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Kartläggning av Framtida Elbehov för Skånsk Industri

Industrin står för en fjärdedel av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser. Därför är det av högsta prioritet att branschen ställer om sin produktion från fossil till förnybar. En viktig strategi för att uppå klimatmålen är att elektrifiera produktionen. En storskalig elektrifiering kräver att elproduktionen matchar elbehovet samt att elledningarna är rustade för det önskade uttaget av effekt. SkåThe industry accounts for a quarter of Sweden’s total emissions of greenhouse gases. Thus, it is a high priority that the industry exchanges its dependency on fossil fuels to renewable ones. One important strategy to meet the national climate goals is to electrify the production. An excessive electrification requires that the electricity production matches the electricity demand and that the elect

Chromosome-level genome assembly of Lilford's wall lizard, Podarcis lilfordi (Günther, 1874) from the Balearic Islands (Spain)

The Mediterranean lizard Podarcis lilfordi is an emblematic species of the Balearic Islands. The extensive phenotypic diversity among extant isolated populations makes the species a great insular model system for eco-evolutionary studies, as well as a challenging target for conservation management plans. Here we report the first high-quality chromosome-level assembly and annotation of the P. lilfo

Reactive solute transport with a variable selectivity coefficient in an undisturbed soil column

The spatial distribution of major ion concentration limits the predictability of solute sport processes in field soils. Therefore, it is important to analyze solute transport with chemical reactions based on results obtained from field soils and numerical simulation. A simulation model with cation-exchange reactions was developed and applied to solute-transport analysis of an undisturbed field soi

Introduction : Engaging with Work in Worlds of Change

In a globalized world, English Studies is in need of transformation. Serving as an introduction to the anthology, this chapter makes the case for an issue-based approach to English Studies where engagement is sought with fields beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries. From the position that English Studies can be understood as a form of participatory action — where English Studies is brought in

Hjälpreda i koralpreludering för unga organister: modeller för utveckling av koralpreludier

Ett arbete där jag undersöker hur jag kan utveckla mina egna koralförspel med hjälp utav färdiga modeller, samt hur jag kan använda mig av dessa i undervisningssyfte. Genom intervjuer med verksamma organister och studier av befintligt material så vill jag skapa en bild utav koralpreludiets viktigaste funktion, vad de bör innehålla, samt olika modeller att använda sig av. Dessa modeller ska jag se

Gaia Data Release 3 : G RVSphotometry from the RVS spectra

Context.Gaia Data Release 3 (DR3) contains the first release of magnitudes estimated from the integration of Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) spectra for a sample of about 32.2 million stars brighter than GRVS∼ 14 mag (or G ∼ 15 mag). Aims. In this paper, we describe the data used and the approach adopted to derive and validate the GRVS magnitudes published in DR3. We also provide estimates of t


IASPIS är Konstnärsnämndens internationella program inom bild- och formområdet. Det riktar sig till dig som är yrkesverksam konstnär inom bild- och formområdet och har en konstnärlig praktik inom exempelvis bildkonst, fotografi, formgivning, konsthantverk, design, illustration, textilkonst eller arkitektur.

A systematic discrepancy between the short circuit current and the integrated quantum efficiency in perovskite solar cells

Halide perovskites solar cells are now approaching commercialisation. In this transition from academic research towards industrialisation, standardized testing protocols and reliable dissemination of performance metrics are crucial. In this study, we analyze data from over 16,000 publications in the Perovskite Database to investigate the assumed equality between the integrated external quantum eff

Neuroinflammation and amyloid-β in early Alzheimer’s disease. Insight into the earliest events using mouse models

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia and most common neurodegenerative disease worldwide, but there currently exists no effective treatment that can stop nor slow the progression of the disease. The current dogma in the field postulates that the appearance of extracellular amyloid-beta (Aβ) plaques, a histopathological hallmark of the disease, is the trigger for downstream, de

The 'Arab Spring' as a Milestone in Feminist Performance

This chapter explores feminist performances during and after the so-called Arab Spring, primarily focusing on Tunisia and Egypt. The Arab Spring stands as a distinct milestone demarcating a definite “before” and an “after.” As a pivotal event, it posed new challenges and contexts for feminist activists. While the toppling of old regimes initially held promises of ushering in a more open and libera

Impact of Performance Measurement System on Employees’ Motivation and Work Effort in Organizations Offering Non-Incentivized Compensation Scheme: The Case of Banking Sector

The study has two purposes: in the setup of heavily regulated industry (banking) and non-incentivized compensation scheme, (1) to investigate separately bankers’ enabling and coercive perceptions of PMS and how they contribute to motivation and work effort; and (2) to explore to what extent the combination of enabling and coercive perceptions of PMS influences motivation and work effort. The stud

Spatiotemporal and microstructural characterization of heterotopic ossification in healing rat Achilles tendons

Achilles tendon rupture is a common debilitating medical condition. The healing process is slow and can be affected by heterotopic ossification (HO), which occurs when pathologic bone-like tissue is deposited instead of the soft collagenous tendon tissue. Little is known about the temporal and spatial progression of HO during Achilles tendon healing. In this study we characterize HO deposition, mi

Citizens as aid agents: the overlooked outsiders in development assitance? Situating small voluntary-led development organisations in Denmark through an institutional work perspective

Contemporary global challenges require collective action that exceeds national borders. This thesis explores a group of active citizens who take the initiative to contribute to combat some of these challenges through small voluntary-led development organisations (SVDOs). Specifically looking at the role of engaged citizens in Denmark, these SVDOs form an unconventional actor in international devel

Combining histological grade, TILs, and the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway to identify immunogenic tumors and de-escalate radiotherapy in early breast cancer : A secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial

Background The implementation of immunological biomarkers for radiotherapy (RT) individualization in breast cancer requires consideration of tumor-intrinsic factors. This study aimed to investigate whether the integration of histological grade, tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1), and programmed death ligand-1 (PD-L1) can identify tumors with aggressive ch

Rapid manoeuvre of fan worms (Annelida: Sabellidae) through tubes

Multiple variables determine the success of an escape response of an animal, and the rapidity of the escape manoeuvre is often the most important. Fan worms (Annelida: Sabellidae) can rapidly withdraw their tentacles, which are covered in heavily ciliated ramifications called pinnules, into their tubes to protect them from approaching threats. Here, we explore the dynamic and mechanistic features

Sex differences in potential triggers of myocardial infarction

Aims: Internal and external triggers affect seasonal and circadian variations of myocardial infarction (MI). We aimed to assess sex differences in the common triggers of MI. Methods and results: A nationwide, retrospective, cross-sectional postal survey study was conducted. Individuals who experienced a MI during holidays and weekdays were identified through the SWEDEHEART registry. Twenty-seven p