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Sociala Medier - Bara en massa issues?

Denna fallstudie studerar och analyserar hur Arla bemöter negativa kommentarer på Instagramkontot Arla Sverige. Vi belyser hur Arla förhåller sig till teorier inom Is-sues Management i sin kommunikation på ett av sina Instagramkonton. Vi använder en netnografisk observation samt intervjumetod som insamlingsmetod. Den netnografiska metoden används för att samla in kommentarer från Instagramkontot AThis case study aims to investigate how Arla responds to negative comments posted to their social media in order to gain knowledge of how they take into consideration Issues Management in their social media communication. Through a netnographic observation and two in-depth interviews with Arlas press- and media manager we gather empirical material. The netnographic observation is used to gather co

Socialt arbete med medveten närvaro

The majority of all social work includes two crucial components. The first component relates to the importance of the relationship between the social worker and the client and requires the social worker to possess qualities and abilities that promote a strong working alliance. The second component regards the social worker as the working tool, a view that emphasizes the need for the social worker

Att förändra heteronormer i socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ undersökning av socialarbetares förhandlingar och meningsskapande kring heteronormer

The aim of this study has been to explore social workers negotiations and meaning making on heterosexual norms, in order to understand possibilities on how to change these norms within the social services. The study consists of material from two different municipalities which both has participated in a project on heterosexual norms. Both municipalities have had a group of seven people discussing i

“Recoding Gender”: The intersectional experience of female immigrant programmers in the Swedish IT sector

Computer programming is historically constructed as a male domain, and the underrepresentation of women and other marginalised minorities is recognised as a global phenomenon in most countries of the world. However, limited attention has been paid to women who choose to enter this field. The lack of intersectional and cross-national analysis on the relationship between gender and technology remain

Socialt arbete under nationell utveckling : En kvalitativ studie om studenters syn på det sociala arbetets professionella utveckling i Azerbaijan

This study aims to examine the Azerbaijan social work students’ views of their professional role in relation to the prevailing environment of an FSU country. The main objective is to identify the students’ views of different key themes; professionalization, identity and knowledge frames of social work to appraise the relevance of these under the development of the profession and in particular for

Tobin’s q – what to do?

This thesis concerns the Swedish housing market, which is under constant debate. Prices keep increasing and many believe that this trend will consist due to low interest rates, high demand and lack of attractive building land. This tendency, resulting in a housing shortage, is particularly evident in the metropolitan areas. Earlier research states that the well-known Tobin’s q theory has a short

The Effect of Domestic Violence on Women’s Health and Agricultural Activities in Otukpo Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria.

The aim of this thesis was to explore the effect of domestic violence against women Health’s and Agricultural Activities in Otukpo Benue State, Nigeria. The sampling techniques adopted for this study is both cluster and purposive sampling in selecting respondents to participate in the study. The study area is divided into four cluster representing the four major districts of the study area. These

Causes of the gender pay gap: the role of workplace environment

Over the past four decades women managed to considerably improve their situation in the labor market compared to men. However, women still earn on average considerably less than men in most countries in the world. Although literature investigating this topic is extensive, it does not provide with a full answer for the question: what is the gender pay gap caused by? Even though socio-demographic in

Evaluation of the Corrugated Box Strength Performance in Supply Chains - A Case Study of Duni AB

Duni has successfully expand their business internationally. Internationalization makes the distance between the producer and consumers become longer and this leads to strength reduction of corrugated boxes along the supply chain. To overcome this problem, this study is conducted to find the extent of corrugated boxes strength reduction during logistical activities, practices and condition in the

Self-Service Business Intelligence: Data Governance riktlinjer

Användare av Business Intelligence system efterfrågar snabba resultat vilket har gjort Self-Service Business Intelligence (SSBI) attraktivt. Genom att möjliggöra flexibilitet där användare kan skapa sitt eget innehåll utan att behöva vänta på IT-avdelningen, har analyseringsmöjligheterna och beslutsprocessen förbättrats och blivit snabbare. Denna flexibilitet kommer dock med potentiella risker gäl

Trafikmiljön vid skolområden - Fallstudie om Västervångskolan i Landskrona och Toftaskolan i Ängelholm med fokus på skolbarnens tankesätt

In these days, more and more parents are driving their children to and from school. Road safety has deteriorated in the school’s drop off zones due to the big overload of parents driving their children. The overload of cars causes a lack of space, which means that parking and drop off do not happen legally but in places that are inappropriate which increases problem increases the risk of accident

