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Triplet Formation in a 9,10-Bis(phenylethynyl)anthracene Dimer and Trimer Occurs by Charge Recombination Rather than Singlet Fission

We present an experimental study investigating the solvent-dependent dynamics of a 9,10-bis(phenylethynyl)anthracene monomer, dimer, and trimer. Using transient absorption spectroscopy, we have discovered that triplet excited state formation in the dimer and trimer molecules in polar solvents is a consequence of charge recombination subsequent to symmetry-breaking charge separation rather than sin

Student's t-Filters for Noise Scale Estimation

In this letter, we analyze certain student's t-filters for linear Gaussian systems with misspecified noise covariances. It is shown that under appropriate conditions, the filter both estimates the state and re-scales the noise covariance matrices in a Kullback-Leibler optimal fashion. If the noise covariances are misscaled by a common scalar, then the re-scaling is asymptotically exact. We also co

Midlife Intakes of the Isoflavone Genistein and Soy and the Risk of Late-life Cognitive Impairment : The JPHC Saku Mental Health Study

Background: The number of people with cognitive impairment, including dementia, in the world is steadily increasing. Although the consumption of isoflavones and soy is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, it might also be associated with cognitive impairment. The low number of studies investigating the association between soy/isoflavone intake and cognitive function warrant ad

Jag bor i en annan värld men du bor ju i samma : drömmare söder om Hallandåsen

Katalogtext med resonerande text samt presentationer av de ingående konstnärerna i utställning med samma namn. Konstnärer: Daniel Fleur,Carl Fredrik Hill, Olav Christopher Jenssen, Gabriel Karlsson, Bruno Knutman,Marcus Matt,Max Ockborn,Nicklas Randau, Viktor Rosdahl, Emelie Sandström, Danilo Stankovic,Thale Vangen, Elisabeth Östin

Kommunikatörers professionalisering – en balansakt mellan olika roller

Kommunikatörsyrket inom offentlig sektor har på senare år varit på stark framväxt, men också i kraftig omvandling. Digitalisering, ökade förväntningar på organisationers kommunikation, en tilltagande medvetenhet i ledningen om kommunikationens strategiska betydelse, och alltmer komplexa verksamheter är några bakomliggande faktorer till den här utvecklingen. Det är också alltmer uppenbart att det s

Regn i Båstad

On 18 August 2022, an extremely very local 45 minutes storm fell over Båstad. There are several observations close to or more than mm. In the summer 1937 there was a famous long-lasting rain, for which the daily value was 150 mm. During the summer 2007, there were many large rainstorms of around 75 mm. I compare the short-term 2022 storm with other large storms observed in Sweden, and I do the sam

Short-term association between outdoor temperature and the hydration-marker copeptin : a pooled analysis in five cohorts

BACKGROUND: Whereas outdoor temperature is linked to both mortality and hydration status, the hormone vasopressin, measured through the surrogate copeptin, is a marker of cardiometabolic risk and hydration. We recently showed that copeptin has a seasonal pattern with higher plasma concentration in winter. Here, we aimed to investigate the association between outdoor temperature and copeptin.METHOD

Comparative microRNA profiling of Trypanosoma cruzi infected human cells

Introduction: Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, can infect almost any nucleated cell in the mammalian host. Although previous studies have described the transcriptomic changes that occur in host cells during parasite infection, the understanding of the role of post-transcriptional regulation in this process is limited. MicroRNAs, a class of short non-coding RNAs, are key pl

Phosphorylation of Serine 248 of C/EBP alpha Is Dispensable for Myelopoiesis but Its Disruption Leads to a Low Penetrant Myeloid Disorder with Long Latency

Background: Transcription factors play a key role in lineage commitment and differentiation of stem cells into distinct mature cells. In hematopoiesis, they regulate lineage-specific gene expression in a stage-specific manner through various physical and functional interactions with regulatory proteins that are simultanously recruited and activated to ensure timely gene expression. The transcripti

Phylogenetic relationships and evolution of photobiont associations in the Lobariaceae (Peltigerales, Lecanoromycetes, Ascomycota)

Phylogenetic relationships of the family Lobariaceae (Lecanoromycetes, Ascomycota) were reconstructed using direct optimization of nuclear ITS and LSU, and mitochondrial SSU rDNA sequences. Delimitations of the genera currently included in the family were investigated. Relationships of austral temperate taxa occurring in New Zealand, Australia and southern South America were studied in detail. Fin

Multi-User OFDM Based on Braided Convolutional Codes

Braided convolutional codes (BCCs) form a class of iteratively decodable convolutional codes that are constructed from component convolutional codes. In braided code division multiple access (BCDMA), these very efficient error correcting codes are combined with a multiple access method and inherent interleaving for channel diversity exploitation into one single scheme. In this paper, we describe t

Fragment i Sjöbergarkivet

Oupublicerade fragment i Birger Sjöbergs samling framförallt härrörande från tiden för Kriser och kransar (1926), bl. a sådana som visar Sjöbergs starka reaktioner på den nedgörande kritiken av samlingen.

Working conditions of community interpreters in Sweden Opportunities and shortcomings

The aim of this article is to describe and analyse the working conditions of interpreters and interpreting services in Sweden. An understanding of interpreters' working conditions is a key to such factors as the management of resources, the reading and implementation of legislation, the organisation of interpreting services and the performance of interpreters in different situations. An understand

Bottle-brush polymers: Adsorption at surfaces and interactions with surfactants

Solution and adsorption properties of both charged and uncharged bottle-brush polymers have been investigated. The solution conformation and interactions in solution have been investigated by small-angle scattering techniques. The association of the bottle-brush polymers with anionic surfactants has also been studied. Surfactant binding isotherm measurements, NMR, surface tension measurements, as