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Understanding identity in a digital reality

Title Understanding identity in a digital reality: An explorative study of consumers’ identity negotiations through images on Instagram Course Code BUSN39 Global Marketing Authors Anna Hallner & Yasmine Ströberg Supervisor Ph. D Marcus Klasson & Jon Bertilsson Keywords Identity, Consumer, Self, Instagram, Personal branding, Digital Culture Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to empi

Beyond Symptom Amelioration: Relationships Between Work Supports, Functional Impairments and Quality of Life in Swedish Adults with Self-Reported ADHD

Denna studie syftade till att undersöka ett urval av svenska vuxna med självrapporterad ADHD på följande punkter: 1) utbildningsnivå och anställningsgrad i relation till svensk befolkning, 2) om de blivit erbjudna stöd på sin arbetsplats eller i sin studiesituation för sin ADHD, 3) om denna typ av stöd var relaterat till självrapporterad Quality of Life (QoL), nöjdhet med arbetsroll, allmän hälsa The current study aimed to survey a sample of Swedish adults with self-reported ADHD and to explore: 1) how level of education and employment status relate to the general population, 2) whether they had been offered supports from their workplace or place of education for their ADHD, 3) whether such supports were related to their self-reported QoL, job satisfaction, general mental health and work i

En studie på samband mellan jordmekaniska egenskaper och hydrodynamiska processer när erosion påverkar släntstabiliteten vid ökad nederbörd

Älvar och vattendrag i Västra Sverige utsätts för konstant erosion när ytvattnet från sjöar och mark tappas ut i havet. Den geologiska sammansättningen i älvarna under högsta kustlinjen består av glaciala och postglaciala finkorniga sediment som är avsatta i marin miljö. De känsliga lerlagrens struktur har efter urlakning blivit mer instabila och vid störning kan utlösa skred. Effekten av klimatföRivers and streams in Western Sweden are exposed to constant erosion when surface water from lakes and land discharge into the sea. The geological composition of the rivers under the highest coastline consists of glacial and postglacial fine-grained sediments deposited in marine environments. The leakage of the sensitive clay layers has become more unstable after leaching and, in the event of a di

Simulation and TLM studies of vertical nanowire devices

Transistorer gjorda av NanoTrådar? Människans uppfinningsförmåga är fantastisk. Att vi med hjälp av sina naturvetenskapliga framsteg genom tiderna har kunnat samla ihop tillräckligt med kunskap för att kunna kontrollera elektroniska fenomen inom elektroniska komponenter som vi inte ens kan se. Vi har dessutom börjat tänja på de fysiska gränserna för vad materialen klarar av. Jag tänker i huvudsakVertical nanowire field effect transistors (NWFETs) have in this diploma work been studied in order to examine possible benefits of introducing a highly doped shell around the nanowire channel. It could be concluded that this new device geometry significantly enhances DC performance metrics. It does however also introduce an additional potential drop which may be large enough to reduce device stab

Beteendepåverkan och applikationsbaserad IKT för att uppmuntra hållbara resvanor: En systematisk litteraturstudie och modellutveckling

Så bör appar utformas för att påverka beteenden och uppmuntra hållbara resvanor Hur får vi individer till att byta bort bilen till förmån för mer hållbara färdsätt med hjälp av digitala hjälpmedel? Ett användarcentrerat fokus visar sig vara av stor vikt vid utvecklingen av applikationer (appar) som syftar till att påverka beteenden. I kombination med relevant information, motivationshöjande proceThe negative effects of transport in terms of pollution, congestion and climate change has urged the need for higher shares of cleaner and more efficient modes of transport, especially in urban settings. While new technology can solve some of these issues, behavioural changes has also been identified as an important factor to achieve a modal shift from cars to walking, cycling or public transport.

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The paper describes the development of the Danish writing primers through 300 years from 1579 to 1880. The theoretical and methodological basis for the description is, in particular, Robert Darnton's communication circuit and analytical bibliography. The oldest Danish specimen books are the so-called Schreibmeisterbücher, addressed to people who need to work professionally with writing. Howeve

The EU's Common Security and Defense Policy : The Cases of Ukraine and the Baltic States

Russia’s aggressive actions in Ukraine and annexation of the Crimean peninsula raised security concerns in the Baltic States as potential targets of invasion. This anxiety was strengthened after the EU launched a civilian Advisory Mission (EUAM) in Ukraine as a response to Russia’s illegal actions. Such a soft response to Russia’s foray into Ukraine has raised doubts about the EU’s credibility as

Från ord till handling i miljömålsarbetet : Utmaningar och möjligheter för mindre kommuner vid utformning och implementering av miljömålsprogram

Från ord till handling i miljömålsarbetet – Utmaningar och möjligheter för mindre kommuner Klimatet är vår tids stora ödesfråga och en hållbar utveckling av samhället är ett måste för att hantera den. För att en sådan omställning ska bli så effektiv som möjligt måste aktörer på alla nivåer av samhället bidra. Det här arbetet handlar om hinder som måste övervinnas på den kommunala nivån. StändigaIn Sweden, environmental policy is carried out through a system of environmental objectives adopted by Parliament in 1999. Although not without its’ shortcomings, this system provides a solid ground for increased efficiency and improved prioritisation in environmental policy. This master's thesis examines which challenges face smaller (in terms of population) municipalities when designing and

