efficient water management strategy is imperative, and the novel internet of things (IoT)-based technologies can

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In order to rationally allocate multi-path component (MPC) of wireless channels to different clusters, a multi-path clustering algorithm based on Bisecting K-means clustering was proposed for millimeter-wave channels to solve the problem of partial optimization of traditional K-means clustering methods. The MPC clustering was implemented based on the cluster split and iteration computation strateg

Using teaching and learning regimes in the international classroom to encourage student re-subjectification

This paper addresses one of the pedagogical challenges that followed the presence of increasingly multinational student groups, particularly the increased diversity of academic backgrounds among students. Theoretically, this challenge can be understood as an encounter between different teaching and learning regimes (TLRs). TLR, coined by Trowler and Cooper (2002), implies a constellation of assump

The Relationship between the Theosophical Society and Western Esotericism

Since the founding of the field of Western esotericism, The Theosophical Society has been counted among the more obvious cases of the field's objects of study, regardless of how "Western esotericism" itself has been defined. This paper explores the connection between Western esotericism as a research field, esotericism as its object of study, and the Theosophical Society as an example of esoterici

At the Sustainable Finance Frontier - Sustainability-Linked Bonds: Targets, Sustainability Profiles and Yield Spreads

Purpose: To investigate whether the ambitiousness of sustainability performance target and/or issuer sustainability profile have an influence on Sustainability-Linked Bond (SLB) yield spreads. Methodology: The utilized econometric approach is OLS regressions on a cross-sectional data. The regressions use yield spreads as dependent variables, a self-constructed ambitiousness proxy, Average Annual

A third legal gender in Sweden? Recognition, alternatives, and the question of human rights for non-binary and intersex individuals in Sweden

Under de senaste åren har transrättighetsrörelsen fått ökad spridning och uppmärksamhet både inom den queera rörelsen och i västvärlden och i media överlag. Debatter om att implementera ett tredje juridiskt kön för de personer som inte vill vara registrerade som man eller kvinna, och för personer födda med tvetydiga primära eller sekundära könsorgan, har ökat och nya policys implementeras i oIn recent years, the trans rights movement has gained a lot of traction and publicity both inside the queer movement and in western society and media at large. Debates on implementing a third legal gender for people who wish to not be registered as male or female, and for people born with ambiguous sex characteristics, have increased and new policies are being implemented in different countrie

Between Religious Studies, Religious Education, Teaching Education, and Religion and Education : Relationships, Opportunities, Tensions

The aim of the present paper is to explore the interrelated and complex relationships between religionsvetenskap (Religious Studies), religionskunskap (Religious Education) and religionsdidaktik (Religion and Education). After briefly outlining the concurrent developments of Religious Studies as a university discipline and Religion and Eudcation as a non-confessional school subject, both of which

Crowdsourcing food security: introducing food choice derivatives for sustainability

Global food supply chains are unprepared for the increasing number and severity of the expected environmental, social and economic shocks in the coming years. The price-setting process of commodities is directly impacted by such shocks, influencing consumer behavior regarding food choice and consumption. Both the market and advances in precision agriculture drive increased production and consumpti

Low Al-content n-type AlxGa1−xN layers with a high-electron-mobility grown by hot-wall metalorganic chemical vapor deposition

In this work, we demonstrate the capability of the hot-wall metalorganic chemical vapor deposition to deliver high-quality n-AlxGa1−xN (x = 0 – 0.12, [Si] = 1×1017 cm−3) epitaxial layers on 4H-SiC(0001). All layers are crack-free, with a very small root mean square roughness (0.13 – 0.25 nm), homogeneous distribution of Al over film thickness and a very low unintentional incorporation of oxygen at

SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Development of Islet Autoimmunity in Early Childhood

IMPORTANCE: The incidence of diabetes in childhood has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Elucidating whether SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with islet autoimmunity, which precedes type 1 diabetes onset, is relevant to disease etiology and future childhood diabetes trends.OBJECTIVE: To determine whether there is a temporal relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infection and the development of i

Nutrient limitation masks the dissolved organic matter composition effects on bacterial metabolism in unproductive freshwaters

Aquatic microbial responses to changes in the amount and composition of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) are of fundamental ecological and biogeochemical importance. Parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis of excitation–emission fluorescence spectra is a common tool to characterize DOC, yet its ability to predict bacterial production (BP), bacterial respiration (BR), and bacterial growth efficiency (BGE)

Sick leave after arthroscopic meniscus repair vs. arthroscopic partial meniscectomy

Objective: To evaluate sick leave after meniscal repair vs arthroscopic partial meniscectomy (APM) and, for comparison, vs the general population. Method: Using Swedish register data we included all employed persons aged 19–49 years in the general population of Skåne region and identified those having had meniscus repair or APM in the period of 2005–2012. We retrieved data on sick leave during 1 y

Consumers’ perceptions of reusable returnable packaging

Purpose: This thesis aims to explore the extent of consumers’ interest in reusable returnable packaging. Theoretical framework: This study is based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control and their association with the interest in reusable returnable packaging are tested. Additional factors (gender, age, education level, past experience) we

JCMS 20th Anniversary Symposium on the Arrival of Normative Power in Planetary Politics

For the past two decades, the ‘Normative Power Approach’ (NPA) has affected both academic and policymaking debates on the European Union (EU) in global politics. Since its publication in the Journal of Common Market Studies in 2002, the Normative Power article has remained one of the highest cited and most influential articles in the study of European integration. Importantly, the NPA is one of th

Så kan AI valideras för klinisk implementering

Företag marknadsför över 200 mjukvaror för artificiell intelligens (AI) inom radiologi.Vårdgivare behöver ha möjlighet till opartisk och kvalitetssäkrad utvärdering.Projektet Validering av AI inom bröst­radio­­­logi (VAI-B) startades för att möta detta behov, initialt inom mammografi­screening.