Controlling the Space of Equal Opportunity: A framework for management control systems regarding anti-discrimination and diversity

Purpose: The purpose of this study was two-fold. First, we aimed to develop a framework concerning how to directly and indirectly control discrimination in the workplace using Man- agement Control Systems (MCS). Second, we wanted to examine whether this framework is practically applicable in multinational enterprises (MNE). Methodology: The first part of the purpose was achieved through conduc

Pulling up the Drawbridge: From Vote Leave to the Brexit White Paper

On 23th June 2016 the United Kingdom held a referendum on whether or not to leave the European Union. The results were 52% to 48% in favour of leaving. This was accomplished by Vote Leave, the designated campaign group in favour of leaving the European Union, convincing enough citizens to vote in their favour. This thesis examines how much of the Leave campaign’s rhetoric has permeated the White P

La Havana Nueva

Purpose: A stagnant Cuban economy, state owned and operated businesses, as well as a general public desire for change to happen in the country, present themselves as a matter that should be addressed. The opening up of the private economic sector within a communist regime proves as an interesting topic, and allows for an architectural interpretation to be made. Assignment: Given the economic an

Motivational Factors Of Narcissistic Millennials To Participate In Social Commerce

Title: Motivational factors of narcissistic millennials to participate in social commerce Seminar date: 31th May 2017 Course: BUSN39 Business Administration: Global Marketing Authors: Lisanne Gauw & Lisa Niesen Supervisor: Veronika Tarnovskaya Key Words: Social commerce, narcissism, social media, e-commerce, millennials, narcissistic traits, motivational factors, motivation theories Thesis pur

The Lean Startup Method - A golden ticket to success or a vision killer?

This thesis aims to investigate the advantages and limitations of the lean startup method. Eric Ries published the book The Lean Startup in 2011 and it quickly became popular among entrepreneurs and business developers. However, there is little research on the lean startup method as of today, which has inspired the authors of this thesis to investigate the significance and application of the metho

Trade Facilitation and trade policy

There have been many studies made which measure the effects of trade facilitation on trade flows, and it is has been established that there are large gains from improving inefficient and cumbersome trade procedures that act as a barrier to trade. Still there are differences between countries and their level of trade facilitation. With a framework defining resources indicator and protectionist indi

Elliptic Flow Studies using Event Shape Engineering in Pb-Pb Collisions at ALICE

Denna avhandlingen presenterar en experimental studie till ett materietillstånd som existerade under de först mikrosekunderna efter Big Bang. Detta tillstånd kallas för Kvark-Gluon-Plasma och har lyckats bli återskapat i laboratorier genom att kollidera tunga atomkärnor med varandra. En sådan kollision uppnås genom att använda den stora partikelacceleratorer Large Hadron Collider (LHC) vid CERN soInn ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions, QCD matter undergoes a phase transition to a strongly interacting Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) where quarks and gluons are deconfined. The expansion of this plasma is well described by ideal hydrodynamics, suggesting that it behaves like a perfect, reversible, liquid. The particles emerging from the expansion are then highly correlated, showing collective b

Through Artobiography - On personal narrative and emotion as a feminist strategy in the work by contemporary artist Sophie Calle

This master thesis investigates how personal narrative and emotion might be understood as a feminist strategy in the work True Stories, an autobiographical project by contemporary French artist Sophie Calle. This is done through the application of Judith Butler's theory on heteronormativity, performativity and subversive acts, as well as Sara Ahmed's thought on emotion. The result shows ho

Leveransplanering och uppföljning - En fallstudie av materialleveranserna vid stomresning i ett byggprojekt

Titel: Leveransplanering och uppföljning – En fallstudie av materialleveranserna vid stomresning i ett byggprojekt Författare: Philip Dajcman & Liam Elofsson Handledare: Stefan Olander, Institutionen för byggproduktion Lunds Tekniska Högskola Marcus Minnaren, Arbetschef MVB AB. Examinator: Radhlinah Aulin. Institutionen för byggproduktion Lunds Tekniska Högskola Frågeställningar: Hur Title: Delivery planning and monitoring – A case study of material deliveries in a construction project with a concrete frame structure. Authors: Philip Dajcman & Liam Elofsson Supervisor: Stefan Olander, Department of construction management, Lund University Faculty of Engineering. Marcus Minnaren, MVB AB. Examiner: Radhlinah Aulin. Department of construction management, Lund University