Kriminalitetens påverkan på huspriser i Sverige

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how different types of crime impact housing prices in Swedish municipalities. The thesis includes regression analyses of various types of crime’s relation to house prices. In addition, a difference-in-difference analysis of a joint action plan between municipalities and state authorities in Norrbotten County to counter organized crime is made, in order to i

Gårdstensbostäders utveckling av Gårdsten år 1997 - 2025 - Grannskapseffekter, Policy och Segregering

The aim of this thesis is to examine how the municipal housing company Gårdstensbostäder has developed the area of Gårdsten over time. It looks at what kind of actions that have been made to develop the area since Gårdstensbostäder was founded in 1997 up until today (2019). It also examines a future vision for the area that reach to year 2025. Theoretically the thesis is based in Segregation and p

The urban poor at a crossroads: exploring speculative urbanisation dynamics in Addis Ababa’s social housing programme

This thesis reviews the impact and relevance of the Integrated Housing Development Programme (IHDP) on the economic and social wellbeing of the urban poor in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. By situating the programme’s performance from the perspective of its residents and the urban poor in speculative urbanisation theory, the study investigates the urban transformation dynamics it has created. The research

How Nordic social entrepreneurs contribute to global sustainable development

The responsibility of solving the world’s most pressing challenges is moving beyond the scope of the state and increasingly encompasses the agency of individuals as well. Social entrepreneurship is considered to be an essential tool in leveraging sustainable development globally, and the Nordic region constitutes an interesting case in its historical and contemporary context. Nordic social entrepr

Analyzing GHG Emissions Reduction Effects and Potentials of Fossil Fuels Subsidies Reform Policy in Iran

Fossil fuels subsidies are intervention policies by governments to keep energy prices lower than the market price which leads to an increase in energy consumptions and GHG emissions. Iran provides the largest amount of fossil fuels consumption subsidies in the world, but it implemented the Targeted Subsidies Act to reform its subsidies and increase energy carriers’ end-user prices. This thesis inv

Architecture and Technology in Contested Terrain: An Application of Machine Learning in Interactive Spaces

This thesis investigates the potential application of Machine Learning in architecture to help mitigate contested terrain. The process is defined by research and insights retrieved from it. The initial analysis includes a historic overview of Mostar, as well as a status analysis of the current socio-political climate in the town, after which a brief introduction of Machine Learning lays the ground

The Right to Know: A case study of the truth-seeking process of missing and forcibly disappeared person’s contribution to reconciliation in Lebanon

When the Lebanese civil war ended in 1990, the government estimated 17,415 persons missing or forcibly disappeared, of which most fates remain unknown. This thesis examines the truth-seeking process of the missing and forcibly disappeared people and its contribution to the reconciliation process in the context of Lebanon. The foundation of analysis is the truth-reconciliation theory, in combinatio

Investigating Optical-Field-Induced Currents in GaN using Ultrafast Lasers

This study saw the development of an experimental setup capable of generating and measuring optical-field-induced currents in a variety of nanodevices fabricated specifically for this project. Each device design features two metallic contacts, closely separated by about 5 micrometers, deposited onto a semiconductor or insulator substrate. The region between these two contacts is a junction, being Laser Activated Electronics Transistors are often considered the most revolutionary electrical devices of this century, attributed as the building block of all modern technology. It is these tiny devices that control the flow of electrons in all your electronics. In your computer alone, there are hundreds of millions of these transistors, all working together in a complex circuit. Previously, impr

Design and synthesis of sialic acid derivatives

Antibiotika är en av de viktigaste upptäckterna under 1900-talet. Med antibiotika blev det möjligt att bekämpa och förhindra bakteriella infektioner. Ett växande och svårlöst problem är antibiotikaresistans. Detta projekt syftar till att hitta alternativ till klassisk antibiotika. Vi har arbetat med sialinsyra, en kolhydrat som återfinns på cellytan. De flesta bakterier tillverkar inte själva siaThe development and the use of anibiotics since the second half of XX century really affected the approach on treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. Despite a lot of resources and energies has been invested on the research, antibiotics resistance is a growing phenomenon in the last years. Today this problem has become a real public health priority worldwide, not only for the important cl

Sustainable Drainage Systems Assessment and Optimisation-A case study for Lussebäcken Catchment, Helsingborg

Increase of urbanization and climate change are one of the factors that have been highlighted to influence the change of urban runoff hydrograph. This is resulting in an increase in peak flow within an urban watershed. Downstream flooding is the main problem that arises. To solve this, the sustainable urban drainage system techniques are adopted for reducing peak flow and increase baseflow. This t

User interface for registering and sharing health data for patients with chronic diseases

The cost of healthcare in Sweden has risen steadily since the beginning of the 21st century and one of the major contributors to the increase are chronic diseases. Chronic diseases are complex and long-lasting disorders which cause disability and death worldwide. To counter the increasing trend, studies show that advancements in digitizing parts of the healthcare could make the treatment of patien