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GodisOmetre – providing feedback on student learning
In the Bologna process, the use of explicit learning goals and formative assessment are central elements in improving student learning. Ideally, formative assessment provides feedback to the student about how his present state relates to the learning goals and enables him to reflect on and regulate his learning. However, we found that it was easier said than done – not just to carry out, but in pa
Den historiska kunskapen - hur utvecklas den?
Är Danmark bättre än Sverige? Om dansk och svensk yrkesutbildning sedan industrialiseringen
Selective broadcast for VANET safety applications
Vikten av Vinst - En studie om syftets betydelse i bolagsstyrning
This study focuses on the purpose of commercial operations as a key factor in the governance of firms. The background is that the extensive discussions about the purpose of the firm, primarily within the economic and legal disciplines, have for a long time been polarized between two positions: shareholder primacy and stakeholder theory. These discussions are carried out in in the context of consid
Modern Human Physiology with Respect to Evolutionary Adaptations that Relate to Diet in the Past
This paper reviews evidence from human physiology as to which foods may have been typically consumed by the hominin ancestral lineage up to the advent of anatomically modern humans. Considerable evidence suggests that many common diseases can be prevented by hunter-gatherer diets. Apparently, human nutritional metabolism is not perfectly fine-tuned for recently introduced staple foods, such as cer
Djuren i bokskogen
Manligt, kvinnligt, naturligt? Föreställningar om kön och naturlighet med utgångspunkti rådgivningslitteratur
Utbudet av böcker och tidningar som på olika sätt handlar om graviditet, förlossning och småbarnstid är idag större än någonsin. Marknaden tycks närmast oändlig och ständigt publiceras nya böcker som behandlar ämnena utifrån olika perspektiv och vinklingar. Artikeln inleds med nedslag i rådgivningslitteratur från 1930-talet och framåt för att sedan koncentreras kring en diskussion av samtida litte
Mödrar, middlebrow och modernitet : nedslag i Gertrud Liljas författarskap
Kilian Stobaeus bibliotek.
Skånsk tegeltradition
On Developing Supervision As Pedagogy and Support in Post-graduate Education
Machinability of duplex stainless steels - A study with focus on the tool wear behaviour
This article presents research done in order to analyse the machinability of duplex stainless steel with coated carbide tools during turning operations. Although duplex stainless steel has existed for about 70 years fairly little work has been published in the area of investigating the different aspects of the machining of these materials. In this research project three different kinds of duplex s
Nonlinear Evolution in High Energy QCD
Popular Abstract in Swedish QCD vid höga energier är fortfarande inte väl förstådd. Svårigheter uppkommer ifrån en starkt icke-linjär dynamik, samt från icke-störningsmässiga fenomen. Analytiska beräkningar är oftast möjliga enbart för enkla leksaksmodeller, eller för asymptotiska energier. I denna avhandling undersöker vi dynamiken i högenergiprocesser, med målet att finna en fungerande och realQCD at very high energies is still not very well understood. Difficulties arise from a strong non-linear dynamics and also from nonperturbative physics. Detailed analytic calculations are often only possible either for simple toy models, or for asymptotically high energies. In this thesis we investigate the high energy dynamics, with the goal of finding a realistic, working model for high energy Q
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Pull-Out Test
A specific pull-out test used to determine in-situ concrete compressive strength is analyzed. This test consists of a steel disc that is extracted from the structure. The finite element analysis considers cracking as well as strain hardening and softening in the pre- and post-failure region, respectively. The aim is to attain a clear insight into structural behavior. Special attention is given to
Åtalsraseri - än en gång! Ådalen 1931, protester mot strejkbryteri och det tidiga 1930-talets åtal och domar mot kommunister
Politiska fångar i Sverige på Långholmens fängelse 1880-1950.
The Role of Media Products on Consumer Behaviour in Tourism
Perception av landskap
Beskriver dimensioner i upplevelsen av landskap.