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Sustainability of the Swedish Sugar Sector : Assessment Tool Development and Case Study Appraisal
This thesis contributes to the development of tools and methods for assessing sustainability and applies them to an assessment of the Swedish sugar production system. The thesis’ aims are to compile an overview of the existing approaches for assessing sustainability, to suggest a method(s) for structuring and analyzing complex sustainability issues, and to appraise sustainability impacts from Swed
Bertil Malmberg Bibliography
Den största lyckan. En bok till Vilhelm Ekelund
Molecular studies of genetic changes in myxoid and round cell liposarcoma
Popular Abstract in Swedish Människans arvsmassa består av DNA. DNA i sin tur består av nukleotiderna A, T, G och C som i olika kombinationer bygger upp våra gener. Människans "genom" (hela arvsmassa) består av uppåt 100 000 gener och varje gen kodar för ett protein som i sin tur är byggstenarna i våra kroppar. Eftersom DNA är en oerhört lång molekyl och cellerna är väldigt små (ca 10 micrometer) Chromosomal translocations commonly result in the production of fusion genes and the fusion genes are often tumor-type specific. In myxoid and round cell liposarcomas (MLS/RCLS), almost 95% of the cases carry a t(12;16)(q13;p11). In the remaining 5% of the MLS/RCLS tumors, another translocation and fusion gene can be found, i.e. the t(12;22)(q13;q12). These translocations fuse CHOP on chromosome 1
Market Integration – An Exploratory Analysis of Price Patterns and Transport Costs
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna doktorsavhandling analyserar Laos med avseende på relationen mellan landets ekonomiska integration och dess transport system. Avhandlingen presenterades vid Thammasat University, Thailand i september 2009. Studien är gjord inom ett större forskningsprojekt, MERN (Mekong Economic Research Network) med stöd från SIDA samt en rad institutioner i Laos och Thailand. JaThis dissertation provides an alternative perspective on the process of market integration by focusing on market integration within a nation's borders. The dissertation intends to go beyond traditional integration theory and examine various alternative approaches to market integration by using Lao PDR as an empirical example for assessing these alternative approaches empirically. The main objectiv
Colorectal Liver Metastases. Aspects on Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment
Popular Abstract in Swedish Cancer i tjocktarm och ändtarm (colorektal cancer) är en av de vanligaste cancerformerna i västvärlden. Årligen insjuknar drygt 5 000 människor i Sverige i denna sjukdom, och ungefär hälften av dessa dör till följd av sin cancer. De som avlider i colorektal cancer har i de allra flesta fall spridning av tumören till andra organ (metastasering). Levern är den vanligaste Liver is the most common site of dissemination in colorectal cancer, and untreated liver metastases are associated with a poor prognosis. The main reason for trying to detect liver metastases early is that liver resection offers a chance for cure in selected patients. The sensitivity of alkaline phosphatases (ALP), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), computed tomography (CT), CT with arterial contrast
Instrument för Riskhantering
The Balance between Pro- and Antiinflammatory Molecules in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis
Popular Abstract in Swedish Kroppens immunförsvar är en kraftfull organisation som styrs av ett intrikat samspel mellan olika molekyler. Dess främsta uppgift är att försvara kroppen mot främmande ämnen, såsom virus och bakterier. Detta kräver en snabb reaktion, vilken naturen löst i form av ett kaskadsystem, där ett första fåtal molekyler inom loppet av minuter aktiverat miljontals molekyler och cANCA-associated systemic vasculitis (AASV) is a group of inflammatory disorders, characterized by inflammation and necrosis of blood vessels and frequently granuloma formation. Patients with AASV make autoantibodies, so called ANCA, against proteins present in the granules of neutrophils and monocytes, mainly proteinase 3 (PR3) and myeloperoxidase (MPO). Clinically, disease progression is characte
Utvecklingssamtalen – några vanligt förekommande problem
Etnisk bakgrund, integration och sjuklighet
Landsbygdens bebyggelse och den agrara ekonomin
Kapitlet är en populärvetenskaplig fördjupande text om landsbygdens bebyggelse och den agrara ekonomin från vikingatid och fram till skiftena i det område som idag utgör Lunds kommun.
Effects of a Novel Amphiphilic Graft Copolymer on Ternary Mixtures of Surfactant, Water, and Oil
An amphiphilic graft copolymer, with hydrophilic poly(ethylene glycol) monomethyl ether side chains grafted onto a hydrophobic poly(dodecyl methacrylate) backbone, has been synthesized. The side chains are water soluble and the backbone is soluble in oils such as cyclohexane and isooctane. The graft copolymer is not soluble in oil or water, but it is quite soluble in AOT oil-continuous microemulsi
Attitude reports in spontaneous dialogue : uncertainty, politeness and filled pauses
Tracing pressure-flaked arrowheads in Europe
A low-complexity VLSI architecture for square root MIMO detection
Low-complexity VLSI (very large scale integration) architecture of the square root algorithm is proposed for MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) detection. As a modification to the traditional QR triangular array based architecture, the proposed architecture significantly reduces the area and power consumption with virtually no performance or throughput degradation. The finite word length effect
Old Norse Religion. Some problems and prospects
Initialization of the Kalman Filter without Assumptions on the Initial State
In absence of covariance data, Kalman filters are usually initialized by guessing the initial state. Making the variance of the initial state estimate large makes sure that the estimate converges quickly and that the influence of the initial guess soon will be negligible. If, however, only very few measurements are available during the estimation process and an estimate is wanted as soon as possib
Ensam på däcket: Ingrid Arvidssons poesi och drömmen om Amerika
Abstract not available
Urban women applying for induced abortion. Studies of epidemiology, attitudes and emotional reactions
Popular Abstract in Swedish Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning på svenska Abort är ett av de vanligaste kriurgiska ingreppen i Sverige. 1989 var aborttalet för hela landet 21.5 per 1000 kvinnor i åldern 15-24 år. Storstäderna Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö har i många år haft det högsta aborttalen, vilka var för dessa 1989 28.4, 27.0 respektive 27.8. De aktuella studierna omfattar de 1466 kvinnorIn Sweden between 32-38,000 women annually elect to terminate pregnancy by means of induced abortion, though their reasons are still not well understood. The purpose of these studies, carried out at the Department of Obstetrics and gynecology and of Community Medicine at University Hospital, Malmö, was to elucidate the incidence of induced abortion in an urban population, with special emphasis on