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Changes in pain and disability in patients with shoulder pain after three months of digitally delivered exercise and patient education

OBJECTIVE: To describe and examine potential predictors of changes in pain and disability in patients with shoulder pain who have completed 3 months of digitally delivered treatment comprising exercise and patient education.DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study ( Nr: NCT05402514).SUBJECTS: Patients with shoulder pain who completed treatment (n = 682).METHODS: Primary outcome was cha

LINE-1 retrotransposons contribute to mouse PV interneuron development

Retrotransposons are mobile DNA sequences duplicated via transcription and reverse transcription of an RNA intermediate. Cis-regulatory elements encoded by retrotransposons can also promote the transcription of adjacent genes. Somatic LINE-1 (L1) retrotransposon insertions have been detected in mammalian neurons. It is, however, unclear whether L1 sequences are mobile in only some neuronal lineage

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This article presents readings of three French novels from the nineteenth century, namely Balzac's La Peau de chagrin, Huysmans' À rebours and Octave Mirbeau's Le Jardin des supplices. It examines issues of representation and meaning in relation to debt narratives and the use of bodies as a motif in relation to debt, and it argues that, in these novels, literary language and monetary representatio

Logopediskt omhändertagande av trakeostomerade och laryngektomerade patienter ur ett internationellt perspektiv

Bakgrund: Denna magisteruppsats syftar till att svara på vilka likheter och skillnader som finns mellan det logopediska omhändertagandet i Sverige och andra länder av trakeostomerade och laryngektomerade patienter med dysfagi. Den syftar också till att svara på vilka lärdomar logopeder i Sverige kan dra om det logopediska omhändertagandet av dessa patientgrupper i andra länder. Metod: För att besvBackground: This thesis aims to answer what similarities and differences exist between the SLP care of tracheostomized and laryngectomized patients with dysphagia, in Sweden and other countries. It aims to answer what SLPs in Sweden can learn about SLP care in these patient groups in other countries. Method: To answer the questions the interview material was transcribed and analyzed with text cond

Laglig uthängning? - En rättsvetenskaplig granskning av försvarlighetsbedömningen i förtalsbrottet ur ett brottsofferperspektiv.

Gränsen mellan vad som är ett tillåtet uttalande inom ramen för den enskilda personens yttrandefrihet och vad som inte är tillåtet är en svår gränsdragning, där två grundläggande intressen står emot varandra, den personliga integriteten och yttrandefriheten. För förtalsbrottet ligger mycket av bedömningen, om ett uttalande är straffbart, på domstolen. Anledningen till detta är att huruvida ett uttThe boundary between what is permitted to be expressed within the framework of the individual person’s freedom of expression and what is not is a difficult line to draw, where two fundamental interests are at odds with each other, personal integrity and freedom of expression. For the crime of defamation, much of the assessment, whether a statement is punishable, rests with the court, since whether

Gränsvärden för klimatpåverkan i entreprenadavtal

Lag (2021:787) om klimatdeklaration för byggnader anger i dagsläget inga gränsvärden för utsläpp av växthusgaser vid uppförandet av byggnader. Om ett förslag från Boverket om ändring av lagen antas kan dock gränsvärden för klimatpåverkan regleras i lag redan sommaren 2025. I väntan på lagstiftning regleras gränsvärden för klimatpåverkan i klausuler i entreprenadavtal. Syftet med denna uppsats är aThe Act (2021:787) on climate declaration for buildings currently does not state any limit values for greenhouse gas emissions during the construction of buildings. However, if a proposal from the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning regarding an amendment to the act is adopted, limit values for climate impact could be regulated by law in 2025. Pending legislation, limit values

"Alla borde göra drag någon gång, det händer någonting med en: drag magic" En socialantropologisk studie om svenska draqueens och den svenska dragscenen

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur den pågående expansionen av den svenska dragscenen påverkar svenska dragqueens. Studien baseras på sex kvalitativa intervjuer med svenska dragqueens och tre deltagande observationer av draguppträdanden. Det empiriska materialet undersöks utifrån två teoretiska ramverk, subjektivitet och liminalitet. Genom studien framkommer det att dragscenen upplever e

Heritable L1 retrotransposition in the mouse primordial germline and early embryo

