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Konstruktion av genus i rätten och samhället : en tvärvetenskaplig studie av svenska kvinnors rätt till jämställdhet i ett formellt jämlikt rättssystem
Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen belyses den inneboende konflikt som finns mellan de två snarlika begreppen jämställdhet och jämlikhet. Detta görs genom att fokusera på svenska kvinnors rätt till jämställdhet i ett formellt jämlikt rättssystem ur ett tvärvetenskapligt feministiskt perspektiv. Det betyder att även om jag har tagit min utgångspunkt i den svenska jämställdhetslagen har jag On the first of January 1992 the present Equal Opportunity Act came into force. A central aim of this law is to improve the conditions of women's working life. One aspect of the law is the possibility to serve as a mean of shifting the balance of power between the sexes. This is meant to be achieved through the inclusion of requirements for active measures to promote equality. As a part of their s
Naturalism, Truthmaker Internalism and Representational Content
The paper is an attempt to bring doubt to the claim that truthmaking is an internal relation holding between a truthmaker and bearer of truth. Depending on whether an internal relation is taken to be necessitated by the existence of its terms or supervenient on the intrinsic properties of its relata, truthmaker internalism involves commitment to one of two views: either truthbearers have their con
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Deconstructing discussions of culture in international management textbooks: Conspicuous absences and deafening silences
Underlining the too widespread underestimation of cultural differences by managers, international management literature problematizes culture as a critical factor for global competitiveness. Evidence from recent critical research (e.g. Westwood 2006) has shown that many of the main works within cross-cultural management (especially Hofstede 1980) and more broadly international management can be se
Semiconductor Nanowires: a Generic Approach Towards Novel Materials Physics & Devices
Advanced Spectral Estimation for the Identification of Cell-Cycle Regulated Genes
Open boundary Ehrenfest
Applications of Bayesian Econometrics to Financial Economics
[abstract missing]
Effective Charges in Nuclei in the vicinity of 100Sn
The shell structure of atomic nuclei far from the line of beta-stability and the properties of the nucleon-nucleon interaction in exotic isotopes are not well known. The development of radioactive ion beams (RIBs) puts certain unexplored regions of the nuclear chart within reach of detailed experimental investigations. The low-energy nuclear structure of the unstable isotopes 106,108,110Sn, 100,1
Farligt om JK uppfattas som maktens politiska instrument i juridiska fårakläder
Artikeln handlar om Justitiekanslerns roll och ställning.
Kapitaltäckningsgaranti till förmån för aktiebolag – är den allmänna uppfattningen hållbar?
Listan säger mer om författarna än om historien
Det tomma spelrummets estetik
Entrepreneurship: Exploring the knowledgebase
Systematic knowledge of entrepreneurship has evolved since the 1980s. In this study we will pay particular attention to the „knowledge producers‟ who have shaped the field over time but also to the „knowledge users‟ who have employed the core works in entrepreneurship in order to develop our knowledge of the phenomenon of entrepreneurship. A unique database consisting of all references in twelve „
A Digital PLL with a Multi-Delay Coarse-Fine TDC
A 5GHz digital frequency synthesizer achieving a low noise for wireless RF application is presented. This architecture uses a multi-delay coarse-fine Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) to achieve both the large detection range and fine resolution. A Digitally Controlled Oscillator (DCO) based on capacitive degeneration in LC-Tank is also implement-ed. The DCO achieves frequency quantization step of 3
Beskattning av bolagskapital
Passing the Buck: On Reasons and Values
Abstract is not available.
Silene vulgaris and S. uniflora ssp. petraea: paternal effects on seed germination represent a barrier to the genetic assimilation of an endemic plant.
Confounding Factors When Conducting Industrial Replications in Requirements Engineering
Despite the widely recognized importance of replications in software engineering, industrial replications in software engineering are still rarely reported. Although the literature provides some evidence about the issues and challenges related to conducting experiments and replications the practitioner's view of the issues and challenges has not been fully explored. This paper reports an industria