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Your search for "*" yielded 532593 hits

Quantitative analysis of circadian variation in atrial fibrillation frequency

Circadian variation in atrial fibrillation (AF) frequency is explored in this paper by employing recent advances in signal processing. Once the AF frequency has been estimated and tracked by a hidden Markov model approach, the resulting trend is analyzed for the purpose of detecting and characterizing the presence of circadian variation. With cosinor analysis, the results show that the shortterm v

Addressing resource efficiency through the Ecodesign Directive: a review of opportunities and barriers

The European Union has initiated a number of initiatives to improve resource efficiency in Europe. The Ecodesign Directive is one of the policy instruments that could aid the transition towards a more resource efficient economy. So far, the Directive has mainly been applied to set requirements related to energy efficiency, but there is potential for setting legal standards that increase product du

A Facility for Multielemental Analysis by PIXE and the F19(p,αγ)O16 Reaction

Specific advantages with Particle Induced X-Ray Emission are: its (1) multielemental capability, especially when combined with nuclear techniques for lighter elements, (2) speed, (3) low detection limits for small samples and (4) accuracy. To make full use of these advantages, analytical parameters have to be chosen optimally and the facility to be carefully designed. This paper describes an exper

Who is the author of the translated text? The Swedish translation of Dinah Mulock’s A Woman’s Thoughts about Women

This paper will discuss authorial and editorial voices in connection with Sophie Leijonhufvud’s translation of Dinah Mulock’s A Woman’s Thoughts about Women (1858). The pronounced aim of the translation was to mediate Mulock’s ideas on womanhood to a Swedish audience. The Swedish translation was published by the Swedish women’s periodical Tidskrift för hemmet in 1861. Leijonhufvud was one of the f

Molecular cloning of a small prostate protein, known as beta-microsemenoprotein, PSP94 or beta-inhibin, and demonstration of transcripts in non-genital tissues

In order to study the gene expression of the seminal plasma protein beta-microseminoprotein, also known as PSP94 and beta-inhibin, clones encoding this protein were isolated from a cDNA library constructed in lambda gt11. Nucleotide sequencing confirmed the structure of a previously cloned cDNA. By northern blot analysis identical sized transcripts were demonstrated in the prostate, the respirator

Transaction Cost Economics of Regulations to foster Renewable Energy Sources in the Electricity Sector

Renewable portfolio standards (RPS) and minimum price standards are two systems to foster the market dissemination of renewable energies in the electricity sector. Transaction Cost Economics brings forward that the contractual relations in real structures have to be investigated to judge on the efficiency of governance structures. This paper seeks to do so by comparing governance structures create

Experimental demonstration of efficient and selective population transfer and qubit distillation in a rare-earth-metal-ion-doped crystal

In optically controlled quantum computers it may be favorable to address different qubits using light with different frequencies, since the optical diffraction does not then limit the distance between qubits. Using qubits that are close to each other enables qubit-qubit interactions and gate operations that are strong and fast in comparison to qubit-environment interactions and decoherence rates.

A comparison of a plane 2D finite element and a 2D axisymmetric finite element used for the heat or diffusion problem

As a pre study for future work the output from a regular plane solid 2-dimensional finite element was compared with the output from a solid 2-dimensional axisymmetric finite element. It was done by creating a very simple finite element model for the heat convection problem. The purpose was to compare the results from a heat convection analysis. The model can be used directly for the mass diffusion

Kuhn, Thomas Samuel

Kuhns betydelse för vetenskapsteorin beskrivs kortfattat, från introduktionen av idén om paradigmskiften till hans senare utarbetade uppfattning om vetenskapen som en evolutionär process och skilda vetenskapliga språk som inkommensurabla. Hans inflytande på teologin, särskilt diskussionen om naturvetenskap och teologi, tecknas.