LINE-1 (L1) retrotransposons are a noted source of genetic diversity and disease in mammals. To expand its genomic footprint, L1 must mobilize in cells that will contribute their genetic material to subsequent generations. Heritable L1 insertions may therefore arise in germ cells and in pluripotent embryonic cells, prior to germline specification, yet the frequency and predominant developmental ti

Reprogramming triggers endogenous L1 and Alu retrotransposition in human induced pluripotent stem cells

Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) are capable of unlimited proliferation and can differentiate in vitro to generate derivatives of the three primary germ layers. Genetic and epigenetic abnormalities have been reported by Wissing and colleagues to occur during hiPSC derivation, including mobilization of engineered LINE-1 (L1) retrotransposons. However, incidence and functional impact of

Chemoenzymatic Oxidation of polyolefins

The proliferation of plastic waste poses a significant contemporary challenge, driven by global population growth and the subsequent surge in plastic consumption. PE alone accounts for roughly 50-60% of the plastic waste stream. Its formidable resistance to enzymatic degradation, owing to its stable carbon-carbon (C-C) backbone and carbon-hydrogen (C-H) bonds, further exacerbates the issue. This s

Enhanced heat transfer in a two-dimensional serpentine micro-channel using elastic polymers

Elastic turbulence has emerged as a promising method to enhance heat transfer performance at the microscale. However, previous studies have mainly focused on the overall convective heat transfer performance in curved channels, overlooking the fact that the chaotic flow intensity varies along the streamline, leading to diverse local heat transfer characteristics. In this study, we systematically in

The Effect of Compliance Programs on Corporate Criminal Liability under US Federal Law - From Charging, to Trial to Sentencing

That corporations can be held criminally liable for the acts of their agents has by now long been established in US federal law, and so has the fact that corporate compliance programs may allow corporations to limit or completely avoid this liability. The aim of this essay is to understand under what circumstances such a reduction in liability is possible during the pre-trial, trial and sentencing

Color as a Brand: The Legal Landscape of Tiffany Blue and Comparative Insights into Color Trademark Protection

This paper explores the complex dynamics of color trademarks, with a particular focus on the legal environment of "Tiffany Blue." This study examines the symbolic significance of this iconic color and compares the legal frameworks for color trademark protection in the United States, the European Union, and China. The main research questions relate to the challenges and controversies surr

Deriving the Flavor Structure of the Standard Model from Trinification

This thesis presents the derivation of the flavor structure of the Standard Model (SM) from the trinification model with an additional family symmetry. The trinification group is assumed to be broken in a single step to the electroweak gauge group. A low energy Effective Field Theory (EFT) is constructed and matched numerically at one loop level to the trinification model at high energies. The ana

Design of an electromagnetic elliptical wiggler for ELETTRA

The initial concept of the electromagnetic elliptical wiggler (EEW) for ELETTRA is a combination of a vertical permanent magnet to generate a wiggler field and a horizontal electromagnet to provide the possibility of switching the helicity of the X-ray radiation. The main aspects of the design of the EEW under construction for ELETTRA are discussed.

Particle-laden two-dimensional elastic turbulence

The aggregation properties of heavy inertial particles in the elastic turbulence regime of an Oldroyd-B fluid with periodic Kolmogorov mean flow are investigated by means of extensive numerical simulations in two dimensions. Both the small- and large-scale features of the resulting inhomogeneous particle distribution are examined, focusing on their connection with the properties of the advecting v

First-principles study on thermal expansion of W-Re sigma and chi phases

We investigate how the Re content affects the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the non-stoichiometric W-based sigma and chi phases, forming upon neutron irradiation of W, to explore and quantify its mismatch between precipitates (W-Re) and matrix (W). To this end, we have conducted first-principles calculations using two approaches: the Debye-Grüneisen (DG) model and the quasi-harmonic ap

Copyright Infringement in Al-Generated Artworks

At a time when artificial intelligence is developing rapidly, this thesis explores the issue of copyright infringement of AI-generated artworks. This study aims to analyze the legal complexities brought about by the increasingly widespread application of artificial intelligence in the creation of original artworks, with a special focus on the protection of creators’ rights and intellectual propert