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Your search for "*" yielded 531754 hits

R&D efficiency and Ownership: Evidence from the Biotechnology Sector in China

In the west, out-innovating China has been a frequent proposal to deal with the feared threat posed by China’s rapid industrialization. However, China is not content with being only a manufacturing economy and has subsequently introduced multiple programs to foster research and development domestically. One of the most prominent sectors targeted by China’s programs and upheld by the west as their

Ethnic and Gender Discrimination in labor markets: The Bolivian Case

The aim of this paper is to identify wage gaps attributable to discrimination in labor markets as consequence of discrimination in endowments such as education. For this purpose, the paper analyzes supply and demand-side of labor market, in order to establish a base line for the econometric analysis. Some indexes and descriptive data were provided in order to give more support to the econometric

Evaluation of accuracy in simultaneous dual-radionuclide activity quantification in preclinical instruments – scintillation counter, digital autoradiography and micro-SPECT/CT

Introduction: The development and optimization of methods for multi-radionuclide measurements in preclinical in vivo and ex vivo SPECT imaging could potentially improve studies in which more than one pharmaceutical is being investigated. The aim of this study is to quantitatively compare and evaluate different methods for these types of measurements using three different modalities – a small anima

Ergonomisk förpackningsdesign för bättre handhälsa. En studie inom vården.

This thesis is about the overlooked workload nurses’ hands are daily exposed to. This workload is made up of small tasks, seemingly requiring small efforts that together and over time can cause considerable muscle wear. A large number of these tasks consist of opening packages constructed to ensure that the products are sterile. In this study, the effects these packages have on the users were exam

Evaluation and development of normal year correction methodologies for icing climatology in wind farm applications

Wind power developments in cold and icing conditions pose new challenges to the wind power industry. Icing of wind turbines cause safety hazards, production losses and increased loads. This means that there is a need to develop a technique to quantify the icing climatology and corresponding eects on wind turbines to enable large scale wind power developments in the windy, sparesly populated areas

Tio terapeuters berättelser om den ohjälpta patienten: En hermeneutisk studie

The thesis is a qualitative study of ten psychotherapists’ experiences of psychotherapies with unsatisfying progress. Nine therapists were interviewed and one therapist wrote a case study. The therapists were asked to tell about a completed therapy which had left them with a sense of non-changing in respect of the patient. One of the psychotherapists lacked such experience. The main part of the th

A working fluid selection program for Organic Rankine Cycle

This thesis handles the problem with fluid selection in organic Rankine cycles application. The main goal was to write a program that based on user defined variables finds the maximum power output from a range of fluids. The program was programmed in Matlab and is coupled with REFPROP that return the fluids characteristics as enthalpy and entropy etc. The program is preloaded with the fluids foun

Förförståelsens betydelse för ett lyckat resultat - En undersökning av elevers resultat i läsförståelsedelen i nationella provet i svenska 1 och svenska som andraspråk 1

Syftet med den här undersökningen är att belysa förkunskapens betydelse genom att titta på hur resultatet ser ut på sista frågan på nationella provets läsförståelsedel i svenska 1 och svenska som andraspråk 1. Vidare kommer ett ordkunskapstest i två delar utföras för att titta på elevernas ordkunskap. Syftet är att jämföra resultatet mellan eleverna som har svenska som förstaspråk och de som har s

Strategiskt arbete för minskad nedskräpning- En studie av kampanjen Pellekan i Mölndals kommun

Trash can harm both the environment and humans. It can maintain for a long time in the environment before degrading and during that time it can pollute soils and poison animals. This study focuses on the Pellekan campaign which started to reduce littering in the city of Mölndal. The campaign has been working the same way from the start in 2002 and now is time to evaluate how well it worked. For th

Stubbrytningens klimatpåverkan : en studie av stubbrytningens kortsiktiga effekter på koldioxidbalansen i boreal barrskog

Att skörda stubbar för att använda som biobränsle kan potentiellt minska användandet av fossila bränslen, men klimatnyttan reduceras om avverkningstekniken skulle visa sig resultera i en ökad nedbrytning. Stubbrytning orsakar en kraftig störning av jorden som skulle kunna leda till ökad nedbrytning och ett ökat koldioxidflöde från marken. Syftet med denna studie är att avgöra huruvida stubbskörd k

The Relationship between Fertility and Female Employment in East and West Germany

The paper investigates the relationship between fertility and female employment in East and West Germany in both a historical context and a status quo analysis. Thereby a major focus is placed on the different impacts of female part and full time employment on fertility. A descriptive part looks at the long-term trends also including pre-reunification characteristics and differences between both r

Silikonbaserad båtbottenfärg. Ett alternativ till konventionella färger - funktionsmässigt såväl som miljömässigt

The settlement of marine organisms on boat hulls – known as biofouling – is a major concern in boating and over the years more or less environmentally harmful substances have been used to prevent it. However, the concept of biocide-free, so called foul-release coatings (FRC) that change the surface properties of the boat hull has gained more attention recently. In the present literature study, I h

Den normkritiska föreställningen – hur görs den?

Hur iscensätter man en föreställning och ett samtal om sexualitet och normkritik med musik som medel? I denna aktionsforskningsstudie har jag fördjupat mig i arbetet kring en kreativ process, nämligen utvecklingsarbetet av The Erotica Project – Våga! som en produktion för högstadiet och gymnasiet som bygger på frågor om sexualitet och normkritik. Konceptet består av en föreställning med efterfölja